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今日 我終於有機會入到一間絕無味精 喺門口已經聞到 超級濃香鮮蝦味嘅一間隱世拉麵店 位於 尖沙咀漆咸圍 植幕宵其實我經過呢間鋪頭都兩次 但係因為佢哋一係就排長龍 一係就遇唔啱開門時間所以今天我特登 去搵機會食佢哋嘅招牌 濃香蝦湯麵 真係沒有失望 只有更多的期待 就係佢哋嚟緊嘅新口味點都好講返呢碗麵首先你可以 選擇 拉麵或者刀削麵 可以多蔥或者走蔥 我朋友就揀咗拉麵 我就食刀削麵 我試咗我朋友嗰一碗的少少拉麵 非常彈牙好有質感 配搭上蝦湯 直情係一種享受至於我的刀削麵 口感煙韌 配搭蝦湯 直情係上等佳餚 不可多得講下個湯 佢哋每天都會用新鮮嘅鮮蝦淆製 湯嘅味道 比起龍蝦湯更鮮甜 加上真材實料 沒有味精 飲完都感覺不到口渴再配搭上乾紅椒絲 櫻花蝦 令到成個湯 好有層次感 重中之重 就是 食之前加的蝦油 這種自家製蝦油是用九節蝦 慢火炒 再採用上等嘅油煉製而成 齒頰留香 真係 好耐冇試過一種咁有風味嘅感覺輪到蝦麵上的兩隻 九節蝦 鮮甜無比加上玫瑰露 又彈牙 又香甜 我忍唔住再加多三隻至於隻溏心蛋 係採用日本夢王雞蛋 深橙色嘅蛋黃 蛋味濃沃 直情正呀佢哋嘅小食唔多 一時有鮑魚 但是今天沒有
其實我經過呢間鋪頭都兩次 但係因為佢哋一係就排長龍 一係就遇唔啱開門時間所以今天我特登 去搵機會食佢哋嘅招牌 濃香蝦湯麵 真係沒有失望 只有更多的期待 就係佢哋嚟緊嘅新口味
鮮蝦湯底 刀削麵
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首先你可以 選擇 拉麵或者刀削麵 可以多蔥或者走蔥 我朋友就揀咗拉麵 我就食刀削麵 我試咗我朋友嗰一碗的少少拉麵 非常彈牙好有質感 配搭上蝦湯 直情係一種享受
至於我的刀削麵 口感煙韌 配搭蝦湯 直情係上等佳餚 不可多得
講下個湯 佢哋每天都會用新鮮嘅鮮蝦淆製 湯嘅味道 比起龍蝦湯更鮮甜 加上真材實料 沒有味精 飲完都感覺不到口渴
再配搭上乾紅椒絲 櫻花蝦 令到成個湯 好有層次感 重中之重 就是 食之前加的蝦油 這種自家製蝦油是用九節蝦 慢火炒 再採用上等嘅油煉製而成 齒頰留香 真係 好耐冇試過一種咁有風味嘅感覺
輪到蝦麵上的兩隻 九節蝦 鮮甜無比加上玫瑰露 又彈牙 又香甜 我忍唔住再加多三隻
九節蝦 玫瑰露酒
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至於隻溏心蛋 係採用日本夢王雞蛋 深橙色嘅蛋黃 蛋味濃沃 直情正呀
佢哋嘅小食唔多 一時有鮑魚 但是今天沒有 卻有美國生蠔 再配 玫瑰露酒 厚厚的肉 香香的味 真是好滿足
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坦白講 我好少食麵 或者拉麵 因為怕肥 要戒澱粉質 但是 佢已經深深吸引著我 好快又要再去食喇
老闆話嚟緊會有另外一隻口味的拉麵 好期待呀
Today, I finally had the opportunity to try a hidden ramen shop that uses no MSG. Its called One Night Camp at TST Chatham Court.
In fact, I passed this shop twice, but because they always had a long queue or couldn’t meet the opening time, so today I made a special trip to this shop.
For the noodle, first of all, you can choose ramen or sliced noodles. You can choose extra spring onions or no spring onions.
I have tried my friend's ramen. Al dente ramen soaked with shrimp soup. Yummy. As for my sliced noodles, the taste is slight chewy and when is paired with shrimp soup. It is really a delicacy. Excellent.
For the shrimp soup. They use fresh shrimps to make every day. The taste of the soup is sweeter than lobster soup. The ingredients are fresh with no MSG. I didnt feel thirsty after drinking it. Wonderful...
Shredded dried red pepper and cherry blossom shrimp are added which add another layer of flavor. The most important thing is the Shrimp Oil added before eating. This homemade shrimp oil is made from lots of Kuruma shrimps and then cooked with high-quality oil. Its absolutely delicious.
The two Kuruma shrimps on the noodles are very sweet and tender. With the addition of rose water, they are absolutely delicious. I can't help but ordered three more.
For the soft-boiled eggs, Japanese Mengwang eggs are used. The dark orange yolk has a strong egg flavor and is wonderful.
I just cant wait coming back again... and try Chef's new item.