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來到美味佳, 朋友就是推介吃雞蛋煎腸粉和串燒, 但反而它的車仔麵最深得我心, 當其他車仔麵店以不同的湯底作招徠, 這裏的湯底相當簡單, 就是排骨薯仔湯, 還有些雞腎, 當一般湯底強調濃烈或麻辣的味道, 這裏的柔和和清甜就如心靈雞湯一樣, 溫暖着我的身心, 這樣舒服的湯底配了米粉, 吃起來很滿足. 串燒也是這家店的靈魂, 和近來開到成行成市的川燒不同, 這裏的串燒燒的時候, 還是有陣陣蜜糖甜味, 也就是港式BBQ風味. 在串燒上面加上少少孜然粉, 甜甜辣辣的味道很難令人抗拒. 鴨胸和叉燒烤起來依然保持肉質的嫩滑, 特別是後者的肉質豐富, 有一定驚喜呢!Yummy Yummy is famous for her skewers but actually her cart noodles are my favorite because of her home made soup based from potatoes and pork bones. Natural sweet taste is different from the strong and spicy taste by othe
串燒也是這家店的靈魂, 和近來開到成行成市的川燒不同, 這裏的串燒燒的時候, 還是有陣陣蜜糖甜味, 也就是港式BBQ風味. 在串燒上面加上少少孜然粉, 甜甜辣辣的味道很難令人抗拒. 鴨胸和叉燒烤起來依然保持肉質的嫩滑, 特別是後者的肉質豐富, 有一定驚喜呢!
Yummy Yummy is famous for her skewers but actually her cart noodles are my favorite because of her home made soup based from potatoes and pork bones. Natural sweet taste is different from the strong and spicy taste by other noodles stall. You will feel warm after taking this. Skewers are nice as well and full of HK style as they have honey on top with them.