361 瀏覽
以前一路都好想試楚撚記 近排佢開咗喺西環 未有限聚令之前都排晒長龍 趁仲有限聚令無咁多人就去咗試👍🏻呢間舖係同火鍋撚連住裝修都有六七十年代嘅感覺 音樂都係播啲舊式小小嘅廣東歌亦都有唔少霓虹燈牌 打卡都唔錯✨食物方面 我哋叫咗燕麥金沙蝦球 醬爆鴛鴦雞煲同埋飛天通菜煲 三個餸都冇令我哋失望🥰燕麥金沙蝦球炸到好趣 炸左嘅燕麥片同蝦球個味都好夾 鹹蛋黃就唔使講 炸咩都好食❤️醬爆鴛鴦雞煲其實係滑雞同田雞 其實我唔食田雞嘅但我叫嘅時候冇睇清楚個餐牌 但食落又幾好食🙈 個醬十分惹味 滑雞同田雞嘅口感唔同 mix埋又幾特別😝飛天通菜煲入面有大大條嘅蝦乾 證明十分足料☺️ 蝦醬嘅鮮味充分咁滲入去通菜度 就連唔鍾意食菜嘅我都食到lamlam脷😋食完仲有糖水送 一定會再幫襯!!!😍This resto used to be in To Kwa Wan only, and I’m so glad they opened a new store in Sai Wan!!! ☺️ I saw a long line outside when there was no social gathering ban, so
呢間舖係同火鍋撚連住裝修都有六七十年代嘅感覺 音樂都係播啲舊式小小嘅廣東歌亦都有唔少霓虹燈牌 打卡都唔錯✨
食物方面 我哋叫咗燕麥金沙蝦球 醬爆鴛鴦雞煲同埋飛天通菜煲 三個餸都冇令我哋失望🥰
燕麥金沙蝦球炸到好趣 炸左嘅燕麥片同蝦球個味都好夾 鹹蛋黃就唔使講 炸咩都好食❤️
醬爆鴛鴦雞煲其實係滑雞同田雞 其實我唔食田雞嘅但我叫嘅時候冇睇清楚個餐牌 但食落又幾好食🙈 個醬十分惹味 滑雞同田雞嘅口感唔同 mix埋又幾特別😝
飛天通菜煲入面有大大條嘅蝦乾 證明十分足料☺️ 蝦醬嘅鮮味充分咁滲入去通菜度 就連唔鍾意食菜嘅我都食到lamlam脷😋
食完仲有糖水送 一定會再幫襯!!!😍
This resto used to be in To Kwa Wan only, and I’m so glad they opened a new store in Sai Wan!!! ☺️ I saw a long line outside when there was no social gathering ban, so I could tell it’s quite a popular Dai Pai Dong around the area.
Their decor evolves around the theme of old Hong Kong - the 60s and 70s. The playlist is also full of Canto songs of the early days. The moment I stepped in, I kinda felt like I travelled back in time on a time machine to when my parents were born. There are also some neon light 💡 signs, and those are surely good photo materials. 😌😜
We ordered the deep-fried shrimp with salty egg yolk and fried oatmeal, stir-fried morning glory with dried shrimps, and chicken & frogs pot.
The deep-fried shrimps were crispy. Together with the deep fried oatmeal and salty egg yolk, it’s so delicious that it made me keep eating! 🤤
The chicken & frog pot sounds scary, but tasted pretty good indeed. Chicken and frogs share a similar yet different texture, so it’s quite special to put them together in a pot. The sauce was the highlight, that it’s enticing and appetizing at the same time, and made you wanna eat up a full bowl of rice with it. 😍
Lastly, the stir-fried morning glory was served with dried shrimps. The freshness of shrimps soaked through the veggie, and made me, someone who don’t really like veggie, wanna lick the plate after eating lol
And!!! Free sweet soup was served at the end of the meal!!!! I’ll def visit again!!😝😝😝