12 瀏覽
🍄進入黑白世界😍成間餐廳都係2D🤣牆上面嘅壁畫係人手畫㗎,超有心思而且全部都係打卡位☺️最出色一定係呢度嘅甜品,嚕嚕米森之家($128)係一粒士多啤梨味嘅蘑菇🤣底部曲奇碎令口感唔會咁單調。另外Uluru二次元立體夢幻蛋糕($138) 又靚又好食😍忌廉綿滑香口,士多啤梨都好甜🥰主菜方面推介紅酒燒汁羊扒大蝦($238)三大塊羊扒燒得剛好,大蝦已經切開咗一半好貼心。呢度嘅特飲勁大杯,tiramisu coffee ($52) 甜甜地有香濃嘅咖啡味☕️.Ig-able 2D world in Wan Chai😍 They had their wall paint by hand, and every spot was a photo spot🥰 Their desserts are worth trying especially the 2D cake, sweet strawberry inside with soft and tasty cream outside.
進入黑白世界😍成間餐廳都係2D🤣牆上面嘅壁畫係人手畫㗎,超有心思而且全部都係打卡位☺️最出色一定係呢度嘅甜品,嚕嚕米森之家($128)係一粒士多啤梨味嘅蘑菇🤣底部曲奇碎令口感唔會咁單調。另外Uluru二次元立體夢幻蛋糕($138) 又靚又好食😍忌廉綿滑香口,士多啤梨都好甜🥰主菜方面推介紅酒燒汁羊扒大蝦($238)三大塊羊扒燒得剛好,大蝦已經切開咗一半好貼心。呢度嘅特飲勁大杯,tiramisu coffee ($52) 甜甜地有香濃嘅咖啡味☕️
Ig-able 2D world in Wan Chai😍 They had their wall paint by hand, and every spot was a photo spot🥰 Their desserts are worth trying especially the 2D cake, sweet strawberry inside with soft and tasty cream outside.