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T.O.P. 底層Food Court的食物選擇不算多, 但至少風類各有不同, 而且不是其他Food Court經常見到的”常客”, 除了碩果僅存的大力水手炸雞外, 這家山城小麵的辣香也吸引到我去試試. 山城也就是重慶的雅稱, 除了麻辣火鍋外, 她也有不少小食如麵食, 午餐的麵食份量不少, 還有小食提供, 作為Working Lunch相當飽肚.點的是擔擔麵湯底的刀削麵, 常常覺得厚寬麵掛湯能力更強, 這裏的麵口感厚實, 剛中帶柔, 煮得不錯, 湯底不如四川風的甜帶花生香, 辣勁較強, 底味偏鹹, 肉末炒得夠香而出味, 略嫌沒有脂粒, 整體吃起來較硬靱. 蒜泥白肉的蒜泥量澎湃, 生蒜味就是很Love or Hate, 對我而言是前者, 也因如此, 腩肉肉質不夠腍就顯得不太重要.Shan Shing noodles is the noodles stall focused on Chongqing style noodles. The Dan Dan noodles are different from Sichuan one that are more spicy and salty
點的是擔擔麵湯底的刀削麵, 常常覺得厚寬麵掛湯能力更強, 這裏的麵口感厚實, 剛中帶柔, 煮得不錯, 湯底不如四川風的甜帶花生香, 辣勁較強, 底味偏鹹, 肉末炒得夠香而出味, 略嫌沒有脂粒, 整體吃起來較硬靱. 蒜泥白肉的蒜泥量澎湃, 生蒜味就是很Love or Hate, 對我而言是前者, 也因如此, 腩肉肉質不夠腍就顯得不太重要.
Shan Shing noodles is the noodles stall focused on Chongqing style noodles. The Dan Dan noodles are different from Sichuan one that are more spicy and salty for the soup and less peanut on it. The noodles are thick wide one and the texture is nice. The garlic pork belly with chili sauce is not bad as full of crushed garlic that makes it nasty enough.