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On The Hill 今次同大館cross over 的新分店坐落於大館已有108年歷史的Hall E。它以前是囚室及勞動工場。店內座位是把以前的囚室打通,一邊喝咖啡一邊望着囚室門很有監獄風雲的味道。新店現在只是soft opening, 除咖啡外只提供bagel, muffin, madeleine 等小食。當日點了的Ethiopia Dorothy 手沖咖啡一如以往的好質。水蜜桃味很濃,中段有少許檸檬味,後段有點茶香。大家行完大館可以去感受一下鐵𥦬咖啡的風味!——————————————This new branch by On The Hill is located in the 108-year-old Hall E of Tai Kwun, which was used to be the prison cells and workshop. The former prison cells are now used as the seating area, and it feels really like being trapped in the prison when y
新店現在只是soft opening, 除咖啡外只提供bagel, muffin, madeleine 等小食。當日點了的Ethiopia Dorothy 手沖咖啡一如以往的好質。水蜜桃味很濃,中段有少許檸檬味,後段有點茶香。
This new branch by On The Hill is located in the 108-year-old Hall E of Tai Kwun, which was used to be the prison cells and workshop. The former prison cells are now used as the seating area, and it feels really like being trapped in the prison when you drink coffee.
The store is at soft opening. Besides coffee, it offers only light snacks such as bagel, muffin, and madeleine. The Ethiopia Dorothy hand drip coffee I ordered that day was as good as usual. Strong peach aroma with a hint of lemon flavor, and finishes like tea after a while.
Do go and experience a coffee there in the prison after visiting Tai Kwun.
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