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我send過投訴信佢哋嘅cs email, 同埋一切搵得到佢哋嘅官方渠道, 但係好遺憾佢地唔知道係咪當垃圾咁樣都冇睇過。 所以我決定喺度公開投訴信嘅內容, 幫各位食客避開咗德福分店嘅雷。 封投訴信內容一句講曬,我係一個勁唔鍾意食蘑菇嘅人,佢個餐牌入面有誤導成份,加上poor service. 唔好意思,個蛋畀我篤亂篤爛咗撈咗入去, 我承認我食咗啖先影,但係我見到嘅係,煙肉得兩粒,但蘑菇一大堆, 你哋都可以尋找一下以煙肉同明太子醬為主題嘅意粉,where's the bacon? cs覆唔覆我都冇所謂啦, 一間咁樣對待客人嘅餐廳, 你食物上到嚟, 收八十幾蚊都貨不對版, 我問點解會咁,staff就問我:咁你想點, 係囉,我可以點呢?你係收我八十幾蚊,服務費仲要收我加一㗎啦, 咁我問返你囉,點解洗錢嗰個係我,受氣嗰個又係我? 唔怪之得間野長期冇乜生意, 如果間野有賺不如train下d staff啦有關意粉嘅評價係偏鹹,冇乜明太子嘅鮮味,冇乜煙肉味,最出係果堆菇I walked in to the Telford Tomagone restaurant yesterday. I order
cs覆唔覆我都冇所謂啦, 一間咁樣對待客人嘅餐廳, 你食物上到嚟, 收八十幾蚊都貨不對版, 我問點解會咁,staff就問我:咁你想點, 係囉,我可以點呢?你係收我八十幾蚊,服務費仲要收我加一㗎啦, 咁我問返你囉,點解洗錢嗰個係我,受氣嗰個又係我? 唔怪之得間野長期冇乜生意, 如果間野有賺不如train下d staff啦
I walked in to the Telford Tomagone restaurant yesterday. I ordered bacon mentai cream spaghetti with egg. However, the food served with a lot of mushrooms with extremely less bacon. The picture is attached below. I was so confused about the food. I thought they served the wrong spaghetti as your menu provided another type of the spaghetti called mushroom spaghetti. It is reasonable that the picture of mushroom spaghetti showed a lot of mushrooms and the picture of bacon and mentai spaghetti showed bacon and mentai cream. But why the dish I got was mentai cream spaghetti with a lot of mushrooms and extremely few bacons??????????
It is ridiculous as I hate mushrooms at all but u don't photo them, and u have never written on the menu. I question what if I got allergic to mushrooms. Are you going to take the responsibility of my live risk?
Even worse was the attitude of a male staff with black shirt. When I questioned what they served and why the spaghetti was full of mushrooms with just one or two extremely small bacon, he answered, " it is not the wrong dish. This dish is always like that."
I said,"what????The food does not look like the picture. I hate mushrooms and u give me spaghetti like that but you don't even written on the menu, how can I dine ?"
He said, “So what do u want ?”and then he stared at me.
I think:what's wrong with you ? u served me spaghetti like that and u don't feel sorry for the mistakes ??? What do u mean of that staring?You don't even think about the solution ???How dare u charge me 15% service charge???
I attached the picture below. I got a lot of mushrooms. Can you see the bacon?
Another word , I've sent a complaint to your IG account but your staff READ it and IGNORED it!!!!! So I sent my complaint letter again to your official channel and all social media platforms until you address the problems and do improvement.
Last but not least, your staffs were always chatting and laughing in the restaurant, why don't they put more effort to improve the services?