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今日諗住試下Baked, 原本得到店主老婆推介想叫個Brekkie Wrap, 但係佢提我會耐D咁我就話改Beef Burger. 期間我無催促過佢亦都無叫過佢催廚房. 我唔知道佢同店主兼廚師 Zahir 講左咩, 因為Zahir 好嬲咁係廚房叫出來話: 我地呢到唔係快餐店, 叫我去第二度, 跟住係咁講. 點解佢地內部溝通有問題要顧客受氣? 我地無催過任何人都要冤枉我. 希望店主明白想受人尊重唔係你自己覺得對食物好有堅持就得, 同時亦都要識尊重顧客及他人. Went today because a friend wanted to try. Sat down and asked the waitress (wife of the chef and owner) what she recommended and was going to order the brekkie wrap, she reminded me that it might take longer so I ordered a beef burger instead. During this process I did
希望店主明白想受人尊重唔係你自己覺得對食物好有堅持就得, 同時亦都要識尊重顧客及他人.
Went today because a friend wanted to try. Sat down and asked the waitress (wife of the chef and owner) what she recommended and was going to order the brekkie wrap, she reminded me that it might take longer so I ordered a beef burger instead. During this process I did not rush her or ask her to rush the kitchen. I'm not sure how they communicated when she put in the order, but aferwards, the chef and owner Zahir shouted at us from the open kitchen saying that this is not a fast food restaurant and I should go somewhere else etc. He kept ranting on even though there were other customers.
I did not rush his kitchen or ask his wife to hurry up, he just decided to accuse me even though there was a miscommunication on their side.
If you want respect then earn it.
Visit Bakehouse or other bakeries instead, at least the chef is not going to accuse you in public.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)