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鮮番茄義大利麵套餐 $68Tomato Spaghetti 一上蝶就見到有5-6塊嘅番茄,醬汁亦係用左新鮮番茄🍅,有啲酸咪咪嘅感覺所以食落去清新又醒胃😋 意粉煮得啱啱好,帶著煙韌彈牙嘅口感👍🏼 如果裡面加啲配菜就更好啦🙈There were a few huge slices of tomatoes on top, and they used fresh tomatoes for the sauce, therefore it was very tangy and appetising. The spaghetti was cooked to andante. It would’ve been even better if they add some garnishes into the dish. 冰美式咖啡Iced Americano 呢杯用做嘅咖啡豆帶有啲水果香,呈現出濃厚口感,順口回甘🤗 對於個唔係咁鍾意飲苦咖啡嘅人黎講,呢杯嘅濃郁度啱啱好,亦都唔會太酸😁The type coffee bean used brings a zing of fruitiness, with a
Tomato Spaghetti
一上蝶就見到有5-6塊嘅番茄,醬汁亦係用左新鮮番茄🍅,有啲酸咪咪嘅感覺所以食落去清新又醒胃😋 意粉煮得啱啱好,帶著煙韌彈牙嘅口感👍🏼 如果裡面加啲配菜就更好啦🙈
There were a few huge slices of tomatoes on top, and they used fresh tomatoes for the sauce, therefore it was very tangy and appetising. The spaghetti was cooked to andante. It would’ve been even better if they add some garnishes into the dish.
Iced Americano
呢杯用做嘅咖啡豆帶有啲水果香,呈現出濃厚口感,順口回甘🤗 對於個唔係咁鍾意飲苦咖啡嘅人黎講,呢杯嘅濃郁度啱啱好,亦都唔會太酸😁
The type coffee bean used brings a zing of fruitiness, with a slight aftertaste of bitterness but it was exactly what I was looking for in a good cup of coffee.
蜂蜜千層酥蛋糕 $32
Honey layered pastry cake
呢款外型有啲似拿破崙千層酥嘅蛋糕其實食落口一啲都唔似,反而似木糠布丁🍮 層層相間疊滿幼滑蜂蜜忌廉和酥脆餅皮 😌 啲cream一啲都唔膩,帶有陣陣嘅蜜糖香,食落濃稠香甜😚
What seems to be a Neapolitan cake actually tastes more like Serradura pudding. Between layers lies a thick and smooth cream, with the essence of sweet honey.