2019-09-26 2759 瀏覽
I had heard about 大樹先生的家 for a long time before my first visit. My first visit didn't leave me a fully satisfactory impression because one of the appetiser dishes we ordered was not so good. However, this visit had totally changed my impression because all of the dishes I had ordered were very good.I don't think I need to talk more about the different playing corners for kids because there are so many detailed commentaries out there. I would like to talk more about the food today.We were welcome
I had heard about 大樹先生的家 for a long time before my first visit. My first visit didn't leave me a fully satisfactory impression because one of the appetiser dishes we ordered was not so good. However, this visit had totally changed my impression because all of the dishes I had ordered were very good.
I don't think I need to talk more about the different playing corners for kids because there are so many detailed commentaries out there. I would like to talk more about the food today.
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We were welcomed by a table with a box containing a new pack of wet wipes, 2 diapers and even a paper toilet seat cover as well as 2 free sample drinks for kids. Such a kids-friendly restaurant indeed.

There were so many different dishes on their menu. It took me a while to decide which few dishes to try.
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First of all, must order a child's meal for my kid. I decided to order this 螃蟹寶寶配照燒鷄排 which looked so pleasant to kids. My kid said the fried rice in chicken meat was very delicious and he kept eating. The beetroots and veggies soup smelt so good and he finished all on his own. I tried some of the Teriyaki chicken which tasted pretty good too. My kid also finished almost all of the fruits. Quite a nicely presented, delicious and healthy meal for kids indeed!
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I ordered this appetiser - 忌廉蟹肉炸薯餅 to share. To my surprise, they tasted pretty good. They were all freshly deep-fried with super smooth mashed potato inside with crispy crust. For some reason I think I could taste some pumpkin. They went great with the dressing on the side. Just that we couldn't really find crab meat inside.
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I ordered 2 mains for sharing. This 慢煮特級牛柳伴鵝肝配黑松露醬燒肉汁 was one of the most expensive dishes. I didn't order the set because it didn't seem to be quite a good deal for the top-up of $58+10% for a salad + soup + drink. This dish looked pretty good on such a presentation. The pan-fried foie gras was ok, although still far from perfect. It was not overly greasy. The slow cooked beef fillet was ok too. While they didn't ask how cooked/rare we would like it to be made, it was tender enough but could have been more juicy. The truffle gravy was pretty tasty! The potato wedges were freshly deep-fried too. To our surprise was the mashed potato on the side which was so rich in truffle! It was quite a good dish indeed. The portion also seemed reasonable.
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The other mains I ordered was 烤日本黑豚豬架配燒菠蘿. Again we didn't go for the set. This mains was even better! The pig rack was super tender and juicy! The taste and texture were almost perfect. Well done! The roasted pineapples on the side were a bit sour. There were loads of potato wedges most of which I finished with the dressing with the potato cakes. Again the mashed potato in truffle flavour was super good. The portion was quite big too.

Overall, the quality of the food was surprisingly good, especially given our last experience and the lower expectation against such a kids-friendly restaurant. Although admittedly the prices were really not cheap, I believe most guests should have expected so as the premium to get somewhere for kids to play and for parents to relax. With the surprisingly good quality of the food, I would say it was quite a heaven for both parents and kids - both for the stomach and utility gains.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$250 (午餐)
$ 174
$ 95
$ 317
$ 284