1613 瀏覽
I have to admit that most restaurants in Hong Kong don't excel in service, so I was pleasantly surprised by my experience at this restaurant. The staff was exceptionally attentive, ensuring that our dining experience was enjoyable and relaxed. Unlike many places that serve food at their own pace, here the waiter was mindful of our timing, allowing us to savor each dish without feeling rushed. In addition to the excellent service, the food was delicious and the portions were generous. The crab me
In addition to the excellent service, the food was delicious and the portions were generous. The crab meal is priced reasonably, with a hairy crab weight of 6 taels. The sweet dumplings were a delightful highlight, beautifully presented in a dreamy shade of purple—I absolutely loved them!
Overall, we had a wonderful evening at this restaurant and I definitely will come back again ! ❤️
原以為間餐廳一般,不過諗住未試過,就試吓佢哋的大閘蟹餐!八十里的服務真係要俾個讚!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 因為估唔到佢哋啲服務咁好😂員工非常細心,飲茶飲酒都係佢哋斟,仲勤快過好多酒店餐廳。上菜節奏完全等我哋食完先上下一道菜,真係太好了,尤其我哋成枱都係食得慢嘅人!我哋可以慢慢享受每一道菜,完全唔使急。
總括來講,Happy dining experience ! 肯定會再返嚟!❤️