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🇭🇰Hong KongPrice: HKD$50其實點解會發現呢間蛋糕係因為有一次係銅鑼灣行街,聞到一陣蛋香味,之後就吸引左行過去,試左古早味蛋糕係點。初初我心諗,咪又係海綿蛋糕個類,點知一啖咬落去,真係好鬆軟,濕潤度岩岩好,好濃蛋香味!最重點唔係死甜,個甜度適中。我習慣每次食之前會放係雪櫃,同埋夏天凍住唔會咁易壞,個人覺得會好食啲😂佢仲有其他芝士、抹茶同朱古力口味,下次可能試吓芝士味😎話時話,宜家發現愈簡單嘅野,愈難做得真正好Taiwanese sponge cake(Castella Cake) has always been my favourite since the first bite! It is really fluffy and full of egg flavours😍Sometimes, simple food yet classic one can be very delicious! Go try it next time when you pass by Causeway Bay!
Price: HKD$50
Taiwanese sponge cake(Castella Cake) has always been my favourite since the first bite! It is really fluffy and full of egg flavours😍Sometimes, simple food yet classic one can be very delicious! Go try it next time when you pass by Causeway Bay!