2009-05-19 39 瀏覽
不是太難找, 但也要用上問路吧, 我想只是我係咁的....係出面根本就唔知點樣入去大堂, 結果我上了1st floor, 看到COCO所在再去返地面之後問一個企左係黑色大玻璃門前既人, 佢即開門話COCO位置比我聽因為本人以為黑色玻璃門後是一間club之類既地方, 所以行過幾次又搵唔到入口下才問我自覺幾embarrasse....lol去到櫃台, 望到d cakes / chocolate cube, 眼花撩亂, 根本就唔知choose which one to have.跟住問staff recommend which cake to me, 佢好詳細的問我like what flavour, dislike what flavour, how sweet i can handle etc... then they recommended a cake surrounded by white chocolate ,with strawberry on top, and mousse inside. + i have ordered the iced chocolate.The Ca
不是太難找, 但也要用上問路吧, 我想只是我係咁的....

係出面根本就唔知點樣入去大堂, 結果我上了1st floor, 看到COCO所在再去返地面
之後問一個企左係黑色大玻璃門前既人, 佢即開門話COCO位置比我聽
因為本人以為黑色玻璃門後是一間club之類既地方, 所以行過幾次又搵唔到入口下才問

去到櫃台, 望到d cakes / chocolate cube, 眼花撩亂, 根本就唔知choose which one to have.
跟住問staff recommend which cake to me, 佢好詳細的問我like what flavour, dislike what flavour, how sweet i can handle etc... then they recommended a cake surrounded by white chocolate ,with strawberry on top, and mousse inside. + i have ordered the iced chocolate.

The Cake (what the name is it? no idea)
The decoration was very simple and clean.
Very sweet in general (is what i asked actually), but too sweet of the white chocolate slice...urgh is too sweet. The strawberries are very nice, they didn't have any sour flavour (Thanks to COCO's supplier). Mousse is very very smooth as i expected. and three pieces of cake in the middle are quite moisture, i think is good indeed.

Iced Chocolate with cream on top (small size)
Drank this after the sweet cake, ummmmm......like the hot chocolate in McDonald.

But whne i kept drinking and drinking, it started to seems a buit Cacao's hot chocolate flavour. it is strange, it can tell is different. i have no idea

Beware: drink is very expensive if stay there

The first impression was: Wow, that's cool. and the service was excellent, they were very nice and they knew their products very clearly.
And i do think that this is a take away cake shop rather than stay there due to the lack of table and the design of the only 8 people table.

And their meun is changed, i didn't see some of the products the previous 食家們 mentioned before. Only Orange Chocolate Terrine, Lemon Ganache Tart, Coconut Green & Cup Cakes are still being sold. And they launched some new cake two days ago (according to the staff). If you guys are interested, you can go and check this out.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)