星期六要與LR早午餐,心中沒有計劃要到哪一間餐廳,在半山走上走落,看見The Press Room人不多便進去。Brunch time again with LR, but this time I didn't plan ahead which restaurant to go. Wandering around the mid-levels, I came across The Press Room and found it's only half-full. We decided to give it a try.The Press Room樓底頗高,裝潢走向較高貴的路線,晚上來吃飯一定很有情調。週六的下午陽光照進餐廳內是另一番風味。待應很有禮貌的帶我們進去坐下,我便仔細的研究Brunch Menu。Brunch Menu選擇不少,一般的早午餐項目如eggs benedict/florentine/royale、french toast、all day breakfast、croque monsieur/madame、omelette、數款不同的sandwiches都有。價位在10
星期六要與LR早午餐,心中沒有計劃要到哪一間餐廳,在半山走上走落,看見The Press Room人不多便進去。
Brunch time again with LR, but this time I didn't plan ahead which restaurant to go. Wandering around the mid-levels, I came across The Press Room and found it's only half-full. We decided to give it a try.

The Press Room樓底頗高,裝潢走向較高貴的路線,晚上來吃飯一定很有情調。週六的下午陽光照進餐廳內是另一番風味。待應很有禮貌的帶我們進去坐下,我便仔細的研究Brunch Menu。Brunch Menu選擇不少,一般的早午餐項目如eggs benedict/florentine/royale、french toast、all day breakfast、croque monsieur/madame、omelette、數款不同的sandwiches都有。價位在100-160元左右。當中其實我最想吃的是"Homard benedict",即龍蝦benedict!可是我未有那般豪爽的用238元吃一份benedict,所以只好作罷。
The decoration of The Press Room is one of the classy style, one that is fit for romantic date night. Atmosphere at the Saturday afternoon is different with the soft sunshine lighting up the restaurant. The waiter politely led us to our seats and I started perusing the brunch menu. A wide variety of brunch options are available such as eggs benedict/florentine/royale, french toast, all day breakfast, croque monsieur/madame, omelette, various sandwiches etc. "Homard benedict" caught my eye, it's lobster benedict, but I wasn't prepared to pay $238 for just a brunch item...

Salmon & Cod Burger ($138) - 幾乎每一檯都有人點至少一客burger,我也點了一份。嘩,這份魚柳burger很高呢。麵包都漲了起來,底部的生菜十分新鮮及堅挺,生菜上的蕃茄片亦是一片厚的。旁邊則放了一堆薯條。
I noticed that nearly every table had ordered a burger, so LR and I followed suit. As you can see, the burger was very "tall". The lettuce at the bottom was fresh and was able to hold up the tomato and the fish fillet. Fries were placed on the side.
Although the bun looked huge, it's actually filled with air. Well, by no way I mean it's not good coz the bun was good! It's toasted to perfection with a bit of a crisp. The lettuce and tomato were fresh and sweet and would have been perfect for a salad. The fish fillet was what we called "hot air", but luckily it's not oily at all. It would have been better if it had been larger (may be I am just being greedy...). The fries were okay, not much to comment on.
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French Toast ($89) - 其實我在waffle和french toast之間掙扎的好一會兒,兩款都想吃呀。不過很早前在IFC的Open Kitchen吃過它的french toast覺得不錯,所以想吃一吃The Press Room的以作比較。
At first I had difficulty in deciding between waffle and french toast as I wanted both. But since I had tried the french toast at Open Kitchen in IFC before and quite like it, I decided to try the one here in The Press Room to see which one was better.
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結果是,還不錯呢。我才疏學淺,實在不知為何french toast此等甜吃會配以煙肉,遲些去google一下。French toast可算得上為外脆內軟,maple syrup下的份量剛好,由麵包吸了進去,不會太甜。唯一不足的是份量不多,如可以有2塊toast的話會比較值。畢竟索價85元。
And the conclusion is... the one here was also quite good. Another thing is I never really know why french toast, being a sweet item, is matched with bacon, a savory item. Probably gonna google it some time later. Back to the toast, it's nicely done with a golden colour on the outside. It absorbed the maple syrup without being too soggy or too sweet. The only downside was that there was only one toast, since it's a $85 dish, having two toast would have been much more appropriate.
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Tea - 吃飽後當然要茶或咖啡,用茶壺上,好不別緻。但其實只是大眾化品牌的茶包,期望不用太大。
Tea after the food was definitely a must and here the tea came with a teapot. But the tea bag was just a common brand, not much to expect here.
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食物質素不錯,環境舒適,雖然價錢偏貴了些少,但可以在悠閒的環境慢享食物並與朋友談天說地,The Press Room也不失為一個好選擇。
Setting aside the tea, I quite like the food here with the great atmosphere, though the price was not cheap. Having said this, I would definitely say The Press Room is a nice place to hang out with friends, looking forward to visiting again!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)