港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
走中高檔路線,主打天婦羅廚師發辦(omakase)。室內設計簡潔,入口處的開放式天婦羅廚師桌,讓食客同時細味視覺和味覺的雙重享受。為保持客人新鮮感,餐牌每個星期轉換一次。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
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燒日本長崎冰鮮和牛 鹿兒島安納芋 天婦羅到薈服務
食評 (219)
等級3 2024-09-20
1545 瀏覽
📍 Tempura Taki瀧 🌏中環威靈頓街33號The Loop 8樓📝6.5最近試了一間中環天婦羅 Omakase,Omakase通常都係以壽司為主,這是一間專注於天婦羅料理。這次的用餐選擇了「瀧」的 set 。服務人員專業且熱情,為客人提供了詳細的菜品介紹之餘 ,每一個天婦羅該配襯那一款鹽,讓我在每道菜上都能感受到廚師的用心。這次用餐透過 OpenRice 預訂,享有68折的優惠,性價比相當高。考慮到這樣Omakase 體驗,這個價位非常值得。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級6 2024-04-17
2782 瀏覽
外國公司作風新派,就連春茗地點都一反傳統地揀咗間天婦羅專門店「瀧」,全因晚市推出嘅六八折剛好符合預算!佔用面積全層嘅日本餐廳光鮮企理,正門身後為師傅個大舞台。多人派對包哂圍繞著開放式廚房嘅高櫈吧位,食物煮好即可享用,夠哂熱辣辣!吧位身後有條海龍升天,繪出「瀧」字,霸氣十足!晚市餐牌上共有兩個選擇,其一為指定套餐「瀧」($1,380/位),其二為可與廚師商討自定內容嘅「雅」($980/位起)。主人家早已訂好菜單,埋位只需揀靚杯飲清酒。每位席上擺有自用餐具及濕紙巾。細心睇多兩睇,發現筷子原來係某日本木匠曾經講過最好揸嘅五角形款式,店主似乎有啲料到喎!等待天婦羅時,先有清脆嘅枝豆送酒。前菜中嘅萵筍蟹肉清甜爽嫩,三文魚籽於口腔內爆裂,即有提鮮之效。四式頭盤應建議由左邊嘅水雲杯起,逆時針方向食。勁酸嘅水雲醒神開胃;以味噌自家醃製嘅芝士可以話係另一類嘅重口味,好芝士嘅人就勁啱;節令嘅螢光魷魚好爽脆;橙碟上嘅海膽豆腐則芳香幼滑,最合個人心意。呈奶白色嘅鯛魚湯鮮濃甜美,暖胃非常。進入天婦羅環節,Barry師傅先介紹配點嘅四款調味,下圖左起分別為天然鹽、咖哩鹽、檸檬汁、蘿蔔蓉。打響頭炮一貫傳統地由靚蝦開場!天婦羅炸漿酥化巧薄,修長嘅蝦身爽脆彈牙,簡單點上白色嘅天然鹽已能吊出鮮甜。旁邊嘅炸蝦頭卜卜脆兼冇渣,沾上咖哩鹽後好似變咗卡樂B嘅咖哩味薯片咁,送酒佳品也!魚王大讚天婦羅𩶘魚仔皮脆肉扎實,魚味仲好鮮。炸至半生熟嘅天婦羅帆立貝上枱前已一開為二,外脆內軟嫩,加點白鹽最能保持其鮮甜。半條骨都冇嘅天婦羅沙錐魚嘅魚味冇𩶘魚仔咁濃,賓客中竟然有人話食完唔知食緊魚喎,絕對有飲醉之嫌!彎彎嘅天婦羅瀨尿蝦實淨有彈性,而且好鮮甜。小肥一向對魚興趣不大,反而覺得連殼炸嘅天然大蜆有特色!據悉,師傅預先將蜆肉切成粒粒,混入冬菇碎及芡汁後焗製一輪後方才成隻喺滾油炸出,乜都唔洗點就咁就食得。意外地,經雙重焗炸過嘅大蜆爽潤多汁,鮮濃滋味得很!全晚之最必選壓軸戲肉紫蘇海膽三文治,喺廚房嘅燈光下尤其橙艷奪目!「三文治」底面兩片紫蘇葉天婦羅酥化輕盈,芳香尤甚,一口咬落去,當中澎湃嘅海膽餡心即溢滿口腔,舌上交織出香脆、鮮甜、嫩滑,成功掀起高潮!食完多道天婦羅後,每人面前即有一碗好似茶碗蒸嘅京都豆腐。滑如蛋蛋嘅豆腐擺盤精美,真係冇諗過豆腐面塊透明啫喱乃紅菜頭汁所造,頂面嘅粟米方磚清甜爽脆,組合清麗脫俗,十分可口。單尾食事可選雜菜蝦餅飯、蕎麥麵、烏冬,其中最多人揀食飯飯。XO仔就點咗個清新啲嘅蕎麥麵。甜品環節共有兩道,第一款鹿兒島安納芋師傅其實一早已經開始炸,上碟時更提點層皮都食得!紫皮黃肉嘅安納芋相當軟熟,黏上伴配嘅拔蘭地同糖後,當中嘅甜味迅即被燃點起黎,軟化咗嘅表皮亦甜美非常,吃畢一啲渣都冇,堅掂!作結嘅水信玄餅晶瑩滑溜,撈入伴配嘅沖繩黑糖及紅豆粉足以添上微甜與芬芳。樓上天婦羅店「瀧」環境時尚潔亮,室內抽氣充沛,服務生溫婉友善,天婦羅菜式用材新鮮,而且唔係咁油膩,晚市之六八折優惠直令性價比提升不少,值得一試! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
剛於上星期六,經朋友推介去左中環一間樓上的日本餐廳食lunch, 一睇餐廳名就知係專門食天婦羅,食完確實有種搵到隱世餐廳,大隱隱於市既感覺!🕵🏼🍤🔮今次幸運地係朋友推介,仲有機會試到個Secret Dish ,淨係時間心機都值回票價,滿分誠意推介!💯 ㊙️留到最尾再講🔜!👫放假同女友一齊去,大家就可以試多啲唔同野食。Lunch Set 選擇都好吸引,又係選擇困難症既時候,最後佢揀左胡麻漬吞拿魚飯加牛肉烏冬,我都好奇點解揀呢樣?因為佢話胡麻漬飯好似好少見,講一講又確實好似係,試完味道都幾好食。😋不過我就梗係食特上天婦羅御膳😂⭐️天婦羅第一道菜係海老天婦羅,已經感受到用料新鮮的高品質,食到蝦既鮮甜,蝦頭配咖喱鹽就好似小食咁,脆卜卜好味!前菜係豆腐配柚子,非常清新。刺身有拖羅、魷魚、帶子,三樣都係favourite,特欣賞魷魚既煙韌口感ichiban!⭐️第二道係和歌山香魚(稚鮎)、沙䱦,踏入夏至到秋分都係品嚐既好時機💫,麵衣非常薄脆,入口能食到魚既油香,而且味帶回甘,頓時有驚喜。至於沙䱦魚肉厚實,炸完食落都非常滑嫰多汁。⭐️第三道係日本䱽魚同瀨尿蝦,呢個最緊要係肉質彈牙唔會削身,食材水準既重要性,贊👍🏻接住就係天婦羅蓋飯(食左一半先發覺唔記得影相😮‍💨),雖然我心繫最尾個secret menu,但係都忍唔住食晒成碗飯,天婦羅雜菜蝦餅仲食到彈牙蝦肉,熱騰騰既珍珠米加埋個醬汁,恰到好處🤙🏻 去到個Set結尾就有日本蓮藕、意大利青瓜、粟米仔。青瓜食落非常多汁,最岩食完晒清一清refresh下,但我最中意係日本蓮藕,炸完後加埋少少咖喱鹽一齊食,真係好似食緊薯片一樣😋✨終於到左最後係壓軸登場既Secret Dish!!🥳登登登登!!安納芋天婦羅🍠 !係Chef Eric師傅自家創作菜式!用上來自鹿兒島產既安納芋(番薯)去過都知道安納芋係當地名物!制作過程費時⏱️,需要將原個番薯🍠烹炸超過1小時,相當花心機同工夫👏🏻!!同身邊果個一人一半岩岩好😍成個炸完連皮食,外脆內軟,師傅會配埋白蘭地同白沙糖,用手拎住先醮一下白蘭地,之後點少少沙糖,入口酒香四溢🥃 至於點沙糖呢個小魔法,食落去就唔會有酒精既苦味,同埋會有啲焦糖香,加上番薯本身甜度十足,酒香和甜味成個變奏令菜式再昇華,為今次午餐成就絕佳既結尾!✨多謝朋友介紹一去到已經叫左先,食完成個set岩岩好食得👏🏻難怪師傅都笑話我今次真係有口福~😎食完仲有個雪糕🍦真係超級滿足~中意薑味既朋友可以試下個薑味雪糕,夠薑!不過我唔係薑既朋友,身邊果個叫我試一啖,真係「好夠薑」😂所以我都係食番海鹽雪糕~(Openrice最多post12張相,無法盡錄🙌🏻🥲)📍總結,絕對值得去試💯:1. 隱世餐廳,價錢合理,喜歡鬧市當中尋找美食岩晒!2. 食材新鮮,師傅好高水準3. 有機會一定要試安納芋天婦羅!4. 服務出色,師傅友善5. 聽講晚市更多唔同既創意菜式,下次搵時間要再去 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-05-24
2737 瀏覽
This tempura restaurant is located on Wellington Street, Central. Headed by Executive Chef Eric Chan, it has offered tempura omakase to diners, with three dinner menus. Arriving early evening, we are the first group and the staff brought us to our table in the private room. Originally, I intended to sit at the counter, but unfortunately it was fully booked, and the manager arranged the room so we can enjoy the meal in a quieter setting. Apparently sitting at the counter allows interactions with the chef, but the manager helps to bridge that with clear explanation of the dishes.We have to order Taki Set ($1,380 each) with less tempura included, as the Ten Set is only available at counter. The Starter is Tara, or Japanese Codfish, with the fish lightly charcoal grilled to allow its fish oil to seep through. Underneath is shredded Japanese onion to balance, with the middle layer having a bloody orange puree, some pomelo on the side to give a bit of sweetness, and foie gras shavings on top to season. A nice, creative starter.The Appetizer is beautifully plated, featuring five different delicacies. Kurage, or jellyfish, has a crunchy bite and the flavours from the briny sea, with the vinegar and touch of mustard great to complement. My favourite is the Kanimiso Tofu, with the soft tofu rich and delicious, the kombu jelly on top giving a bit of sourness to freshen up as well. The Hokkaido White Corn is very sweet and juicy, while the seasonal Hotaru-Ika has intense umami, paired with a bit of vinegar miso. The last piece is Saba, and the chef has interestingly paired the mackerel with fig to go with some fermented soybeans on top. A pleasant feast of visual and sensory delights.The third course is Takenoko no Osumashi. Drinking the clear soup brings a nice, comforting sense to the stomach, with the dashi delicate, umami and flavourful. The seasonal Kyoto bamboo shoots are very tender, without any fiber on chewing, and the young sansho leaves help to give a nice fragrance to the soup. There are three sashimi in the fourth course, including Shima-Aji, Shiro-Ebi, and O-Toro. The striped jack is very fresh, with a clean and milder taste, and a good bite indicating the fish has not been aged. The small white shrimps are mixed with mentaiko, to give the sweet and creamy texture another layer of umami and richness in taste. The fatty tuna comes from two different cuts, with both exhibiting rich fish oil, seeping out from each bite. While not to compare with a sushiya, the quality of the sashimi is quite good.Coming to the main course Tempura. The first serving is Kuruma-Ebi. The coating of the tempura is very thin, deep-fried to a wonderful golden colour, with the head also edible after frying. With a bit of seaweed salt and wasabi salt to season, the sweetness of the tiger prawn is really great, and there is no heavy oily sensation of the tempura, testimony to the skills of the chef. The second serving is Ayu. The chef has cleverly made some ‘feet’ for the small sweetfish so it could ‘stand’ on the plate, with the whole fish edible from head to tail, including all the bones. While there is a hint of bitterness from the heads and innards, this classical tempura is one of my favourites and happy to be able to enjoy it in Hong Kong as well.The third serving is Shirako, and unlike the more common ones from cod, the chef has prepared the milt of sea bream. The large piece has a silky texture, creamy and a bit of slight sweetness, without any weird notes of the cod milt which often require stronger flavoured condiments to balance. A premium ingredient highlighting its best quality, and if it is available, I would strongly recommend trying.The fourth serving ($120 additional each) is another prized ingredient. The thick piece of fillet from the Managatsuo, or pomfret, indicate how large is the fish, with the chef deep-fried perfectly to keep the flesh moist and cooked through, and paired with the homemade mayonnaise. The richer taste of the fish does not need any additional seasoning, and the creamy mayonnaise gives a bit of buttery note to the taste. A very good one.The fifth serving is a creative dish. The chef has cut the large Asari into pieces, and then together with chopped mushroom, stuffed back to the clam shell before deep-frying. The taste of the clam is good, with the jus absorbed by the mushroom. Not knowing how but the chef is able to keep the mushroom moist, without the jus extracted by the cooking oil, another amazing piece to highlight his skills.Coming to the Simmered Dish, it is the Komochi Yari-Ika. The female spear squid is bursting with its eggs, and the chef has simmered the squid in broth, then brushed with the sweet thick sauce. The creamy texture of the eggs is pleasant, while the squid has a good bite but not chewy. Another great seasonal delicacy to enjoy.For the Hot Dish, the original set is Duck Breast, but we decided to change one to Japanese Wagyu Beef ($280 additional). The duck breast has been slow cooked to medium rare, with good caramelization on the skin from charcoal, leaving a juicy interior. The sauce is cold pressed from the essence of the bones, rich in flavours, with a bit of cabbage on the side. Seasoned well and very nice.The Nagasaki wagyu beef, to me, is the better of the two options. Directly sourced from the farm, apart from the steak, which is very juicy and tender, with rich flavours of the beef permeating inside while crispy on the caramelized surface, the chef has also a few slices of charcoal-grilled beef, having even stronger taste with the fat. Quite heavy to finish the whole portion, ordering each option and sharing is a good arrangement thanks to the recommendation from the manager.The Noodle is a pleasant surprise, having the perfect al dente texture. The very rich and flavourful Chicken Broth is so delicious that I cannot help but to finish every last drop in the end. With some menegi on top to increase the fragrance further, I believe the Kue, or garoupa, did not add much to the already phenomenal noodle and soup. There is also a special sesame chili oil that the chef bought from Japan to accompany, which got enormous fragrance and good spicy kick, for those who want extra condiments. Another signature of the restaurant that one must try.The manager has promised us that there is another tempura included, and it was revealed to be Annou-Imo. The sweet potato has been deep-fried for an hour to perfection, sweet and with great flavours, and the chef has suggested to dip with Japanese brandy before adding some white sugar, with the brandy giving the nice aromas and the sugar balancing the bitterness of the spirit. It is another of our favourite in the evening.There are two Desserts included, with the first being the homemade Almond Tofu, with caramel ice-cream and some almond pieces on top. The almond tofu has good fragrance and delicate in sweetness, while the caramel ice-cream adds some richer taste to supplement, and the almond pieces provide a nice contrast in texture. A nice dessert.The other dessert is Matcha Warabimochi and Red Beans. The warebimochi has a q texture, with the matcha powder giving the wonderful green tea aroma and slight bitterness, balancing well with the sweet red beans. A wonderful closing for the meal.Service is good, with the manager eager to explain each course and doing his best to make us feel privileged sitting in the private room instead of the counter, packed with other customers who apparently are having good fun and speaking loudly. He even offers a half bottle of sake for free. The bill on the night is $2,887 after a 22% discount. With all the perks and the discount, it is very good value for money, and hope next time I can try the tempura menu. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-02-26
2391 瀏覽
無論幾多次都要說一遍,瀧真是我最愛的天婦羅丼飯店!總共來過三次,每一次都保持水準,天婦羅外皮香脆配上日本珍珠米,竟然每次都讓我吃完成個丼🤣看菜單的時候還會感到有一點點昂貴,但是除了煮食的天婦羅飯外,還有前菜,冷盤,刺身,漬物,味噌湯,最後還有甜品!還記得第一次去冷盤是銀魚仔豆腐,口感清爽,應該是廚師顧及之後的天婦羅飯口感比較重,配搭上清爽一點的前菜比較好吧!非常清新,不會太單調~套餐的刺身共有三款,應該也是每天不同吧。久違吃一次魷魚,也非常黏口,三款刺身亦非常新鮮🤤說這個只是配菜也太好吃了吧天婦羅飯這家做的天婦羅,口感非常香脆,放耐了也不會出油變膩!先説外皮非常薄,不會有太多炸粉的口感。所有海鮮的味道都不會被覆蓋過去。吃一口天婦羅再吃一口飯,不知為什麼一點油膩的感覺也沒有,便一直吃下去,結果就是把整碗飯都吃完了🤣平時要吃天婦羅,總會覺得嘴裡油油的,要不停喝茶,但每一次來到瀧吃丼飯時,我一口茶都不會喝便把整碗飯吃完,本人也是有點難以至信。若沒有記錯的話第一次來吃的應該是海老鰻魚天婦羅飯,之後來吃的應該是特上天婦羅飯。這兩款沒太大分別,就是鰻魚和海老的數目比較多一至兩塊,所以叫得上天婦羅飯已經很OK了!吃完整個套餐後,準備結帳離開的時候,店員給我們拿來甜品❤️不過每次來都是蕨餅,這個應該不會轉款式呢。軟軟香香的,吃完香脆的天婦羅,再食這個感覺亦不錯。第一次來的時候,還是別人帶我來,跟我說上次來吃過的梅子天婦羅也非常好吃,所以特地問了廚師有沒有這款特別的天婦羅!小小的一顆,咬下去就像流心的果子一樣,熱呼呼的,內裏非常軟腍!每次來都感覺師傅的水準保持得相當好,雖然吃完整個飯就是有點內疚感啦,但是說起天婦羅,我一定是推薦這一家給別人,每個跟我來吃過的朋友亦會說這家就是最好吃的😋 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)