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牛肋骨蕃茄濃湯麵值得一試,不過唔係好夠飽,食完好大機會要再食其他嘢,但價格算親民,所以唔好太講究唔夠食啦個人覺得$98就食到呢碗麵係可以的,麵質唔錯,有咬口但唔太硬。Great for eating alone or with friend! I know it’s signature dish is prawn ramen but this one suits people who love tomato soup and beef. Yes they definitely form a great combination as u won’t feel it’s not oily or too much. Would try other options as well!
Great for eating alone or with friend! I know it’s signature dish is prawn ramen but this one suits people who love tomato soup and beef. Yes they definitely form a great combination as u won’t feel it’s not oily or too much. Would try other options as well!