Exit B1, Tsuen Wan MTR Station continue reading
Famous hot pot soup: Mala and Meat with pickled mustard green twin-side hot pot. The restaurant design is Simple and unsophisticated with traditional Chinese style. Provide a private area and retain the perception. Some of the hot pot ingredients, such as vegetables are sent by other countries. Besides, special items like homemade dumplings and meat ball. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
13:00 - 02:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (437)
Level4 2020-08-24
I had really high expectations of this restaurant because of the popularity on the social media. So recently, I paid a visit to see what the fuss was about. I was SO disappointed.First, the hotpot sets were super pricey. $190 for just a hotpot soup stock???!!! And $330 for a plate of sliced beef fillets?!!!!!!!!!!!! And I still haven't showed you the exhaustive list of other meats and vegetables that we ordered on top of that.Then, we're SO upset about the quality of the sliced beef fillets. Named "snowflake beef", figuratively describing the marble-like fatty tissues across the beef fillets, I imagined them to have that melt-in-your-tongue texture. But in reality, they just tasted exactly like ordinary beef fillets which are firm with muscle fibres. The broth in the hotpot wasn't very appealing either. It says traditional Chinese herbal medicines and chicken were infused in the broth, but in honesty, it's quite watery, and tastes no more than the "soup" diluted with "dense soup treasure" (濃湯寶).Don't recommend! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
父親節正日來食個early hotpot. 事關七點前埋單離座,有五折。五折好抵食🧘‍♀️今次係第三次來開餐湯底,足料,絕對係回頭既原因湯好味😋雙湯底只收差價,不另計錢。最愛是養心鍋,湯好飲喜歡有半隻烏雞和半個魚頭今次拼了台式麻辣鍋鴨血好滑,湯底另送一份鴨血鹽酥雞,香脆,但肉不多蝦丸彈牙,魚皮鮫正常羊肉,不錯的,可點!梅花豬肉片好味!難得火鍋有肉味🤗芝麻湯丸打邊爐食落不會覺得怪反之,湯丸皮不會穿,不會漏餡😆幾好食!潮州魚旦,日本山藥,冰菜好新鮮整體十分滿意!味道好!留意,半價時段只收現金⭕️進店前量度體溫 ⭕️提供酒精搓手液 ⭕️全店職員戴上口罩 ⭕️座位間有距離感 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-06-05
第一次食呢間台式火鍋🍲,對比起其他火鍋店,其實佢嘅價錢都唔算係好平,但經過荃灣就諗住同屋企人入去試吓。我哋叫左過鴛鴦湯底,分別係美人鍋同養生鍋,兩個湯底都好濃好入味,推薦👍🏻👍🏻配料方面,佢哋有提供好多選擇,試左唔同配料,我覺得佢哋個手工丸類拼盤同雜錦蔬菜盤又抵又好食😋佢哋嘅牛同海鮮都好新鮮,值得再叫🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-06-04
早排見佢做折,緊係拿拿臨去試下喇,入到去環境好舒服,又唔會趕人走,服務態度一流,時不而遲馬上睇下食咩先,火鍋最緊要當然係個湯底,咁我地就叫左個藥膳烏雞湯底,好足料呀,藥材同雞都好多,個湯仲好入味好濃,真係食到唔停,我嗌左響鈴好大份仲要係岩岩炸起好新鮮,肥牛正薄切好味無得輸,仲有好多我唔係到講太多,我建意大家真係要黎食下 因為真係好正非常值得推介,你試完就知👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-05-02
以前好鍾意食佢地,由旺角,尖沙咀到荃灣,食左一餐後一試難忘,美人窩,酸菜窩,點知佢地執下執下得返荃灣,叫左個酸菜白肉窩,無酸味,無乜味,最恐怖既係,碟肉點煮都係紅色,蕃茄係黑食,唔知佢雪左幾耐?疫情期間,最關心既當然係衛生,但佢由台面,筆醬個一個位,地下都痴立立,好耐無拖地咁!最驚係碗碟,好在佢比左個兜你洗,自己洗左3次加埋酒精紙抹左勁多次先敢食!污糟到勁多油,仲有野食!唯一暫時ok 既係,裡面既人都仲幾好態度既,但係整體同以前無得比,唉,曾經既飯堂變成今日咁😦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)