3-min walk from Exit D4, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
The interior design is inspired by the famous mountain climbing resort Hakuba and has an outdoor area. You can explore the Apres Ski Izakaya atmosphere which local residents and adventure seekers love here. continue reading
Opening Hours
17:30 - 02:00
Mon - Sun
17:30 - 02:00
Public Holiday Eve
17:30 - 03:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (149)
Level4 2024-12-31
二人餐有齊前菜、串燒、逸品料理、太卷、主食、甜品,好豐富。前菜包括:芥辣八爪魚、炙燒北海道帆立貝、炙燒三文魚。最有特色係芥辣八爪魚,有嚼勁又滑順,多層次的口感。串燒-盡量會用肉類x蔬菜的配搭,不是單一的材料,不用點任何醬汁都好味溏心蛋豚肉卷豚肉包裹著半熟的溏心蛋,咬下去時流出的蛋黃,好juicy~紫蘇雞腿肉紫蘇的清香為雞腿肉增添了一種獨特的香氣~明太子山藥明太子的鹹香與山藥的清甜形成對比,新奇有趣的味道金菇肥牛卷肥牛內塞滿厚厚的金菇~要大口大口吃才有風味。逸品料理唐揚炸豆腐豆腐柔軟,外層炸皮的調味係醬油味,是甜甜的小吃蜜糖柚子雞翼甜酸平衡,果香十足太卷壽喜燒牛肉牛油果忌廉芝士兩款各有特色。壽喜燒牛肉卷比較香甜,牛油果忌廉芝士帶鹹香,滿足食肉、食素的朋友,設計有心思。鰻魚炒飯炒飯有蛋香味,加入燒汁去炒,比較「濕身」~鰻魚肥美,算係冇乜骨,肉質細緻。烏龍茶牛奶布甸茶香四溢,唔會太甜,比較輕盈,唔會令人感到有負擔。Cocktails以日本風為主 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-25
聖誕節正日在銅鑼灣感受完聖誕氣氛, 想tower 535入面D餐廳chill下, 就入左呢到覓食!點了"大滿足十一品二人前居酒屋套餐"芥辣八爪魚八爪魚煙韌彈牙, 有微微的芥辣味, 有刺激味蕾感覺, 作開胃菜一流!炙燒北海道帆立貝帆立貝鮮甜, 不會有腥味, 半炙燒狀態的帶子, 口感更為豐富!炙燒三文魚半生熟三文魚, 外熱內冷, 脂肪細膩光滑, 品質挺好~唐揚炸豆腐豆腐外脆內軟, 再放上蘿蔔溶一起吃, 味道挺新鮮的~蜜糖柚子雞翼單骨炸雞翼, 淋上蜜糖柚子醬汁一起吃, 酸酸甜甜挺特別的!紫蘇雞腿肉雞腿肉質感挺嫩滑, 放上紫蘇葉一起吃, 更突顯雞肉的鮮味!明太子山藥山藥表面燒得挺脆, 再放上明太子, 微微的辣味, 燒得挺好的~金菇肥牛卷滿滿的肥牛脂肪充斥住整個口腔, 中間夾住金菇一起吃,可以中和一下肥膩感之餘, 仲會see you tomorrow !!溏心蛋豚肉卷外面由豚肉包裹著雞蛋, 而雞蛋亦呈流心狀態, 一整隻雞蛋放進口, 非常滿足呢!鰻魚炒飯 米飯粒粒分明飽滿, 配上厚切鰻魚, 咬落去滿滿的鰻魚汁~啖啖肉呢!幸福感滿滿的!太卷 (壽喜燒牛肉 & 牛油果忌廉芝士)壽喜燒牛肉卷在一起吃, 牛肉有入口即化口感~忌廉芝士不會太膩, 配上軟滑牛油果, 挺滿足的烏龍茶牛奶布甸烏龍茶味道非常濃郁, 很有動L的感覺旁邊配上有一球雲尼拿雪糕, 很soft~Cocktail 山 有濃郁的wasabi & 青瓜味, 而gin的份量也非常充足的, 基本上喝一半, 都會帶有醉意!!梅有微微的橙香, 但同時也帶很濃郁的Whiskey味, 喝完一整杯, 馬上變通紅, 在這個聖誕節增添不少氣氛呢~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-12-30
無意中發現咗呢間環境舒服、嘢食又幾高質嘅居酒屋,喺銅鑼灣嚟講一啲都唔貴,非常適合約埋朋友喺度傾吓偈輕鬆吓,坐得幾舒服,係一個唔錯嘅敍舊地點,如果鍾意飲Cocktail嘅,呢間絕對係非唔錯嘅選擇!我哋嗌咗個2人set,都只係$650,就包括咗前菜、逸品料理、太卷、串燒、主食同埋甜品,超級飽肚,非常夠食,佢嘅炙燒三文魚真係唔錯,佢燒到半熟,口感嘅特別,食落非常新鮮!蜜糖柚子雞翼都幾有驚喜,佢新鮮即炸,配埋蜜糖柚子,少少甜甜地又唔會甜得滯,外皮炸到脆卜卜雞肉非常嫩滑!我自己幾鍾意食佢嘅壽喜燒太卷,平時冇咩機會可以試到,食落幾特別!最大力推介嘅一定係佢哋嘅Cocktail ,佢Cocktail嘅Menu係一個盒,非常精緻,有好多平時都冇咩機會飲到嘅Cocktail,最特別嘅係佢提供埋一個骰仔,諗唔到飲咩嘅話就擲個骰仔,啱晒我哋呢啲選擇困難症嘅人! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-29
在銅鑼灣的Hakuba Lounge,最近我體驗了一頓令人驚喜的聖誕節晚餐,這間餐廳完全被低估,卻提供了極具性價比的美食選擇。以$650的價格,這頓二人餐包含了11道菜,無論是與朋友聚餐還是約會,都是一個不錯的選擇。前菜晚餐的開場是三道前菜,分別是芥辣八爪魚、炙燒北海道帆立貝和炙燒三文魚。芥辣八爪魚的口感鮮嫩,搭配微微的辛辣,讓人一試成主顧。炙燒北海道帆立貝則是這一輪的亮點,外焦內嫩,鮮甜的海味令人陶醉。炙燒三文魚的煙燻香氣也相當迷人,肉質鮮美,讓人對接下來的菜品充滿期待。串燒接下來是串燒部分,包含溏心蛋豚肉卷、紫蘇雞腿肉和明太子山藥金菇肥牛卷。溏心蛋豚肉卷的豬肉外脆內嫩,搭配流心蛋,口感層次豐富。紫蘇雞腿肉則帶有清新的香氣,雞肉鮮嫩多汁,讓人一口接一口。明太子山藥金菇肥牛卷的組合也相當出色,肥牛的油脂與山藥的清爽形成了完美的對比,讓人驚喜不已。### 唐揚炸豆腐與蜜糖柚子雞翼唐揚炸豆腐的外皮酥脆,內裡柔軟,搭配特製醬汁,讓人感受到豆腐的另一種美味。而蜜糖柚子雞翼則是這頓餐的另一個亮點,雞翼外焦內嫩,蜜糖的甜味與柚子的清香相得益彰,讓人忍不住多吃幾隻。卷物卷物部分有四件牛油果忌廉芝士太卷和四件壽喜燒牛肉太卷。牛油果忌廉芝士太卷的口感滑順,搭配新鮮的食材,讓人感受到清新的味道。壽喜燒牛肉太卷則是肉質鮮嫩,醬汁的甜味與牛肉的鮮味完美融合,讓人一口接一口,欲罷不能。主食主食是壽喜燒牛脊肉烏冬,這道菜的份量相當足,烏冬麵條彈牙,搭配濃郁的壽喜燒醬汁,讓人感受到滿滿的幸福感。牛脊肉的鮮嫩與醬汁的香甜相互交融,讓整道菜的味道更加豐富。甜品最後,甜品部分的烏龍茶牛奶布甸為這頓晚餐畫上了完美的句號。布甸的口感滑順,帶有淡淡的烏龍茶香氣,既不過於甜膩,又能讓人感受到茶香的清新,讓人心情愉悅。總結Hakuba Lounge的聖誕節晚餐讓我驚喜不已,無論是菜品的創意還是味道的搭配,都展現了廚師的用心。這裡的環境也相當舒適,非常適合聚餐或約會。如果你在銅鑼灣附近,這間餐廳絕對值得一試,讓人感受到美食的魅力與節日的氛圍。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-24
I recently celebrated Christmas Eve at this charming restaurant that offers a delightful set dinner for two at a reasonable price. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, making it the perfect spot for a festive gathering. The set dinner for two was an incredible value, featuring an enticing selection of appetizers and mains. Together with our cocktail choice number three and number four (perfect for Gin lover), it was very festive. We began with a trio of appetizers: torched salmon, torched Hokkaido scallops, and wasabi octopus. Each dish was beautifully presented and full of flavor. The torched salmon was rich and smoky, while the scallops were tender and sweet, showcasing their freshness. The wasabi octopus had just the right amount of kick, adding an exciting contrast to the other dishes. This combination was a delightful start to our meal.Next, we tried the agedashi tofu, which was a highlight of the dinner. The tofu was perfectly fried, with a crispy exterior that gave way to a silky smooth center. The yuzu honey chicken wings were a crowd-pleaser. These wings were crispy and glazed with a sweet yuzu sauce that added a refreshing citrus twist. The balance of sweetness and tanginess made them utterly addictive, and we found ourselves reaching for more.The sukiyaki beef maki rolls were a must-try. Filled with tender beef and flavorful vegetables, they were rolled to perfection and served with a savory dipping sauce. The avocado cream cheese maki rolls were equally delightful, offering a rich, creamy texture that paired beautifully with the fresh avocado.The skewers were another highlight of the meal. We sampled a variety, including chicken skewers, grilled yam skewers, beef roll skewers, and soft-boiled egg pork belly wrap skewers. Each skewer was expertly grilled, showcasing the natural flavors of the ingredients. The pork belly wrap was especially indulgent, with the soft-boiled egg adding a luxurious touch.We then indulged in the unagi fried rice. This dish was a delightful combination of flavors, with tender pieces of unagi elevating the classic fried rice. Each bite was savory and satisfying, making it a perfect accompaniment to our meal.To finish off the evening, we enjoyed the oolong tea milk pudding. This dessert was light and refreshing, with a subtle tea flavor that provided a lovely end to our meal. The silky texture was delightful, and it felt like a perfect balance after the rich dishes we had enjoyed. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)