4-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
09:00 - 18:00
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (79)
Level4 2024-10-02
灣仔隱世小店,喺橫街既橫街,街客冇可能🤔去到,但成日都爆滿,應該係熟客,我第一☝️次去都爆,今次第二🥈次去,有位,門口bar枱。午餐🥣點咗最貴嗰個,carbonara$158包$40咖啡☕️,但熱latte要$45所以額外補$5,要俾埋錢。等咗大約15分鐘有latte,有簡單拉花,入口順滑,唔苦。Carbonara都大碟,汁都濃,有芝士🧀喺面,豬肉厚切,正👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢日去咗試位於灣仔 #大王東街 巷仔入面,一間自成一角嘅Cafe🥰Cafe座位唔算多,當日好好彩去到有位,遲一步都要等😆深色木系裝修,好欣賞佢中間張大木檯,靚😍繁忙用餐時間75分鐘,叫咗 #Latte 同 #ClassicCarbonara ,意粉味道好rich,仲有好香parmesan cheese味,同都幾多肉,實際顏色偏橙色,賣相好好👍😌職員細心,見到我拎披肩披住,主動話俾暖水我,同笑容好好😂👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-04
saturday lunch walked in , waited awhile for a table for two ,here came with nice expresso & latte , nicely creamy texture ,along with king prawn spaghetti with  those big prawns so fresh , and enhanced of the tastes of lightly spicy not over saucy ,the cherry tomato sat on top of basil paste on toast side with salad , such a health dish in nice presentation & all made with fresh ingredients , along with helpful and friendly services continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
哇,今次嚟到這家店真係一個意外嘅驚喜🎉!第一口嘗嘅Classic Carbonara,啲意大利粉烹煮到啱啱好,吸收咗啲芝士同蛋嘅香濃,每啖都咁香口,真係滑溜溜嘅口感,講真,我差啲忘咗自己喺香港!卡邦尼醬汁入味得嚟又唔會太膩,啲風乾豬頰肉更加係畀我啖啖肉嘅滿足感,鹹香中帶嘅脆口感,食落真係得意添!🥓再點咗個Sunset Egg Benedict,學問喺細節上啊🍳!班尼蛋嘅蛋黃流到外邊,搞到件Focaccia麵包伴上紅菜頭蓉成咗一場視覺同味覺嘅盛宴。荷蘭醬同沙律菜一齊嗌,口感混合得好有層次,清新得嚟又唔失豐富。真心推介!當然,點解少得甜點嚟完美收尾呢?🍰呢個Earl Grey Burnt Cheese Cake,外層微焦配上滑順嘅內餡,伯爵茶嘅香氣好似舞龍一樣喺舌尖打轉,美味到停唔到口呀!講到飲料,店裏嘅Latte 🥤就真係有嘢講,一啖咖啡入口那種細膩滑順,簡直係暖笠笠嘅擁抱,還記得嗰拉花圖案,美得想立即打卡!行過東街,親試親加嘉讚,記得要過嚟感受下,饞涎欲滴嘅經驗呀。這家店嘅每一款菜式都透著滿滿嘅誠意同熱情,真正將平民化美食嘅魅力完美展現。👍🍴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-09-27
:灣仔新發現 - A Basic Coffee Production佢位於灣仔大王東街 係bakehouse隔離位置唔算易搵 但係你miss左就一定後悔lunch menu唔算多選擇 有salad有pasta今次就試左兩款 全部都好好好食!用杏包菇 辣椒醬做意粉 市場少見但係味道一流Carbonara應只用蛋黃做 食落好rich但係傳統食物價錢唔算好貴 但係飲品就偏貴識我嘅人就知我唔飲咖啡 所以評價唔到但係$60一杯朱古力 而味道又一般就接受唔到Openrice好多人話佢態度差 但係我又唔覺 你有禮貌人地自然以禮待客係呢排少數新餐廳而我係想返轉頭嘅一間👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)