2-min walk from Exit P3, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (105)
最近,怎麼覺得香港越來越少西班牙餐廳呢? 大概餘下的都是有實力的吧。這天,一同來到了這裡,吃一頓正宗的西班牙菜。除了正宗的味道外,這天還有專業西班牙侍肉師,我超喜歡吃西班牙火腿,所以特別期待呢。 特色西班牙烤蕃茄麵包伴香蒜橄欖油 HK$45 通常這份蕃茄都已經有蕃茄和蒜在多士上,不過這裡的讓我想自己動手做,大概下次我也可以考慮這樣去serve我的客人呢。 36個月熟成全人手「特選伊比利亞5J火腿」 HK$298 即切的火腿就是棒的,雖然這是經過醃制,但即切的就是新鮮; 厚道適中,平衡的油脂,帶著濃厚的肉香,一個人也可以吃上一碟呢。 西班牙凍湯醬 HK$54 夏日炎炎,最適合喝凍湯! 清新的感覺令人開胃,自然可以吃得更多吧! 加利西亞章魚 HK$149 這道菜,一般都是一塊塊的薯仔在底,然後放上八爪魚; 而這裡的,換上了香滑美味的薯蓉,再加上又鮮又腍的八爪魚,既能保留傳統的味道,亦能突顯廚師的心思,很喜歡。 傳統特色「辣肉腸、炸蛋」HK$104 Spanish Breakfast的做法有很多,但萬變不離其宗,都是由薯仔,chorizo和蛋制成,,雖是簡單,但因為有chorizo,味道濃郁又美味。 原隻龍蝦西班牙飯 HK$248 西班牙飯的款式其實不止一款呢,有的是類似湯飯; 這份用上了濃郁的龍蝦湯來做,味道超濃郁又鮮,單喝這個湯已經很滿足呢; 而龍蝦的肉質亦彈牙,頗喜歡這是飯的。 蒜香蝦汁煮地中海紅蝦飯 HK$248 西班牙飯除了像湯飯一樣的Caldoso,另一種是華倫西亞的style,以扁pan上的,口感則是濕中帶乾,各有各好吧。用上了紅蝦來煮西班牙飯是特別矜費的,味道亦會相對海鮮味的濃郁;你問我,我當然就選紅蝦的,但紅蝦不是便宜貨,以其他方式烹調便不會浪費了紅蝦。 小墨魚伴黑毛豬火腿及西班牙雅枝竹飯 HK$178 西班牙飯除了海鮮飯好吃外,其實墨汁味的也很棒; 而這款的味道則是帶著墨汁香,飯粒則是比較乾身且硬中帶軟,個人更喜歡吃墨汁味的。 傳統西班牙式脆皮乳豬 HK$298 其實西班牙乳豬的造法不少的,有時候很難界定那一款才是正宗,在我來說,有一種式是我最喜歡的,香港只有少數西班牙餐廳供應;而這裡的,就是皮脆肉嫩的那種,旁邊還有兩款醬用來沾乳豬,減低飽滯的感覺。 Alzina Spanish Asador 尖沙咀漆咸道南29-31號溫莎大廈地下10-12B號舖 2723 9833 請支持一下小妹,給我一個like continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-06-19
I came here with a friend of mine to try out this restaurant since we heard it serves authentic Spanish food.When we first entered, we were greeted nicely by the staff and guided to our table. Throughout our meal, the server was passionate and helpful.Since we weren't too hungry, we decided to order less.Firstly, we started off with two starters which were "Red Lobster Croquettes" and "Assorted Cheese with Homemade Jams". Normally I like my lobster fresh and not fried, so I was quite doubtful when choosing this dish. However, it ended up surprising me with the "Green Mojo Spicy Sauce" complementing the dish well.For the second starter, we had a cheese platter. Since there are multiple types of cheese and jams. There is no way you won't find one that will be to your liking. Plus they provide some bread along with it.For our main, we had an "Iberico Pork". I think it was the pork thigh, and it was so juicy, crispy and filling. This dish alone is enough to satisfy us.Lastly, for our dessert, we had Churros, with vanilla ice cream and hot chocolate sauce. I love this because surprisingly, it was light yet delicious.Overall it was a good dining experience and you can try it out for yourself if you want. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-06-18
逛K11的时候看到的。周末就约上朋友一起去试试看。第一次去怕人很多,所以提前预约了位子。看下大家的评论,都是海鲜饭和西班牙烤乳猪的人多。等朋友的时候,点了几样小吃都不错,主要是炸的为主。很幸运的是waiter很热情,除了我们自己点的eggplant cheese和Bombeta beef ragout,还推荐了一款Ham Croquettes 味道都很好,芝士味香浓。试了一款cocktail,果味十足又很清香的lavenda,很适合这个闷热的下雨天。七点半前还有啤酒的happy hour买一送一。好友相聚,小酌一下。海鲜饭跟rissoto有点区别,比rissoto再熟一点😊很入味。临时再加的牛奶山羊奶酪伴混合生菜和藜麦 mixed green salad with quinoa,好吃,爽口,奶香浓。最后,想想还没有试过西班牙甜点,先是点了一份churros,西班牙油条搭配黑巧克力酱和牛奶冰激凌。热气腾腾的西式油条上面洒满砂糖,炸物的脆和砂糖颗粒,加上黑巧淡淡的苦味,冰冰的奶香,刚刚好。一份四根不过瘾,又请waiter推荐,他介绍了个人最爱Torrija。西班牙吐司焦糖脆皮加奶酪冰激凌。又厚又脆的焦糖包着软绵绵的吐司,再来一点酸甜口感的冰激凌。今天晚餐的完满句号。再次谢谢那位热情的waiter,推荐满分,服务满分。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-06-17
Walking around TST starving, I was looking for a place to eat and I stumbled upon this location. It had an appealing decor so we decided to try the food here. On arrival we were greeted amazingly by the staff and they were very caring throughout our meal. Always refilling our glasses and so on.Now on to the food:Starters: 1) Baby Octopus with Mashed Chickpeas. This dish was a delight, it was a light yet flavorful, I would recommend this dish for all seafood lovers.2) Lamb Shoulder Skewers. This dish was alright, it was juicy and meaty and the yogurt and cucumber sauce complemented the dish Mains: The Traditional Paella. This dish kept true to it's traditions. It contained mussels, prawns, clams, squid and pork and the rich was cooked as expected.Desserts:Caramelized Bread with Yogurt Ice Cream.  This was my favorite dish on the menu. The bread was amazing and went well with the ice cream.Overall it was a good experience and I had a good time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-06-14
西班牙餐廳去過不少,但有侍肉師表演的卻是第一次。 早前造訪過尖沙咀的Alzina Spanish Asador,就有侍肉師 (Cortador de Jamon) Jose Manuel Hidalgo,曾榮獲2014年《西班牙馬德里侍肉師錦標賽》冠軍,只可惜文章出街時,已經結束今次之行,但食物依然具水準。 Sangria White Sangrua $88 / $320 Jar 酒精度輕盈,加入了什果碎粒,令每口都充滿了果香,女士們相信會更易接受。 36個月的特選伊比利亞5J火腿 ($298) 由大師Jose Manuel Hidalgo切割,果然不同凡響,落刀乾淨俐落,厚薄平均,擺盤有如藝術品一樣,嚼起來火腿咸香有層次,油份充滿了口腔,實在好味。 特色西班牙烤蕃茄麵包配香蒜橄欖油($45) 用新鮮蕃茄及蒜粒塗在多士上面,可能影相太耐,多士略為變軟,但無損獨特的風味。 西班牙凍湯 質感濃稠,蕃茄的清新及果酸,令人精神一振,配以鮮甜的西班牙紅蝦及魚子醬就更覺矜貴。 加利西亞章魚($149) 章魚事前經處理過,選用觸鬚部位,肉質變得柔軟,墊底的薯蓉幼滑如綿,實在令人滿意。 傳統式辣肉腸炸蛋($104) 香脆與嫩滑的對踫,薯絲炸得金黃香口,辣肉腸滿有油香及辛辣,戳破半熟蛋,混和了蛋漿後就更特別。 原隻龍蝦西班牙飯($248) 龍蝦開邊煮,將蝦汁都混和了飯粒,有著濃郁的龍蝦香味,蝦肉又不會煮得過熟,火喉掌握得準,個人幾欣賞的一道菜。 西班牙小墨魚伴黑毛豬火腿及西班牙阿支竹飯($178) 以墨汁烹調的菜色,賣相有點吊詭,飯粒似乎太稔了,欠了夾生飯的嚼勁,但黑毛豬配小墨魚,在味道上又幾合拍,很有趣。 傳統西班牙式脆皮乳豬($298) 烤得皮香肉脆,比起中式芝麻皮是兩種不同的感受,但同樣精彩,但感覺幾膩,人多時先好點的菜色,伴碟的蘋果醬,不論味道及質感,都令人有豬腳薑的感覺,去油膩真是最好不過。 特選伊比利亞黑毛豬柳拼盤($238) 已經包含了Secreto 豬肩肉、Presa 豬頸肉及Pluma梅花肉,自己畢竟是食肉獸,這個黑毛豬拼盤比起牛扒是毫不遜色,三者各有千秋,相比之下,個人較喜歡有嚼口及油香,平日又少吃到的Pluma梅花肉,值得推介給大家。 仿辣肉腸蕃茄包甜品($63) 賣相可說是唯肖唯妙,辣肉腸是果仁朱古力,而蕃茄餡料竟然是芝士,的確是充滿了玩味。 西班牙吐司伴乳酪雪糕($52) 相比之下,吐司就簡單得多,外脆內軟,配以冰涼的乳酪雪糕,可說是上佳的配搭。 在香港具水準的西班牙餐廳不少,但吃得寫意自在的,相信Alzina Spanish Asador會帶給大家一個輕鬆的晚上。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)