MTR East Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit N1 continue reading
Located on the 38th floor of Hotel Panorama, it serves modern international cuisine with seasonal ingredients, and an extensive list of wines, champagnes and creative cocktails. With stunning 270° Victoria Harbour views, the award-winning restaurant and bar is a nice venue to unwind and enjoy great food and wine. continue reading
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Some vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (337)
Level3 2021-05-20
Ratings 評分:Food 食物: 9Service 服務: 8.5Hygiene 衛生: Decor 環境: 8.5Value 價值: 8.5Its finally Saturday and it is time for a nice brunch!🤤I always see this hotel when I got to Hart Avenue at TST and didnt realise the food here is so good, and you can enjoy the good food with the sea view📸!. For food, the variety is great, with a several types of salads and 🥗tarts and my favourite ham+melon+cheese🧀! Theres also toast with foie gras 、Egg Benedict🥞、deep-fried oysterSeafood: Fresh oyster、king crab🦀、shrimp🦐、mussels、whelk 任食Lobster is also included in the semi-buffet!Main Course: choose from Salmon fillet + quinoa 🐟, tasty and health, or steak with black truffle mashed potato🥩😍 Surely a buffet wont be perfect without dessert: chocolate fountain, macaron, tiramisu, etc.🍰🥧🍮,and also Movenpick ice cream🍨,having all these with a Black Coffee ☕️🤤😚 . continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2020-04-01
在當天用餐中午發了電郵跟餐廳預訂甜品和寫生日牌,但過了5小時也沒有人回覆.於是打電話去餐廳.有一個外籍人士聽電話,我跟他說沒有人回覆,他完全沒有任何抱歉.晚上8時到了餐廳,整間餐廳只坐滿窗邊的位置,中間完全沒有客人,落單等了幾分鐘,只經常聽到餐廳員工工作嘅位置在聊天,明明跟我對望也無視我. 從來沒有去一間餐廳的餐牌是這樣子(看圖片),點餐時候再三叮囑有一個生日牌.我還點了earl grey和主菜.兩個很久都沒有送上,於是決定跟員工說取消.他就直接說已經取消了因為已經賣晒.但分別兩次都沒有人告知我們.而且態度還好差.到最後上甜品沒有甜品牌,直接問廚師,廚師直接答沒有啊沒有牌.打算直接走.於是我要求見餐廳經理,等了很久,終於有位廚師出來,跟他投訴 最後跟我們道歉.完全接受不到這間餐廳的服務質素,唔講我以為我喺街邊大排檔食嘢.幸好食物質素還好,只係為咗個甜品而黎,但真係唔推薦或者唔會再嚟呢間餐廳.出面求其一間餐廳都好過佢.成間餐廳啲員工都好似唔知做緊乜嘢咁. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-03-29
到達K11旁麗景酒店 乘搭直通車電梯到38樓便能直接到達餐廳 餐廳四周都是落地玻璃 能飽覽維港夜景 如要坐Window Seat最好都是要盡早訂位 這家酒店餐廳已環境來說價錢相宜-美國肉眼扒配薯條 牛扒肉質有點硬 但份量幾多 薯條又炸得香脆可口 -甜品點了Tiramisu 幾大杯 味道不錯 適合兩至三個人share-總括來說這間餐廳服務不錯、擺盤精緻、海景一流,有特別日子可以一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-03-26
原本對這間餐廳好有期望,點知因為抗疫只得這個meun,同埋個Drink menu!(連Mocktail都無)一早預訂既玫瑰雪糕生日牌都無埋!😩下次都唔想再去了! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2020-03-20
呢間餐廳嘅食物質素差到令我忍唔住出post提醒大家要小心...見呢間餐廳好多人打卡於所以一直都想試下,最近見到佢做tea set優惠就買左coupon book枱去食。我地兩個人book左個星期日去食,上到去全間餐廳只係得我哋一枱客都有d驚訝。期待已久嘅tea set終於上枱,但我同朋友一見到都呆左,佢同coupon張相好大出入,擺設同款食都完全唔同,佢地俾我地嘅食材都好普通,感覺好hea,連擺盤都同coupon完全唔同,真係極度失望。望住呢個tea我地連影相打卡嘅意欲都冇,不過我地都忍住食完成個set,食物稱唔上好食,非常普通,完全唔值$350....之後我上Openrice睇番其他人嘅食評,又有人個set同coupon張相差唔多,咁點解我地嗰個就特別低質呢?我事後有send過email俾餐廳反映但至今冇回應...反正我就唔會再食第二次。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)