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12:00 - 23:00
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牛肉麵 雲吞
Review (106)
Level3 2012-03-14
入到餐廳,大約坐咗一半人坐。我同友人想打橫坐,冇哂2人位,所有位都要搭枱。最後揀咗坐八人枱的最左邊兩個位,張枱仲有1個人加佢個袋"坐"响度。個員工(應該係睇場級數的阿姐)走埋嚟話一定要我地打對面坐。我地話坐住先,一陣多人先調位,我地拉鋸咗一陣,佢都唔肯俾我地坐响度,係都要我地調去四人位度,最後調咗啦。OK,我就信你一陣全場爆滿。點餐,點了細牛肉麵($51)同埋雲吞上海麵($45)。牛肉麵啲牛肉都幾腍同入味,個湯就好油,麵質好似浸太耐了,好腍;雲吞上海麵:哇,得2粒雲吞,仲少過十幾蚊一碗嗰啲喎!佢仲要價值$45,嗰兩粒雲吞真係貴,又唔好食。侍應放低碗麵時,就咁放响一邊,唔係放去我地面前,仲要好大力咁放低 當人地仲有成半碗,佢都可以唔問一句就收人地啲嘢,見到唔止一次添,幾個侍應都係咁!冇再幫襯的必要,食到一肚氣呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-03-07
來到當然係一試馳名既大婆牛肉麵喇!湯底味道果然好,略嫌油膩,微鹹。麵爽滑有咬口,不過就無咩蛋味或者麵味~件件牛肉勁厚,燜得夠腍但保留口感,即刻感覺好著數抵食!而且牛肉既肉同筋均勻分布,雖然食多左會有點膩,但依然覺得好好味!不過食完碗麵覺得好口渴,睇來味精唔少~店鋪內有電視,照顧到食晚飯人士既需要,唔錯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-02-23
星期二我同屋企人突然很想吃牛肉麵, 於是我地一行五人就去了屋企附近的大婆牛肉麵試試。我地點了一大碗牛肉麵, 担担麵, 椒鹽排骨麵和鹽酥雞麵。首先說說牛肉麵。牛肉好淋都算入味,而且個湯好濃。不過食完覺得普普通通。沒有令到我有一試難忘的感覺。而且沒有台式牛肉麵的味道。所以牛肉麵下次可以不叫。 相反我覺得担担麵煮得不錯。味道辣辣地很開胃。這碗担担麵都值得一試。此外, 椒鹽排骨麵和鹽酥雞麵....麵和餸是分開送上。令到湯不會把炸物浸淋。椒鹽排骨和鹽酥雞不錯。特別是椒鹽排骨炸得不會過火。而且排骨好易咬開。不過最最最可惜就是椒鹽排骨麵和鹽酥雞麵的麵完全沒有味道。 下次叫這個餐時還是不要伴麵好了。最後服務方面我覺得勁差。首先我們想share食物, 於是點餐之後我地就叫員工比5個碗我地。那個員工只是送上3個碗來。仲話3個碗夠。好...這個都算。之後員工不停好趕地收晒我地D食物同飲品。當時我地都仲未飲完。員工更加冇問我地飲完未就收。我地當時有向餐廳負責人反映, 可惜她當聽不到就算。 之後我地未說埋單員工已經自動送上來, 佢地完全想趕客一樣。( 當時係沒有人等位.....) 食完這間餐廳感覺超差。總括來說這間餐廳食物超普通。其他餐廳的牛肉麵仲好過佢啦。侍應態度其差, 完全感受不到有服務。係連最基本的服務都沒有。所以食過一次就算, 一定一定不會再ecore。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-02-20
I am not a fan of beef or beef noodles but this place offers noodles with prawns, so for people who do not eat beef, they can order this dish.I have not tried Taiwanese style prawn noodles before, so I was not sure what to expect.When it came, the broth was red, and the noodles were topped with lemongrass, prawns and tomato and there was a layer of oil on top.I am not sure if they have this in Taiwan, but it reminds me of Tom Yum Kung which is Thai.The noodles were yellow and thinner than the ones served in the beef noodles, they were not soft enough, so I left it for a while to absorb the soup.The soup was not as spicy as it looked and it was strong in lemongrass and prawn taste.The tomatoes were nice and soft, the skin came off easily and it was nicely flavoured by the broth.The noodles came with a choice of soybean milk or grosvenor momordica with honey drink.I chose the grosvenor momordica drink which was slightly too sweet, but as there was water given I diluted the drink with it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
跟朋友到灣仔唱K, 等朋友放工~~~本來去華星食, 但勁多人, 結果來了這間!! 原來是食評家李生開的...環境又幾平民喎, 價錢也不貴, 試試味道如何~我點了清清地的, 排骨大大舊, 而且肉好林, 最怕那些要用牙扯的, 這件用筷子就可拆肉了, 汁也不錯!! 加埋清清地的麵~~加了個白菜仔, $7~~都OK...幾嫩~~~仲有熱的羅漢果蜜, 唔太甜~~~好飲有益!!!朋友叫的, 個蕃茄湯好濃啊, 有少少胡椒味, 但好香~~~~有幾隻大蝦同蛋, 不錯~~~蠻經濟實惠好味的一餐~^^ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)