7-min walk from Exit E1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Bindaas Bar & Kitchen is a modernized Indian restaurant that serves curry and Indian street foods. They also offer cocktails with an Indian twist as well as other alcoholic beverages. continue reading
Opening Hours
*Lunch: 12:00-15:00 Dinner: 18:30-22:45 Drinks: 17:00-00:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 00:30
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (17)
Level4 2019-05-29
ABERDEEN某家手工布袋店減價,又可以添置獨特又靚靚環保購物袋,我倆順便在附近晚餐。朋友想到這家酒吧的餐廳,喜愛扮蒲!只因為餐廳就在布袋店的斜對面!初時以為酒吧只提供西式小食。其實此店咖哩!是我喜歡的印度咖哩! 還有LIVE BAND呢! 頗特別的配搭。就座後,先要點菜,再細聽LIVE BAND表演,還有那印度黑白電影,很有陳寶珠謝賢那年代的風格。     Sev Puri   餐牌這樣寫:Savoury Canapes, Boiled Potatoes, Micro Vermicelli, Assorted Chutneys    結構:底部小脆餅/軟綿綿薯仔/紅色&綠色醬/幼身炸麵   表面脆身炸麵和底部硬身脆餅,夾著中間軟身薯仔和二色醬料。脆身炸麵,薯仔和底部脆餅,味道不太強。但紅色和綠色醬汁,甜中帶鹹又辣,就主導了這個小食的靈魂了!豐富的口感和味道,不愧是餐牌推介的小食!    Boti Kabab  Grass Feed Beef Tenderlion Chunks, 48-hour spicy marinade   Tandoori版本草飼牛。牛肉有腌料有底味,很軟身。看到滲出來的紅油,就想起Tandoori Chicken。帶鹹又香辣的牛肉,配青色及橙色醬汁,我倆都在猜,芒果?薄荷?   Chilli Paneer 即是Palak Paneer。幸好自己平常食咖哩,Paneer是印度芝士。青BB的菠菜咖哩,當然要配Naan,而個人比較喜歡配原味Naan。 這個Naan底部脆身,表面軟綿綿,單以手指就感到二種質感,這個Naan合格。   Gajar Halwa & Rabdi 嚐過辣的咖哩,就要以甜來解辣。平常大都是圓形炸麵粉溝勁甜糖漿的Gulab Jamun偶爾試試新玩意,也不錯。  印象中,這個Halwa是甘筍有關的甜品。而餐牌:Black Carrot, Whole milk, Dried Fruit, Nuts  黑色甘筍?真身卻是有如黑糯米的東西,伴著鍊奶和開心果碎。不過這個黑色甜品很特別,鍊奶雖是甜,但仍嚐到開心果碎碎和黑色的甜品的原味!没有Gulab Jamun那般<甜到漏>。   Mango Lasi   在印度餐廳,就來一杯印度的Mango Lasi。   回顧今晚食物,除了Boti Kabab是牛肉之外,其他都是素食。真係無啦啦健康左! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-05-14
在PMQ下面路口,有一間小小,不起眼的餐館,賣的卻是種類繁多的印度菜。印度之大,各處有不同的香料,煮食口味,就連咖哩也不知有多少變化,想一嚐究竟,這裏就適合了。星期二、四晚上有live music,配合柔和的燈光,醉人的bar,餐廳氣氛極好。這些是剛提到,包括印度不同地區的食物。其中真的要提到變化多多的印度咖哩。在店員推介下,我點了一蔬菜 -- Do Phool Ek Tandoor, 一小食 -- Tangdi Kebab, 一主菜 -- Saag Gosht 和 Garlic Naan 及 RotiDo Phool Ek Tandoor是加了咖哩粉和油去焗的西蘭花和椰菜花。雙色花都焗得棯身,咖哩味道不算很突出,但有點提鮮作用。上面是忌廉和乳酪醬,為菜色加多一分風味。Tangdi Kebab即香料燒雞鎚。香料帶一點辣,但惹味非常,微微的辣更刺激味蕾, 十分開胃。如果怕啦不妨加一點醬汁,清新有點甜,有解辣之用。值得一提的是,這些小雞鎚已去皮,一點也不肥膩。Saag Gosht羊粒用菠菜茸煮成美味的佳餚,本來沒有主吃,naan 和 roti是另叫的。想不到Garlic naan和菠菜茸如此的相配,即使沒有羊肉也可以自己吃掉一整個Naan。 另外,羊肉煮得很棯,份量也相當多,二人分享也足夠。真是相當滿足的印度菜,如有多些人,不防多叫一些不同的菜式,傳統的口味不太易找到呢。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-01-22
記得一年前與好友到此,當時我倆都覺得很滿意。昨天與男友到中環PMQ附近覓食,沒有特別那一間餐廳想試,那麼便到這裡😍它位於鴨巴甸街,鄰近PMQ雖然這裡有bar,但是我們沒有點酒精飲料。我們點了Bindaas Ice Lemon Tea ($48) 及 Masala Ladsi ($58)先來一份小食Pao -Bhaji ($128)Smashed seasonal vegetables & Potato, Fresh Tomato Puree, Chowpatty Spices 主菜Boti Kabab($168), 十分美味Grass Fed Beef Tenderloin Chunks, 48-hour spicy marinadeBindaas Chicken Tikka Masala($168)推介Braised Boneless Chicken, sliced onion & whole spicesCheese Naan ($38) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-09-19
My friend reserved a table for 9 pm, but when we showed up table wasn't ready, which isn't that unusual. But after waiting around for over 40 minutes (when our food order was already taken) and being told (for 20 minutes of that time) that our table was getting ready to leave, I went to check and saw that the table hadn't even been presented with their bill. We were eventually seated at 10 pm, when our moods were already not great. A free 'shot' (consisting primarily of juice) does not make up for an hour long wait for a booked table.Because of this, there was some confusion about whether we were being offered the round of draught beers we had while waiting on the house. But regardless, bottom line is a restaurant that makes its customers wait an hour on a booked table should most certainly try harder at keeping its customers happy. Or tell them that they can't honour the booking, at which point we would have certainly been able to go elsewhere.The food, in fairness, was decent quality Indian food. Probably even good by Hong Kong standards. Not stand out though. Compared to other places like Tulsi (Quarry Bay), Serendib (Sheung Wan), Black Salt (Sai Ying Pun, though not strictly Indian) and some other smaller places around Nathan Road, it didn't sing on my palate (I grew up in Malaysia and then the UK so think I know good Indian food!) as really good Indian food does with its spicing. Anyway, when it got to paying the bill, there was then a big disagreement over how many beers had been promised for free or not. We were only ever disputing the 5 beers we had out while waiting (they said only the second round was on the house, and not the ones while we were waiting an hour *eye roll smiley*), not those for any additional people that joined us at the end (because we were so late that people we would have been meeting elsewhere had to come there).Regardless, the whole experience put a sour taste in our mouths. Not to mention it was my friend's birthday (his first in Hong Kong). Honestly, I am not out to get free things from restaurants (you can read my numerous other reviews here and on a well-known international trip review site) but I get annoyed at restaurants that don't understand you're paying for the experience and don't seem to appreciate how frustrating it is to be made to wait that amount of time for a booked table, then are so arrogant as to threaten customers with calling the police.For the money they are charging, there are certainly plenty of other restaurants that will give you food as good or better, along with great customer service. Perhaps you'll be more lucky than us and have a much better experience.  But I wouldn't count on it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-08-22
The naan pizza he ordered was Oriental style, with manchurian. Light gobi manchurian and enough cheese, this was decently executed. I ordered a Malabar paratha and baingan mirchi salan. It took time to arrive but were nicely executed as well. Tasty curry and nice paratha. Realizing it wouldn't be enough, we also ordered a garlic naan and egg curry. The naan was light and evenly cooked. The egg curry came nicely presented on a wooden board with soft buttered and lightly toasted pav. More photos and details on blog. Link in profile. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)