This modern restaurant offers classic innovative French cuisine and stunning ocean views. You can enjoy romantic French culinary excellence under the elegant interior design. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
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10% Service Charge
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Review (175)
Bistro La Baie位於將軍澳澳南海岸,是間法國菜餐廳🇫🇷 店內的裝潢高級優雅,佈置設計帶點浪漫的氛圍,很適合慶祝生日或特別日子呢~🥰 餐廳更設有室外座位(可以帶同狗狗一起用餐🐶💕 ),天氣較涼時,坐在室外邊欣賞海景邊用餐,感覺很寫意😌🤍Oeuf “Deviled Eggs” Mayo (3pcs) (HKD108)半切烚蛋搭配法式蛋黃醬,再配上松露、蟹籽及番茜,味道層次豐富,一口吃下去超級滿足🤤🤍Seared “Three Yellow” Chicken (HKD198)香煎三黃雞皮脆肉嫩多汁,雞味濃郁😋 薏米飯口感彈牙,清新健康☺️ 而黑松露泡沫平衡了雞肉的油膩感,更提升了整道菜的風味呢~🤩🤍Baked Halibut (HKD248)焗比目魚肉質鮮嫩,搭配牛油汁更添香滑😍 還有鮮美的蜆肉及鹹香可口的法式炸薯仔,非常豐富且美味的一道菜👍🏻🤍Classic Crème Brûlée (HKD88)蛋香及奶香味同樣濃郁,口感細膩柔滑,甜度適中💛📍Bistro La Baie - 將軍澳澳南海岸唐俊街23號MONTEREY Place地下G02號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友住附近,間唔中會過嚟搵佢放狗+食飯,早排同佢經過見到呢間餐廳新開,裝修幾靚,今日終於去咗試~餐廳都幾大,仲有室外坐位,當日傍晚去到,有少少風,門口都有幾枱飲緊嘢🍻 Chill!呢間餐廳原來每日都有做唔同優惠,我去嗰日係星期二,叫兩杯酒送$138以下小食。酒叫咗呢兩款,我鍾意智利嗰隻,相對Full body 少少~#意大利 Fontella Chianti DOCG $78#智利 Haras de Pirque by Antinori Reserva de Propiedad $68小食揀咗#MediterraneanTrioDip有三種蓉配酸麵包,鷹嘴豆蓉(黃色)、橄欖醬(深綠色)、烤茄子蓉(白色)橄欖蓉同鷹嘴豆蓉,酸酸地開胃~茄子蓉都幾特別~個酸麵包,外脆內軟好食👍Main course叫咗 #BLBSteakFrites #RibEye $378另加咗 香煎鴨肝$158牛扒5成熟煎得剛好,薯條炸得金黃好食,鴨肝厚肉,個面煎得脆脆哋~另外門口有一大疊圖書同顏色筆可以俾小朋友用!帶小朋友嚟可以舒舒服服食一餐😂係間 #親子友善 餐廳😍仲要 #泊車 都方便,呢個商場消費滿$200有3小時免費泊車👍👍👍我見星期一原來做主菜買一送一,星期三任食牛扒薯條,星期四有平生蠔😂 每日Happy Hour 12-7pm下次再約放狗再去😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-01
今日老公帶我到將軍澳澳南海岸Bistro La Baie食法國菜。餐廳位於海旁,環境設計有優雅、有情調,富浪漫氣氛。座位亦好闊落,坐得好舒服,食物水準高,價錢合理,值得推介Baked Halibut $248焗比目魚、蜆、牛油汁、毛豆、法式炸薯仔焗比目魚皮脆,厚肉嫩滑,配上蜆,毛豆、炸薯仔,份量足夠Seared Three Yellow Chicken $198香煎三黃雞、芥末薏米飯、黑松露雞湯泡沫香煎三黃雞外層呈金黃色,外皮香脆,內層肉質幼嫩,三黃雞下層是薏米,煙煙韌韌有咬口,最後配上黑松露雞湯泡沫,提升味道層次感配菜及沙律烤甘筍羽衣甘藍、蜂蜜牛油醬(素) $68烤甘荀非常爽口清甜,新鮮的羽衣甘藍,配蜂蜜牛油醬,又好味又健康Frozen Yogurt Sorbet $35Yougurt口感綿密,味道清甜,作晚餐甜品一流 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-27
位於將軍澳海濱的<Bistro La Baie> 是一間我很喜歡的法式餐廳。 鄰近海濱的地理位置配上簡約唯美的裝潢,予人悠閑舒適的感覺。在浪漫輕鬆氛圍,享受一頓高質佳餚-🔸French Onion Soup $90法式洋蔥湯是每次品啪法國菜必點的。一上枱就傳來濃郁撲鼻的香氣。琥珀色的洋蔥湯入口甘甜,最正是那片漂浮在洋蔥湯表面上的gruyère cheese! 色澤黃金誘人,口感介乎酥脆與濕潤的滋味-🔸Seared Three Yellow Chicken $198香煎'三黃雞”、芥末薏米飯、黑松露雞湯泡沫一試難忘的一道主菜!三黃雞皮何其香脆,皮下脂肪不多,吃下去沒有油膩感! 簡單用上香草調味,保留三黃雞的鮮香,雞肉很嫩滑! 驚喜地用上薏米代替米飯。薏米是夏日去濕佳品。而且口感煙煙韌韌彈牙,低卡又健康! 薏米本身味淡,用上黑松露雞湯去烹煮,提升味道- 🔸Grilled Octopus $258作為海鮮愛好者,烤八爪魚也同樣出色! 八爪魚🐙嫩滑多汁,質感爽彈。配上法式炸薯仔、茄子蓉及十分出色的辣肉醬,味道富層次 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-23
🇫🇷 Few days ago, my friend and I came to this sea view French restaurant in Tseung Kwan O. The French decor and the view created a very chill and relaxing vibe for our lunch. We ordered 2 lunch sets, and the food was delicious! Starters🐟 Yellow Fin Tuna Tatakiedamame, french long beans, citrus dressing, fried shallots炙燒黃鰭吞拿魚、枝豆、法國長豆、柑橘醬、炸乾蔥- The tuna tataki is a refreshing and flavorful start to the meal, with the tender fish complemented by the crunchy shallots and zesty citrus dressing.🥣 Potato and Garlic Soup薯仔大蒜湯- A comforting and velvety smooth potato and garlic soup, perfect for whetting the appetite.Main🐓 Seared "Three Yellow" Chickenmustard barley rice. black truffle chicken foam香煎"三黃雞"、芥未薏米飯、黑松露雞湯泡沫- The juicy and tender "three yellow" chicken is elevated by the earthy black truffle foam, while the mustard barley rice provides a delightful textural contrast.🥩 BLB Steak Frites (F) .Bavette "flank", fries, baked garlicBLB牛腹扒、薯條、烤蒜- The BLB steak frites is a classic French dish executed to perfection, with the flavorful bavette steak paired perfectly with the crispy fries and fragrant baked garlic.Dessert🍰 Opera "Gâteau" Cakechocolate sauce, berries, ice cream歌劇蛋糕、朱古力醬、雜莓、雪糕- The elegant opera cake is a decadent end to the meal, with the rich chocolate complemented by the refreshing berries and creamy ice cream.🍮 Crème Caramel焦糖布丁- A classic crème caramel, with a silky smooth texture and a delightful caramelized top.Drinks🍋 Lemon water- A refreshing lemon water to cleanse the palate.☕️ Regular Coffee- A perfect accompaniment to the desserts, providing a warm and comforting finish to the meal.💰 Total: $595 for 2 (including 10% service charge). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)