Restaurant: Cafe 103

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

Exit C1/ D1, Kowloon MTR Station/ Exit B5/ D1, Austin MTR Station continue reading
Located on the 103/F of a hotel, Cafe 103 provides a comfortable environment and a great view for customers to enjoy. This restaurant offers lunch and dinner buffet as well as afternoon tea sets. continue reading
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
*(公眾假期前夕, 及特別日子 請向餐廳查詢)
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Delivery Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (476)
Level4 2024-12-08
They have a new afternoon tea at Ritz and the promotion period is quite limited. I was lucky enough to book through prepaid platform (starting with K) for this afternoon tea to enjoy a slight discount. You also get a coupon to one of cle de peau hand treatments and discount for their products.I always loved their chocolate especially their hot chocolate. However, it was quite warm that day so I chose the iced chocolate.The scones came first and they include their Christmas flavor, which is remind me of the aroma of the fruitcake though keeping the texture of the scone.The dreamy afternoon tea came and it was really beautiful. Just as its name, it was really dream like.The desserts were also very festive.All their desserts were amazing. The matcha and strawberry tart and lychee mousse were my favorite. However, I was most impressed by their macaron. Mostly macarons are a bit too sweet for me. The yuzu made it more tarty but even the macaron itself was not too sweet as well.  The view of course is stunning as usual. The full price is a bit pricey but the online prepaid price is quite a great value. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-03-22
很高興沒有特別指定座位,但酒店竟安排了這個面向窗的座位給我們,這個buffet包了無限添飲的氣泡酒,而酒店的職員亦會不停為我們添加而酒店亦提供兩款特飲,一款是接骨木花蜜糖凍綠茶,另一款是桂花烏龍茶,前者味道較清淡,適合減醣一族,後者味道較濃帶點甜味生蠔比較細隻,亦唔係即開的,不過味道鮮甜,ham有3款,但味道比較咸這個日式拉麵就比較失望,麵質與湯底都是一般蟹肉茶碗蒸,味道不過不失這是限量供應的燒牛肉,當供應完畢後,就換上了慢煮牛肋肉,兩款牛肉都做得出色,肉味香濃,生熟適中另一款是脆皮的豬腩肉,與custard 和茄汁配合得宜有點失望的是油甘魚竟然也是限量供應,遲了去拿的話就沒有了整體上,食物的款式和質素都不錯,服務亦很好,只是沒想到某些菜式只供應一盤,沒有refill😩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-03-09
又來到生日月,朋友原本想揀靚靚維港夜景,所以選擇左Cafe 103但當日天氣唔太好,一望入餐廳以為係磨砂玻璃,我朋友以為未開窗簾,如果睇靚景,春天都係難少少呢間tea set要預約,我地前面一位先生想walk in係唔成功,但職員都好好人禁親自帶佢壽其他餐廳,服務好好!登登登登個Tea set黎到,呢個份量岩岩好!好怕勁多野食食唔哂會浪費!Tea set既咸點好出色,尤其三文治,甜點少部分有點過份甜不過算係唔太差覺得呢度服務唔錯,Waiter過黎不斷添茶,同我講左幾次Happy birthday, 過程係愉快既 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-03-04
穿過商場Elements,未到buffet樓層已經覺得環境好grand,好有氣氛,令人好期待!升降機效率好快而且穩定,好快上到去103樓。buffet 入口就係迎面而來玻璃櫃內嘅甜品。急不及待就開始攞嘢食。長長嘅走廊,一字排開嘅食物、井井有條嘅食物令人食指大動,分唔同區域嘅食物,首先來到海鮮區同刺身區:🍽️刺身🍣新鮮,三文魚超厚切肥美,帶子原粒又大又鮮甜好正!🍽️海鮮🦞龍蝦同長腳蟹不過不失;生蠔雖然唔算大隻,但鮮甜。🍽️熱葷🍲好多食物都好吸引,特別係漢堡包、蝦卷、忌廉蘑菇湯,這都係特別難忘嘅食物。🍽️甜品🍮🍧好多款式,好鍾意焦糖燉蛋,唔會好甜,蛋滑。環境好靚,海景一流,氣氛唔錯坐得舒服。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-01-22
屋企人生日,所以今次又去咗食buffet啦。今次打算試吓Ritz Carlton呢間自助餐!俾佢喺103樓咁高吸引咗。首先一入到餐廳我已經有啲失望,雖然樓層好高,但係坐嗰個位係完全冇景睇,俾啲吊飾同埋圍欄遮住晒。加埋佢樓底都比較矮,餐廳都算細,成個環境都有啲壓迫。星期一嘅晚上去,餐廳嘅客人都唔算多。至於食物方面,食物嘅種類唔算多。比較出色係佢嘅甜品,食咗幾款都覺得好好味。特別推薦佢個芒果酥!但總括嚟講,餐廳嘅性價比都比較低。不會再去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)