Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Cafe&Meal MUJI is a coffee shop and restaurant owned by the large Japanese retail company MUJI. This restaurant mainly serves Japanese foods with a healthy twist. Cafe&Meal MUJI tries to use as many vegetables as possible, limiting the amount of meat in their dishes. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
日式羊栖菜沙律 日式醃季節蔬菜 彩色奄列 甜椒醬炸雞 番茄咖喱煮鯖魚 菠菜雞肉漢堡
Review (174)
今日同朋友仔想食得健康清淡啲,大家都不約而同提議食Cafe Muji😌利舞臺分店通常都唔洗等位,坐低scan qr code落單再等職員送黎就得,方便快捷!收銀附近仲有水同牙籤可以俾客人隨意拎,好貼心。🥢四品料理套餐第一個套餐叫左各兩個冷盤同熱盤,分別係芝麻醬拌菠菜冬菇,生薑醬汁雜菜厚燒玉子,黑醋醬豚肉同菠蘿翠玉瓜炒牛肉粒。麻醬撈任何野食都唔會輸,不過估唔到凍既芝麻醬拌白飯食原來好夾!保持少少爽口既波菜配上冬茹同紅蘿蔔🥕令人好開胃。玉子帶有濃郁蛋香,加入各種蔬菜唔單止色彩繽紛,仲豐富左口感!豬肉🐖先炸過再淋上酸酸地既黑醋汁,好醒胃,略嫌豚肉比較嚡口🙈牛肉採用肋肉部位,以酸酸甜甜既汁加埋蔬菜粒一齊炒,色香味俱全!🥢四品料理套餐第二個套餐叫左柚子胡椒醬拌日式叉燒沙律,生薑醬汁雜菜厚燒玉子,梅子醬汁照燒雞肉同醬燒比目魚。沙律🥗有大量既蔬菜,營養均衡,再淋上清爽既柚子胡椒汁,好惹味!雞腿肉嫩滑,用上紫蘇葉同梅子醬黎醃,再撒上香草🌿,掩飾雪味,非常之可口。比目魚🐟以味噌先醃過再燒熟,燒至表皮金香,肉質白滑,好岩送飯,淨係得一小舊唔太夠喉!📍Café&Meal MUJI銅鑼灣波斯富街99號利舞臺廣場3樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-09-22
-最近見到個post係關於Muji Cafe (利舞臺店)即將結束營業諗返起以前~成日係銅鑼灣出沒經過咁多次~都從來冇試過🤔於是某日放咗學之後就自己去咗食😂 店內好多人都係一個人黎嘅~🫣好適合享受自己一個既時間同自己獨處~而且有手機落單!🥺社恐都可以自己一個去餐廳食飯完全唔怕!!!去之前都有research過~大概知道有咩係值得叫/試下~但係我真係對個啲日式四品料理冇咩太大興趣😛反而叫左 牛油雞肉雜菜咖喱飯(十六穀米)💛$98熱辣辣的咖哩汁撈飯食真係好好食😋小食就揀左👉🏻和風雜菌汁厚燒玉子💛咬到有好多菇菇!口感豐富Set有餐湯!係面豉湯~💛有好多紅蘿蔔碎😋仲有加$20 凍烏龍茶💛加$32 有埋 本和香糖布甸💛有啲普通~有機會會想試下蛋糕好耐冇打咁多字!嘿嘿ww 利舞臺店 真係對我來說充滿回憶~中學嘅時候間中都會行下~買下文具~行過見到Muji Cafe都會忍唔住好奇!要偷望幾眼!然後人大左就會遺忘左🥲如果唔係睇到個post ~我都唔會突然間記返起!這次的探店經歷算係~~~🤔完成左一個過去的小小心願www📍 Café&Meal MUJI — 利舞臺店 #Foodie #hkfoodie #hkfood #hkfoodblogger #hkfoodblog #香港美食 #香港打卡熱點 #muji #無印良品 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-08-25
This place used to be my favourite haunt. But it seems like the quality of food and hygiene has gone downhill over the years. I should have taken a picture of the meal I ordered today (rice set with 4 side dishes). The food was poorly presented and the taste was quite frankly mediocre. The shrimp in the shrimp and broccoli side dish did not taste fresh, and the spinach salad was just a bland mix of Japanese sesame mayo and spinach. The other cold dish I ordered was some kind of stuffed inari. It cost an extra $20 or so for an extra side dish, but they only served one of those, and there was nothing spectacular in the stuffing, which partly fell out onto the dish when the food was brought to the table. All these aside, the thing that was most upsetting is the hygiene of the cups that are placed onto the counter for water (self-served). They did not smell pleasant (or maybe it was the water?!!) and I developed a slight sore throat after my meal. Don’t get me wrong, I love Muji and have been a big fan for years, but the way the cafe is looking now is just not at all representative of the brand and the quality of the goods it claims to sell. I hope improvements can be made because I want to come back again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-12
一個人叫咗個四品料理套餐,可以自選冷盤兩款同熱盤兩款四品料理套餐 $118茴香奶油雙花蝦除左蝦之外,有西蘭花同椰菜花,啲醬非常creamy 明太子炸雞炸雞有三舊,炸得非常香脆,炸粉唔會太厚,配合明太子醬真係非常出色。生薑醬汁雜菜厚燒玉子呢個都係冷盤,玉子入面有紅蘿蔔、翠玉瓜同洋蔥,有好濃嘅薑汁味。和風高野豆腐蟹肉沙律呢個都係冷盤,啲豆腐醃得好入味,酸酸甜甜,非常醒胃。十六穀飯可以選配十六穀飯/白飯/季節沙律,我揀咗十六穀飯,十六穀飯以長野越光米混合大麥、紅米、玄米、糯粟等十六種MUJI 原創的穀物組合,飯粒粒分明,又可以補充維他命、礦物質、纖維和促進新陳代謝之酵素。餐湯麵豉湯除咗一般麵豉湯有嘅材料之外,仲有菇、蘿蔔粒同椰菜等,用料十足。📍Café&Meal MUJI銅鑼灣波斯富街99號利舞臺廣場3樓❤️價錢:8/10❤️味道:8/10❤️服務:8/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-07-15
假日同友人係銅記行街,晚上冇乜心水食咩,經過利舞臺友人提議去MUJI,講起來又真係好耐去冇MUJI食了,加上又近之下就去。裝潢以木系為主調,假日晚上的7:30,食飯時段比較多人但都有位嘅。餐牌,都係揀返四品料理套餐,電子落單同比錢等送餐果下方便,適合一人食時唔洗怕出去拎餐及比錢而冇左個位。四品料理套餐,$110,要了兩款冷盤及兩款熱盤,黑醋醬豚肉、味噌烤比目魚柳、生薑醬汁雜菜厚燒玉子、芥末醬汁帶子蓮藕沙律,配十六米及味噌湯,每款料理少許的份量果下都幾好,唔洗怕食唔晒呢。味噌湯。十六米感覺比較健康點。芥末醬汁帶子蓮藕沙律,沙律爽口帶子軟嫩。生薑醬汁雜菜厚燒玉子,味道香甜軟腍少許薑味。味噌烤比目魚柳,魚肉嫩滑香口。黑醋醬豚肉,肉質鬆化惹味。檸檬甘酒熱飲(無酒精),跟餐+$18,酸酸甜甜有檸檬香味,感覺醒神。食物味道保持水準幾好味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)