5-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
Embracing the philosophy that Life is Chai, Chaiwala offers a dramatic backdrop of creativity for lively and vibrant nights out. continue reading
Additional Information
Dining duration: MON - FRI Lunch: 90 mins - Lunch Set Menu Dinner: 120 mins - A La Carte Menu SAT - SUN & PH Brunch: 120 mins - Brunch Set Menu Lunch: 120 mins - Lunch Set Menu
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:45
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 14:45
18:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 15:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (186)
Level4 2024-11-26
這次我終於揭開了中環雲咸街那座藍色磚牆和紅色門後的秘密,進入了一間充滿異國風情的印度餐廳。餐廳內每個角落都適合打卡,特別是那張懸掛乾燥花的長桌,氣氛熱鬧。Weekend Brunch 體驗我們選擇了全新限定餐牌,每位 $368,包含:- 三個小食- 一個 Tandoor Tower- 每位主菜- Naan 和 Biryani- 2小時無限暢飲(酒精飲品及 Lassi)小食Pani Puri with Jal-Jeera :外脆內軟,搭配酸醬,開胃不錯。Aloo Tikka Chaat :微辣的薯餅,內含鷹嘴豆和酸奶,讓我一試成主顧。Bombay Fried Chicken :酥脆無骨雞腿,香料味十足。Tandoor TowerChicken Tikka:經典烤雞,不油膩,超美味。Pink Salt Salmon:用喜馬拉雅鹽烤制,肉質細緻多汁,比 Chicken Tikka 更出色。Tandoori Gobi :外酥內嫩的烤椰菜花,意外好吃。主菜Old Delhi Butter Chicken:奶油醬汁順滑帶甜,搭配 naan,讓人一口接一口。Gosht Kofta Curry:辣味咖喱牛肉丸,肉質彈牙,風味獨特。Naan 餐後蒜香四溢,Biryani 飯粒分明,低脂健康。無限暢飲的 Lassi 有 Classic 和 Mango 兩種口味,簡直是我的心頭好,只可惜因為吃得太飽,未能嘗試香蕉口味。甜品:雪糕、乳酪同印度湯丸為這個豐富午餐畫上接近完美句號。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-09
本身黎諗住係飲杯野, 冇諗過居然可以去埋隔離既呢間印度菜餐廳試埋, 食物絕對唔會令你失望, 不過cocktail就唔太啱我口味, 但係呢度既happy hour 相當抵飲, 係中環呢邊少有既價錢😌Aloo Tikki Chaat🥔 ($130)💫五香薯餅, 咖哩豌豆, 孟買醬, 羅望子酸辣醬, 甜酸奶呢款前菜好有驚喜, 酸酸辣辣既醬汁配上綿滑得黎又帶有少少口感既薯餅, 成個配搭好出色😍Chapati Paneer Tikka🧀($160)在泥爐中煮熟既芝士磚, 加入濃郁既印度香料醬汁, 口感有啲似豆腐, 配埋個芫茜醬更加好食Pain Puri Puri With Jal-Jeera🍶($90)傳統既 Jal-Jeera 孜然口味搭上薯仔同鱧魚, 外層似炸豬皮既口感, 中間既餡料凍凍地再淋埋個汁鹹鹹甜甜幾特別😌Old Delhi Butter Chicken 🐓($170)烤過既雞肉搭上濃郁既奶油番茄同胡蘆巴醬, 成件事一啲都唔膩帶微微既辣, 雞肉偏瘦, 所以幾有咬口, 就算唔配Naan食都唔會覺得好”漏”🤩Naan🫓 ($45)有唔同口味選擇, 揀左黑松露呢款有原片黑松露係面, 軟綿帶啲煙韌既Naan都搽左啲黑松露醬, 味道溫和唔會太過份, 好好食, 配Butter Chicken簡直係一流🥳Masala Negroni🥃 ($95)💫冷萃咖啡, Beafeater Gin, Sweet Vermouth, Campari Masala Chai呢杯雞尾酒偏苦澀同濃郁酒香, 唔太啱我口味🥲呢度既食物比酒更出色, 餐廳超級大, 裝修超級detail, 完全唔似係香港既感動, 絕對會再同朋友黎過影多啲相🤗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-12-26
Not so welcome birthday cakes! Strongly Not recommend and Not suggest for birthday meals or birthday parties! 這間餐廳不太歡迎生日晚飯及生日蛋糕,慶祝生日不適宜!不推薦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-12-22
Surprised to find an Indian restaurant in Hong Kong. Visited on weekend evening, not so many people. We tasted 4 dishes, all of them were great! Will definitely visit again! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
藍色磚壁與紅色大門強烈對比下,門面已引人入勝.入內滿滿異國風情,處處都是打卡位. Pirata Group 旗下餐廳Chaiwala 開業多年,一向是中環區客似如雲的熱門印度餐廳~近來剛推出全新登場$368 限定Bazaar Brunch Buffet逢星期日11:30 - 21:00供應.可以一次嚐盡印度多款菜式,由前菜、甜品到印度傳統咖哩及薄餅.熱情服務加上熱鬧氣氛為假日帶來不一樣的盛宴~當中選擇非常多,可以先到自助區選擇前菜.平時好少叫到的印度菜式,在這個區域都可以選擇到,完全能滿足好奇心寶寶的口福~有咖喱、有印度薄餅、中間主菜更以着雀籠上枱非常IGabel,包括每人一件的印度烤雞烤魚及蔬菜菜,令人滿足~*12月內於 Pirata Group 旗下餐廳每消費一次可獲得1枚印花,並參與「Seas The Season」聖誕大抽獎,頭獎為馬爾代夫5日4夜之旅(2人同行,包來回機票、Hard Rock Hotel 及 Saii Maldives 各兩晚住宿)」參加次數無上限,消費次數越多,贏獎機會越高! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)