This restaurant is managed by two Sichuan cuisine masters. It serves traditional Sichuan dishes, stir-fry dishes and dim sum in high quality. It is designed with elegant style and provided a few high-end VIP rooms. It is suitable for family and friends gathering, and also good for serving business customers. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 16:30
17:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 16:30
17:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 16:30
17:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay OpenRice Pay
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Reward Dining Points
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (73)
Level4 2024-08-15
It's alright to indulge in luxury dining once in a while, especially when celebrating important occasions. As my mom's birthday is approaching, I decided to take her to Chuan, a high-end restaurant helmed by two culinary masters with over 40 years of experience in Sichuan cuisine.As we got seated, the staff served a plate of spicy and sour black fungus along with three kinds of their homemade sauces which are currently under promotion.Pork Belly w/ Salted Egg Yolk StuffingThick pieces of pork belly which had a good amount of fat, with melt-in-the-mouth egg yolk in the middle. A combo with harmonized flavors.Xiaolongbao Both original and mala versions available. Each order includes 6 pieces splitted into 2 bamboo steamers. The thin, almost translucent skin was slightly chewy, which held the meat filling and soup perfectly inside.Sichuan Style Stewed BeefOrdered small portion and turned out to be a huge bowl! Generous amount of extra tender beef slices, along with smooth and juicy pig red, potato noodles, cucumber, bamboo shoot, and some rare peanut sprouts. Delicately flavored. Savory even without any MSG. A must-try.Sweet & Sour Pork w/ FigMade with finely cut Iberico pork cubes. The pork itself had been pre-fried to create a crispy layer that locked in the moisture of the meat, then coated in a crunchy batter. Appetizing sweet and tangy sauce.The staff provided attentive and personalized service. Prices were reasonable given the outstanding food quality. Highly recommending Chuan if you're craving for Sichuan cuisine! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-05
發掘到一間出色嘅中菜館,全餐飯都好滿意,服務亦無得挑剔😼 除咗川菜系列,仲有傳統菜式如焗魚腸,荔芋香酥鴨等,珍惜所有肯做手工菜既餐廳🫶🏻 ✨藤椒象拔蚌 $198幸福指數: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️涼拌方式,口感清爽彈牙,保留滿滿藤椒香氣,仲有若隱若現嘅蒜香餘韻,辣度不高,開胃兼有驚喜既前菜,連底層嘅蔬菜都好食!✨高湯竹笙釀蘆筍 $218幸福指數: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️蘆筍新鮮無渣,竹笙吸收晒湯汁嘅精華。而靈魂係高湯,鹹鹹香香,恰如其分嘅調味,十足既金華火腿香氣。✨雞油花雕蒸馬友 $398幸福指數: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤍之前食過花雕蒸蟹,第一次配蒸魚食。雞油同花雕比例剛好,唔會有酒既強烈苦澀味道,亦無油膩之感。魚肉質地細軟,不算彈牙,但味道仍然不錯。✨渝洲涼麵 $68幸福指數: ❤️❤️❤️🤍🤍麵條條條分明,份量十足,不過比較辣🥵 唔食得辣一定要指明要bb辣🤯✨蜜瓜西米露幸福指數: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️令我驚艷既味道!說來慚愧,本身擔心只係純粹普通西米露加蜜瓜,特登問清楚店員先放心落單。西米露汁底Blend左蜜瓜,望落去係淡淡嘅綠色,飲落去好清甜🍈 好天然嘅水果香氣😍 我會為咗呢個甜品encore再黎🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-05
好辣既我夏天真係好少去食麻辣火鍋,但要解癮就唯有去食川菜,最近就去左時代廣場既【川川】食川菜同粵式小菜。川菜全部都可以自己選擇大中小辣。川麻豆腦牛肉:肉末變成牛肉片既麻婆豆腐,牛肉同豆腐都幾嫩滑、葱花好多,但偏油少少。呢個小辣都有少少偏辣。辣子雞軟骨:可以選擇辣子或者乾鍋、上臺時會熱住,務求食既時候都會熱。雞軟骨炸得好香脆、而且雞軟骨同腰果既分量超級多。唔會好油高湯竹笙釀蘆筍:竹笙釀入超級粗同爽脆既蘆筍、用左高湯去燴、非常入味、蘆筍非常鮮甜。芝麻糊凍豆腐花:食完辣野食岩岩好,唔會太甜生磨蛋白杏仁茶:新鮮整起、非常濃杏仁味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前我和朋友一起去了位於銅鑼灣的川川,這是一家以川菜聞名的高級餐廳。餐廳的裝修風格和氛圍都相當高雅,讓人感覺非常舒適。菜單上有豐富的選擇,包括川菜、粵菜、素食以及火鍋,並且顧客可以自由選擇菜品的辣度。然而,雖然食物的味道和選擇都不錯,但我和朋友對於食物的衛生狀況感到擔憂。當晚用餐後,我們兩人都感到肚子不適,隨後出現腹瀉的情況。我的朋友大約去了五次廁所,而我自己則前後腹瀉了三次。由於情況嚴重,我們最終不得不去看醫生,並在醫生的建議下服用了止瀉藥,才稍微好轉。這次的經歷讓我感覺,即使是一家高級定位的餐廳,如果在食物安全和衛生方面做得不好,仍然會影響顧客的用餐體驗。因此,我個人並不太建議大家前往這家餐廳用餐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-18
川川除了提供川粵料理,還有火鍋供應🍲今次先試下正宗四川粵菜。環境舒服,有卡位。上菜會一道一道上,唔洗逼我要快啲還枱,比我和家人慢慢品嘗食物👍砂窩胡椒海中蝦招牌菜之一。選用海南島的白胡椒粒和新鮮游水中蝦,鑊氣十足,令胡椒味滲進海蝦中,又香又惹味。8隻海蝦都大隻,蝦肉爽口彈牙。正宗四川擔擔麵湯底絲滑又香濃的花生醬在厚實Q彈麵條上掛汁滿滿,微辣開胃,經典四川風味湯麵~樟茶鴨外酥內嫩,不會乾巴巴,皮底下肉色紅潤,帶有樟木和茶葉的特殊香氣。川式style當然要點啲辣粉,先夠過癮。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)