Restaurant: Forbidden Duck (Times Square)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

All Branches (2)
This Chinese restaurant brand was founded by a Michelin star chef - Alvin Leung. The signature Forbidden Duck is aged and has a wonderful taste. In addition, it offers a diverse selection of exquisite dim sum and Cantonese dishes that are made with contemporary cooking ways. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 14:30
17:30 - 21:15
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 14:30
17:30 - 21:15
Public Holiday
11:30 - 14:30
17:30 - 21:15
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 14:30
17:30 - 21:15
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Peking Duck Seafood Rice in Aromatic Duck Soup Lobster & Vermicelli with Black Truffle Har Mi XO Barbecue Yunnan Black Pig "Char Siu"
Review (240)
叫咗4人餐 $1580 未計加一整體來說 味道不過不失酸辣湯唔夠酸辣味 鴨絲令酸辣湯有"鴨蘇味"咕嚕肉炸得太多粉片皮鴨配料不多 同酒樓冇乜分別但價錢因地段嚟講 尚算公道性價比不高款式唔太多但服務態度幾好的只係嘢食方面需要更加改進 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-11-10
為了答謝友人幫我裝嘢,逢我媽旨意搵間有片皮鴨的餐廳。鴨大哥我路過睇過好多次,睇完網上的評分決定親身試一次。今日叫左5個餸,片皮鴨是必點的,我叫左半隻,皮係脆的,涼左都唔會有臊味,最好、佢個片有個爐熱住,所以成舊暖暖地咁食,係唔錯。不過我覺得其他餸會更出色:荔枝咕嚕肉~大大粒荔枝肉,咕嚕肉皮脆,肉還算淋,佢唔會好酸,食落好開胃黑毛豬叉燒~~本人好鍾意食叉燒,佢的肉好淋,入口即化的感覺,又唔會好肥,絕對絕對要試原味鴨鬆~~菜鋪同鴨肉比例相宜,配以生菜墊底,唔會油膩,好食什菜煲~~都比普通酒樓出色,我覺得佢湯底好濃味,所以d 菜都好入味我會推薦黎食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
带娃来铜锣湾,心血来潮想吃中餐,搜了一下附近居然有北京烤鸭,作为“鸭都”南京出来的我,那肯定不能错过.🌈出了电梯就被这巨大的“鸭大哥”吸引了,仿佛随时欢迎我们的到来,餐厅场地算大,环境也很优雅,落座后服务人员立马贴心的拿来了儿童餐具~我和娃两个人,点了三个菜,有荤有素,nice👍🦆招牌北京烤鸭这肯定是要点啦,我们点了半只,鸭子上来的时候,一眼可以看出,一半是鸭皮、一半是鸭肉,脆脆的鸭皮点上红糖,一口下去滋滋冒油,但真的不腻,鸭肉鲜嫩多汁,也是半肥半瘦,除了常规的甜面酱,这家还配了芝麻酱,独有一番滋味🥩荔枝咕噜肉这是给娃点的,外脆里嫩的猪里脊,配上大颗大颗的鲜荔枝,再淋上甜口的酱汁,简直是娃的下饭神菜🥬铁板啫啫通菜娃能咬得动的蔬菜通菜算一个,这个口感很清新,配上浓郁的蒜蓉香,虽然有小米辣,但,是娃能接受的,上菜的时候呲呲冒油,老远就闻到香味📝总体来说还是不错的,环境优雅,菜品优秀,请客会有我觉得这里也是不错的选择👍而且地点非常好找🦆店名:鸭大哥📍地址:铜锣湾勿地臣街1号时代广场10楼1001B号铺🚇交通:港铁【铜锣湾】站A出口,出来就是时代广场,直接上10楼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
約了好友到銅鑼灣的時代廣場逛街,行到攰我地上左10樓去試好出名的鴨大哥。這家餐廳的北京烤鴨非常出名,吸引了不少本地同外國食客慕名而來(包括我跟朋友)一進入餐廳,裝潢簡約又舒適,有可坐多人的圓枱,更有適合2-3個知己坐在一起的方枱,整個格局都非常適合與朋友聚餐。菜單上最令人期待的當然是他們的招牌北京烤鴨,我們兩人點了半份烤鴨。當上這道菜時,我心裡充滿期待。烤鴨外皮金黃超酥脆,而鴨肉的肉質鮮嫩多汁。將烤鴨放在薄餅上,然後再搭配特製的甜醬,配上青瓜條和蔥絲,口感層次分明,真的讓我一口接一口停不下來!另外我們又點了碟黃金蝦球,大大隻蝦球外面包着一層鋪滿咸蛋黃的脆皮,一口咬下去,外面脆而蝦肉是爽滑彈牙淨食肉係唔得既,我們還叫了碟鐵板啫啫通菜,這道菜非常吸引,上菜時看到通菜在鐵板上滋滋作響,熱氣散發着香味。通菜口感脆嫩,搭配薑絲、蒜頭、肉碎加辣椒,好夾好好味!總結:烤鴨必點,超好味。其他食物味道都不錯!人多的話可以叫一整隻鴨,再多叫幾個小菜,仲要餐廳無限時,朋友聚會食飯一流呀 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
北京烤鸭-北京烤鸭酥脆的皮和嫩滑的肉超级吸引。外皮经过特制的烤制工艺,香气扑鼻,色泽金黄。食用时搭配薄饼、甜面酱和葱丝,口感层次丰富,咸香中带有一丝甜味,肉质鲜嫩多汁,令人回味无穷。🍲海鲜鸭汤泡饭-这道菜将海鲜的鲜美与鸭肉的浓郁结合在一起。汤底清爽,富有海鲜的鲜香,鸭肉的脂香融入汤中,形成独特的风味。泡饭时,脆米的加入增添了口感的层次感,既有汤的温润,又有脆米的酥脆。铁板通菜-菜叶鲜嫩,口感爽脆。搭配蒜香和调味料,味道鲜美,清爽可口,适合喜欢清淡口味的人士。铁板的高温锁住了菜的营养,吃起来十分过瘾。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)