Chura inner environment is relaxed and comfortable, lightings are softly and the Japanese design is all around the restaurant. Chura has different serving rooms for different customers, such as one person can enjoy the meal in Tatami serving room, six or above can use the party room. The restaurant is offers the traditional Japanese- Okinawa foods. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Okinawa Island Peanut Soybean Curd Set of Sushi and Sashimi Health Soybean Curd Pot
Review (29)
Level3 2010-05-24
友人做audit,而家係非常之忙,難得仲記得本宮o既生日,最難得係開OT中仍要請本宮食飯,本宮諗O左好耐,終於行到彩星,睇到一直都好想試下o既沖繩料理,所以就去試下。一入到去,裝潢好有feel,好多客人都係日本人,連小二都唔係本地人...一o黎就有2碟side dishes,係3條細魚仔,好好味,點知埋單時一睇,成30蚊一碟,2碟就成60蚊,痴線ga! 咁貴,簡直係搶錢,又冇問人要唔要!想叫海葡萄,點知冇... 唉~ 叫o左苦瓜炒豬肉,其實本宮一直都唔食苦瓜,叫e碟o野只係睇下究竟有幾好味,點知... 苦瓜仍然係苦,一d都食唔到回甘... 友人話如果去到我o地e個年紀,食苦瓜仍然覺得係苦,只有一個原因,只係因為我o地唔係人上人...叫o左碟花生豆腐,好古怪,因為本宮真係食唔慣凍o既豆腐,仲要係好硬o既豆腐,仲要係成舊都係豆腐,但又有花生味... 超越古怪...西京燒銀雪魚,好好味,原來點麵豉,係好味過點沙律醬...墨魚汁炒飯,又係好好味,d飯好粘,好得意,我o地爭食tim~壽司又係好好味,又好新鮮,尤其果碗唔知係咩~ 好滑,但又唔似昆布... 好得意...友人拎o左支醋玩,佢話好似養鬼仔~ 哈哈~間o野唔太差,但係如果只計有特色o既沖繩料理... 好明顯,佢唔係我杯茶... http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/ultrabearhk/article?mid=610 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-05-09
夢想之中的沖繩之旅落實遙遙無期,趁請食飯,就請剛從那邊公幹點來的友人吃一餐,讓她不用看價錢地發板推介一下沖繩名物吧。花生豆腐球是很卡娃依的一款,總的來說就是又白又滑,日本豆腐總是有種本地豆腐沒有的濃厚豆味,再加上花生味,實在是相得益彰。經理極力推介的kinki魚刺身,或許是即劏的關係(當然也是因為價錢的關係,這魚佔了全餐的一半價值啊)吧,在白身魚來說魚味也相當足夠地鮮甜。這次吃過新鮮的kinki之後,看來平常要先醃過的吃法,好像就有點浪費啊?吃過刺身後魚頭再給炸過後再上,雖然這麼細小的魚仔,魚頭餘下的肉已經不多,但炸脆過的魚骨也有些咬口,愛吃魚頭魚骨應該會喜歡。壽司拼盤色彩很綣爛,這集團的壽司總不能差得到哪裡,出色或許談不上,但新鮮程度和鮮味都穩定地不俗,赤貝和吞拿魚都是相對較深刻的款式。芝士牛舌將平常一片片上的牛舌改成粒粒狀,雖然牛舌本身的味道較淡,但加上了芝士同焗, 令整體味道和質感也與日常的大有不同,很有新意。最後是真正的沖繩名物海老炸海葡萄。早知道海葡萄是沒有味道的,但質地很特別,炸粉以內爽爽的一團,加上海老帶回一點味道,是個很不錯的中和。相比正宗的沖繩料理,這餐應該算是比較「重口味」的選擇吧?真正健康淡味又相宜的沖繩料理,還是等真的到了沖繩,有著藍天與白雲作調味之時再嘗好了。(3/178) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-05-05
豬肋骨湯麵定食: 主食 豬肋骨大大件, 部份肉質略實, 麵質ok; 前菜有 爽爽的醃青瓜, 涼拌菜絲; 壽司有 小巧的青瓜卷, 甜甜的腐皮壽司; 另有 滑滑的蒸蛋, 清清的味噌湯; 苦瓜炒豬肉定食: 主食 苦瓜味道不算苦, 既爽且甘, 周邊都是滿滿的蛋花, 伴炒的肉片及豆腐則略咸; 味噌湯內佈滿洋蔥, 蛋花, 豆腐碎, 很清的味道;甜點: 濃厚朱古力味雪糕, 好味店舖位於地庫, 滿座的時候, 周遭聲音變得有點吵耳; 店內座位空間舒適, 侍應服務有禮, 滿有笑容, 讚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-12-24
Initially, we would like to go back to En (Russel Street, CWB) for the all-u-can-eat Crab shabu shabu...then we found that En closed down sometime ago Therefore, we decided to try Chura as it belongs to the same group.I have read some of the reviews and pretty agreed with them...we found that the food here are over-priced...the quality of the food is okay but not impressed...we believe we can have tons of other choices given the prices they charged. Anyhow, let me share with you my comments as follows:1) Starter - meatballs...the taste is fine but too pricey...$30 each2) Peanut tofu ($45) - I guess everyone loves this tofu cos it has a very interesting texture...I don't know how they made it to give it a perfect dome shape and it has a touch of peanut taste, not too strong and the whole tofu is so smooth. AWESOME!3) Sea grapes - tiny little portion and they charged you $57...much more expensive than all other Jap restaurants in CWB4) Sashimi combo - we were stunned by the price charged on this sashimi combo, only $288 and you can have a variety of different lovely fish??? Unbelievable, huh? Then, we reckoned that the cut of the fish is only half of the size of a regular sashimi platter! The taste of the sashimi is so-so, not impressed and not enough to share 5) Fried fish cake - overall it's fine but I don't know why, I didn't really taste the fish???Once again, the portion is verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry small...tiny 2 little pieces 6) Pan fried bitter melon with pork - finally, the "biggest" portion of the evening...we love the bitter melon but the pork is tasteless...oh well7) Fried squid ink noodle ($70) - small portion as usual...the taste is fine but a bit too greasy...we looked through the menu to find something more filling and there we go, a noodle plate. If you are a squid ink noodle fan, I suggest you to try it at 東寶at North Point Market...really yummy there 8) A bottle of 360ml cold sake - $320I believe this would be my only visit to Chura cos I am certain that I can always locate another Japanese restaurant(s) which can satisfy me in both qualitative and quantitative sense continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-12-10
第一次到Chura是多年前的事、後來漸漸変成我的飯堂之一。持續了好幾年。毎次都是去午餐為主、以沖縄料理而言、是OK的。但晩飯的話、以他的価錢(OverHKD500/人)、老實説、可以有更多更好的選擇。我最愛是沖縄之海葡萄、在香港或日本(沖縄以外之地区)好少Order到。在這裡可以找到。其他沖縄料理菜式:豚肉苦瓜、紅酒牛舌等等、都是在這裡我最愛的選擇。但Lunch Menus可以Lunch Set Order、晩飯的話以正価。Lunch抵食得多。不知為何、漸漸没有到這間餐廳。週末突然記起我最愛的紅酒牛舌、於是來了近2年没有來的飯堂。來到是星期六下午約2点。過了最多人的時段、午市到3点便完結。門面漂亮了、内裡卻没改變。仍然是一個可漫漫吃飯的地方。客人仍是日本人為主、當然也有香港人。Lunch Menus亦没有改變、豚肉苦瓜、紅酒牛舌仍在。我点了紅酒牛舌Set Lunch。他的牛舌做得很好、非常足味。份量很多。飯後來杯雪糕或飲品、悠悠的午餐、這兒絶対是不二之選。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)