5-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 19:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 19:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (127)
Level4 2024-01-23
跑完10km,當然要補充體力,之前見到呢間餅店就黎結業,當然要朝聖一下💪叫左4款蛋糕,1款蘿蔔糕鬆餅,全部都好有驚喜山楂餅蛋糕,酸酸甜甜,中間有一塊荔枝啫喱,好清甜,朱古力外殼好似出奇蛋的味道檸檬茶蛋糕,雖然唔係檸檬茶味,但係蛋糕內的伯爵茶味道好舒服,唔會太甜,四款蛋糕之中,我覺得最好食係呢一個👍杯麵蛋糕,麵條用啫喱做,手工仔細,味道不錯熊仔餅蛋糕,榛子味道好香濃,好似食緊金莎,不過因為係最後一款蛋糕,已經好飽,所以覺得有少少漏🤣蘿蔔糕鬆餅,非常出色,鬆餅入邊加咗蘿蔔絲,臘腸碎,中間加了余均益辣椒醬混合的沙律醬,食落好惹味至於飲品,叫左棉花糖朱古力,雖然冇張相影出嚟嘅棉花糖,但係比平時飲嘅朱古力都要香濃食完呢一次,覺得結業有點可惜,希望呢幾日有機會試埋剩返嗰三款蛋糕🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一直都好鍾意呢間蛋糕店既蛋糕🍰因為佢好有創意同造型感🎨坦白說口味係同等價錢蛋糕店有更加好的😅但係勝在好有特色而且賣相好特別😛 今次趁著佢就黎執再食下呢個以童年回憶為主題既系列🎪雖然口味同想像之中既童年零食稍有出入😚 但係造型感用黎慶祝真係好不錯😜⭐️ 士多啤梨山 🗻比起童年既士多啤梨朱古力 呢個既甜度無咁高👍🏼 用上鮮士多啤梨果肉但係口味比較單調🍓⭐️ 香印提子啫喱豆 🍇除咗提子嘅甜味之外仲多了一份椰子嘅口味🥥 酸甜既配搭好有層次💚 特別係啫喱嘅口感好經典🤩⭐️ 山渣餅 🩷呢款真係好有驚喜因為用上山渣同紅桑子🤭酸度真係好清新好突出🌹⭐️ 當仔杯麵 🍜一條條焦糖造型嘅麵條造型感滿分💯焦糖配上咖啡既配搭甜度相對比較高☕️⭐️ 熊仔餅 🐻本身仲以為係朱古力餡🍫但係榛子嘅味道就比較濃🌰 整體口味有點偏膩 加點清新感中和會更加好😽⭐️ 龍眼青檸酥 🍋法式Pastry一如所料口感好酥脆🥐 將法式既口味加上龍眼呢種亞洲既水果 酸甜度好平衡🧃 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-09
生日老闆送左呢個樂天熊仔餅造型嘅蛋糕,見到成個朱古力包住諗住好甜,點知食落非常有驚喜,入面係金莎榛子口味,冇想像中咁甜,屋企人都邊食邊讚,連平時唔食甜嘢嘅屋企人,都自己食晒一舊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*--朋友生日、買左士多啤梨朱古力你蛋糕慶祝本身諗住個蛋糕係1大粒朱古力😹點知原來大蛋糕係朱古力盒造型、所以即刻買翻粒細既補救、大家如果買既記得小心啲睇清潔啊~兩款蛋糕個味差唔多、但反而細既每一啖好似多啲果肉好食啲~ ✨-另外見好得意買埋山楂餅蛋糕、佢係酸酸地既Musse cake、清新好味(雖然好食、但唔似山楂餅味嫁) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
輕鬆 角落小顆伴 下午茶 @ 當文歷餅店 之前介紹過 中環核心 皇后大道中之創意cafe 今次外賣專區嘆 多款最潮美味素🍀,絕對抵讃 👍🏻Enjoyed a chilled afternoon at the heart of Central @ Dang Wen Li by Dominique Ansel Flapship store featuring a delicious series of plant-based pastries with a touch of Hong Kong 🇭🇰 x French 🇫🇷 style. Recommended dishes 必吃OmniFoods Luncheon and Egg Croissant 新餐肉蛋牛角包 🆕🥩🍖🥚🥐Silk Egg Katsu Sando 吉列滑蛋三文治 🍳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)