2-min walk from Exit B2, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (169)
我覺得標題一啲都唔浮誇,最近搬到旺角一帶居住,好開心就係一得閒就可以過嚟呢度食個tea,有時約朋友嚟,有時自己嚟,對呢間舖無法自拔中,記得10年前佢已經係度,係附近返工個下最鍾意佢個金沙肥豬仔流沙包,依家可能皮厚咗少少啫,味道水準都維持到,畢竟10年,離職同搬屋遠咗,好耐無再嚟,依家住附近突然想起佢,一嚟發現新嘅裝修,好舒適,之後食物簡直有種太幸福嘅感覺,想日日都食,最近無敵鍾意佢嘅古法馬拉糕,大家一定要試下,今日食咗雞蛋布拉腸,好有心思呀,仲有強烈推薦燒汁虎皮尖椒!!我至愛!咁有水準心思嘅點心舖,價錢相宜,但我心有所憂,唔知點解每次嚟人流唔太多,唔知是否疫情影響,好怕老闆堅持唔住,希望可以做到永遠,點點心加油!永遠支持!我post嘅係最近幾次點嘅食物相 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-11-20
I went in there for lunch and everything was great until the 2nd order. We got a second order, waited a while, nothing came, so I told the server I can't wait any longer and need to run to an appointment. They said 10 more minutes, and I said it's just not possible--that's too long. The "manager" said they will not pay me back and charged me full price despite me not even eating the 2nd order, so they basically took $40 from me. The next day the management contacted me to say they are reviewing the situation, but to be honest, a simple apology right off the bat would've been much better. They offered my $40 back but I decided to reject it cause we all know it wasn't about the money--its about the service. They finally apologized to me via email which made things much better.I'm not sure if I'd return with this kind of service. The food is pretty good though, so it's really a 50/50 chance for you. Just don't cancel anything and you should be fine. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-11-10
I recently went here for lunch. The staff were very rude, almodt they really didn't care whether you’re there or not. The food is alright but not worth the price and the wait considering other dim sum places that are more professionally managed and welcome customers. Me and my friend waited forever for our dishes to come and whenever we tried to get the attention of the staff, they ignored us. The cashier didn’t smile, and everyone looked miserable. I won’t be returning. Go somewhere else for a better experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-09-30
蜚聲海外的一家經典點心餐廳,店內有多種傳統港式點心:鮮美嫩滑的燒汁釀茄子、奶香醇厚的炸鮮奶、飽滿多餡的蟹子燒賣,口碑都很不錯,最推薦鮑汁鳳爪:處得的很干淨的鳳爪肥厚有彈性,用小火慢熬將鳳爪燉得入味且酥軟,吃起來一點也不費勁,微辣的口味更是誘人至極。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好耐無同老公去撐枱腳,亦都好耐無食過點心,見今日行過無人等位就衝咗入去。呢間一向都有食開,只係每次行過都好多人等位,而我地又怕排隊,今次唔洗排隊,即刻入去啦。一坐底就叫咗菠蘿包,蝦腸,燒賣、牛肉球、叉燒包、腐皮卷,大約咁多啦個蝦腸唔係酒樓蝦腸,中間有d脆口野,但食唔出係乜,菠蘿包係有真菠蘿,但我最中意係佢熱ge,放入口咬都係熱,唔係暖。個山竹牛肉球有少少驚險,放上枱個下見到好紅,怕係未熟,阿姐都即刻攞入廚房問多次先俾我地食,服務態度👍🏻,唯一無咩特別就係叉燒包同腐皮卷,同出面差唔多。今晚試係好滿足,終於可以食到點心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)