Restaurant: Dim Sum Library

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
The decoration of the Chinese restaurant uses black as the main tone, which is so fashionable and quite sentimental. The restaurant specializes in dim sum with expensive ingredients and innovative elements. The dim sum is complicated and exquisite. For example, Wagyu Beef Puffs with Black Truffles and Black Truffles Shrimp Dumplings as the signature dishes. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
10:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
10:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (217)
❝二訪Dim Sum Library食新派點心☕️以茶為主題menu🌿流心伯爵茶包 普洱茶煙燻雞🐥❞2訪呢間走高貴路線既點心/中菜餐廳 @dimsumlibrary 我個人幾中意佢地既點心 款式特別又精緻!😚最近佢地新出左Tearoom Collection Menu✨將茶葉融入點心/主菜/甜品中🌿☕️(做到10月31日!)相當高質滿意 好推介大家約埋朋友仔sss去試試 飲茶食點心多人開心d!😍✌🏻好推介要試下普洱茶燻本地農場雞🐣以砂鍋上 煙燻味香濃 帶淡淡茶香 雞肉嫩滑 雞油香十足 係好好食既煙燻雞🥹❤️另外黑松露鮑魚飯 石鍋上熱辣辣帶香脆飯焦🤤鋪滿鮑魚松露片相當足料 另外可淋上松露鮑汁 香氣十足!3款以茶為主題既甜品都相當高質👍🏻☺️最中意茉莉花茶奶凍幼滑 帶奶香同時帶清香而濃郁既茉莉花茶味😍烏龍茶焦糖燉蛋充滿蛋香同烏龍茶既烘焙香~最後伯爵茶流心包爆晒醬好正 不過有點偏甜😳點心都唔錯😙蝦餃皮加入龍井茶葉! 麻辣既擔擔湯包十分香辣惹味! 炸鱈魚卷熱辣辣 鬆化香脆又新鮮! 不過點心相對以上主菜&甜品冇咁大驚喜~仲有以茶為主題既cocktail/ mocktails🍸✌🏻Sheng Jiang係綠茶/檸檬薑味 Jasmine Punch係茉莉茶/香橙柚子荔枝~✨𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗜 𝗲𝗮𝘁?▪️御龍井蝦餃 $78 (3 pcs) ▪️雞樅菌鱈魚卷 $88 (3 pcs) ▪️擔擔湯包 $88 $88 (3pcs) ▪️普洱茶燻本地農場雞 $248 (half)👍🏻✨▪️黑松露鮑魚燒飯 $268 👍🏻✨▪️伯爵茶流心包 $65 (3 pcs)▪️茉莉花茶凍 $58 👍🏻✨▪️烏龍蛋 $58 👍🏻✨▪️Sheng Jiang (cocktail) $100▪️Jasmine Punch (mocktail) $60꧁꧁ ——𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓃𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓂𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃—— ꧂꧂📍Dim Sum Library 金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場L1樓124號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
发现这家店的时候真的好惊喜!从外面看起来像酒吧哈哈🌟关于环境:环境非常符合太古广场整体的富贵风,和传统点心店不同,非常精致。约会聚会很适合!店里的音乐也很有意思,都是老歌改变加入了现代旋律。🌟关于菜品:我们点了几样都不错。1⃣️黑松露虾饺,传统虾饺的基础上加了黑松露,非常美味!黑松露脑袋狂喜。2⃣️黑椒和牛酥,真的很惊艳,和牛非常香,是西餐的味道,加入酥脆的外壳,非常新鲜的口感。3⃣️虾片鱼汤丝瓜,没想到里面有很多虾,汤非常鲜美可以喝,除了虾和丝瓜还有肉末,趁热吃!4⃣️ 云南姬松茸伊面:很香!姬松茸脆脆的!5⃣️酒的话酒单蛮全的,我点的无酒精鸡尾酒,玫瑰那款,喜欢酸口的话可以试试~🌟可以在openrice上先预约,我们没预约直接walk in,限时一小时,不过上菜很快。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
以往每隔數月也會來這裡飲茶,最近見openrice午膳時段也開放訂座,也在想原因是否客人少了。今天午膳時段惠顧,叫了幾款點心包括蝦餃、春卷、蝦腸、蛋撻、炒芥蘭和一碟牛河,還有甜品烏龍蛋,食物水準一如以往地佳,只是份量偏少。整頓飯最令人氣忿的是內廳兩位男侍應的態度,多次舉手示意也(扮)看不到,不知是有心還是無留意,完全沒有主動加水,而每次來到枱前也皺着眉頭,好像很不耐煩似的。有一兩次想問問未到齊的點心,其中一位男侍應竟面露不悅,語帶呼喝地回應:"邊有咁快㗎!" 吓,45分鐘前已下單也叫快? 講一句"再幫你跟跟" 好難咩?他的語氣態度實在令人無名火起!在金鐘收這種價錢的酒樓,竟然可以容忍服務態度如此惡劣的侍應,酒樓實在要多加留意,否則只會繼續流失客人,浪費廚師心機。貼錢買難受的一頓飯,以後不會再幫襯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-06
Aqua Restaurant Group 旗下嘅餐廳都幾高質唔係只得 Aqua 夠鎮得住啲餐廳唔單調又有特色呢度係其中一間代表作首先,全部菜式都係十分熱辣辣咁上枱,好加分海膽蟹肉春卷好新奇,都幾夾脆皮雞係呢餐飯嘅靈魂之一,個擺盤好正一揭開就係滿滿嘅雞肉我哋嗌咗半隻,但啲肉食極都有,完全冇呃秤喺未揭開啲雞皮之前已經有陣陣黑松露味飄出泥,嗰時仲喺度周圍望,睇吓邊枱傳出泥點知揭開先發現係我哋隻雞😂有驚喜!好嫩好滑好 juicy平時完全唔食雞皮嘅我都放過自己,食咗幾塊呢幾塊真係值得食脆、甘、香。成件事好 wow 好難忘魚香脆茄子都係好有 feel 嘅一碟第一次食呢個 combination平時呢種炸皮,裏面一定係豆腐㗎嘛個樣又靚,疊起晒好整齊炸得好酥脆,外脆內軟又 juicy,夠惹味茶盅豆腐乳凍,中西合璧,幾特別兩個甜品都好 rich 好 creamy完美作結Dim Sum Library黑椒和牛酥 $96海膽蟹肉春卷 $96擔擔湯包 $78半隻脆皮雞 $228鵝肝和牛炒飯 $268魚香脆茄子 $138上湯莧菜 $118茶盅豆腐乳凍 $62焦糖燉蛋 $62📍金鐘 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-11-04
I have been to the Dim Sum Library on many occasions and the food was good. Had not been back for quite a while. So this evening we decided to buy some takeaways as it was starting to be late in the evening.The deep fried stuffed taro, which should be fluffy and crisp and has a nice filling, was awful off the charts. Can't even bite through the shell which was like armour. Really just gave up and threw away the half remaining piece and the two untouchable ones.The shrimps fried rice was tough as nails. It didn't taste uncooked. Just hard. Had to put it into a wok and add water to soften it up. Ended up throwing as much water as 3/4 of the volume of the dish before it stop behaving like barbed wire. Ended up cooking our own dinner. Sigh... Judging from comments, everyone loves this place. May be it is a different crew in the kitchen? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)