Exit A5, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Dynasty Restaurant located in Renaissance Harbour View Hotel, the decoration is innovative and there are harbour view.The most special part of Dynasty Restaurant is that it offered traditional Hong kong food with strong taste.Some normal restaurant offer light taste and cut some delicious food in order to follow the hygiene rules. As for Dynasty Restaurant,they focus on the taste and not to follow the trend. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
**Takeaway delicacies are available from 12:00 – 15:00 & 18:00 – 22:00 (last order 14:30 & 21:30)
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Fried Glutinous Rice with Preserved Meat Braised Fresh Fish Mouth Braised Goose Web with Sea Cucumber Baked Fish Intestines in Traditional Method Barbecued Pork with Honey Sauce Chicken Liver with Honey Sauce
Review (170)
Level1 2024-08-22
午餐吃得一肚氣,點了瑤柱蛋白炒飯,一直都沒有來,其他菜都吃完了都沒來,催完又催,一直對我們說快來了,都最後才和我們說忘了下單。之後叫的甜品也發生相同的問題,枱都收好,也換上吃甜品的碟和叉,等了又等,催了又催,依然沒有來。最後又是告訴我們忘了下單!埋單時部長說全都是炒散的兼職。真的沒想到酒店的服務也如此狼狽。當客人第一次催上菜就應該查單有沒有落到,不是要等到客人催第四次才告訴忘了下單。出品是仍然保持一定水準,幾樣小菜均美味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-23
老人家想享受一餐正式嘅中菜,即刻帶佢嚟呢個最靚景嘅中菜廳!環繞180度海景,無敵落地玻璃,強大嘅廚師班底,完全成就咗孝子嘅極限🥹3個人5味餸,又花膠又龍蝦(仲要兩隻)三個甜品,埋單先$3000左右,再體驗埋廚師嘅手勢,我自己覺得就真係非常之值拼盤:乳豬、燒鵝($440)乳豬同燒鵝味道超讚,乳豬皮脆肉嫩,燒鵝更香!高湯燉肘子花膠菜膽 $268 x3湯底清澈,味道鮮醇,肘子軟滑,加上嫩滑嘅花膠同菜膽,真係滋補又好味。蒜蓉龍蝦 $600 x2這道龍蝦以蒜蓉為主調,味道香濃,龍蝦肉質鮮甜,鮮嫩多汁翡翠百合炒斑球 $520斑球鮮嫩滑口,與清脆的百合相互輝映,讓每一口都充滿清新的口感。百合的清甜與魚球的鮮美交融,帶來了一種極致的味覺享受。隱藏菜式 黃鱔煲飯 老人家想嚟個煲仔飯食吓,本身諗住叫啲普通嘢,點知侍應話有隱藏菜式,諗都唔諗即刻點個黎試!一打開個煲蓋,隱隱約約嘅焦香同埋魚肉嘅鮮味馬上呈現而來,細心品嚐嘅時候發現粒粒分明,飯入面竟然冇焦但又有嗰種焦香味,真係想問佢究竟點整出嚟鹹香鮮甜四感混合,將一個煲仔飯setting升華到另一個層次,如果有機會嘅話一定要問吓侍應仲有冇,試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-04
滿福樓係萬麗海景酒店3樓 會展站A5出口 經過條橋上電梯就到 全程室內 落雨都唔怕餐廳樓底高 空間感十足 有無敵海景 坐得好舒服 而且服務態度好好👍好pro乳豬配胡麻冰菜 - 我好鐘意食冰菜,加埋胡麻更加好食龍湯蛋白蝦球 - 嫩滑嘅蛋白配上爽口彈牙嘅蝦球仲有咩可以挑剔海參扣鵝掌 - 燜得好淋好入味煎堆 - 炸得鬆脆 唔油膩 食多幾粒都唔覺滯富貴長春露 - 唔太甜又滋補 另外,香蜜蛋散、蛋撻仔、楊枝甘露 - 呢三寶係每次甜點一定點嘅 最鐘意佢嘅楊枝金露😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-26
今日去咗海景萬麗酒店都同一班舊朋友飲茶,好彩天公做美,個view都幾靚,整體我哋都覺得食物質素幾高,而且店員嘅態度亦都非常專業,不時會幫我哋加水,成餐飯令我最印象深刻嘅係佢嘅蛋白杏仁茶!蛋白杏仁茶既口味可以話係非常滑順。而且蛋白加入使茶令到成個口感更加豐富,甜品嚟講,簡直冇得輸。而且蛋白加埋杏仁嘅味道好perfect, 成個味道喺出邊啲餐廳都好難食到,非常欣賞廚師嘅功價!雖然喺酒店飲茶價錢比較貴,但係質素同埋服務,真係冇得比! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-24
Celebratory dinner in the private room for Lotus SC. Here’s what we had. Trio of appetizers: -Chat Siu made with Spanish Iberico pork-椒鹽九肚魚- bean curd marinated with 花雕Seafood Soup with Poached abalone slices and clams. Loved it. Very fresh. Baked crab shell stuffed with an abundance of minced crab meat, onions and coconut. Made the traditional way- not the one with Portuguese sauce. Prawns steamed with egg white in lobster sauce. Very substantial. 鹽焗雞Broccoli accompanied by a robust braising sauce of dried scallops and mushrooms.Vermicelli and glass noodles in seafood broth. The poached garoupa fillet added depth to the MASSIVE soul-warming bowl of goodness.The others, who could take spicy, had a fiery kick of chili oil in theirs. They said the flavor balance was perfect. Dessert: 山水豆腐花 (which tasted very thick and beany), 煎堆 and mini egg tarts.In summary: extremely impressed with the wine pairings, impeccable service and delectable array of dishes organised by our host. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)