2-min walk from Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (917)
Level4 2019-04-23
有日同朋友喺旺角食飯,諗唔到去邊度食嘢朋友就介紹咗佢依間餐廳食飯,餐廳唔算太多人而且啲位都坐得幾舒服望住旺角嘅街景都幾有feel嘢食嘅種類都幾多,嗰日同朋友都有啲肚餓所以叫咗小食拼盤食下先小食拼盤嘅份量都幾大份,有兩隻炸雞、洋蔥圈、薄餅同埋沙律,味道都唔錯而且食落去沙律好開胃,雞鎚嘅醬汁有少少辣,唔食得辣嘅朋友就要注意啦然後主菜方面我哋叫咗墨魚汁海鮮意大利飯,依個意大利飯都幾有驚喜海鮮嘅份量亦都幾多,食落去墨魚汁嘅味道好重而且好creamy我個人就幾鍾意。之後朋友仲叫咗一款芝士牛肉漢堡仲配埋薯條,份量亦都好大份,薯條好脆,我同朋友share食都差啲食唔晒,但係無論味道同埋份量亦都非常之滿意最後叫埋杯嘢飲就真係好滿足 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
the atmosphere was okay. we were seated at a bar table. the price seems moderate..however the food wasn't as good as I have expected. we ordered the set for two. the food came quite slow. but I guess is understandable as there just weren't enough staff to go around when its packed. first came the soup.. Basic corn n mushroom soup.. nothing to comment about... then waited for another 10 Mins or so for the appetizer. scallop toast. scallop toast, the toast was crunchy, but the scallop was not seared properly, and still got that ice frozen aftertaste.. it tasted like they've boiled the scallop then just pan sear for 10 seconds. seafood paella. it was rather soggy and not enough flavour... most of all...it's not even hot can barely say warm. but the portion was ok. beef rib. the main course. well..the beef was very chewy. like very chewy. I got tired from chewing... and some meat are actually not from the rib... so...dessert was probably the highlight. overall, food was rather disappointing.. service was slow but understandable.. ( we had to ask for a refill of our water 20 times) probably won't go back again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-04-11
約左同朋友聚一聚 book 左呢間吃吧既餐廳裝修一般 但食物都幾有驚喜點左個豬手 鐵板配有西式香腸同薯蓉倒上酒後店員會點一點火燒一燒外皮 個個朋友立即影相打個卡店員好好主動幫我地切開唔洗自己切夠曬方便豬手夠香口 外皮脆扑扑 肉質夠嫩滑 小小鹹 但夠鹹香好食小食叫左芝士白酒煮海蜆 大大粒肉水牛芝土味濃 仲可以拉到絲份量幾足 大約十幾隻 幾低食而且個汁入面有好多洋蔥做配料再叫左個意大利飯大大個香菇 係飯既上面幾有菇香味再用三文魚包著意大利飯飯粒食落去夠creamy 放碟都加左分比利時啤酒kwak 苦味較出 飲下飲下又覺得幾香醇配豬手一齊食都幾合配餐廳食物有水準 感覺是用心製作 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-04-10
今次係第二次嚟食,因為上一次覺得佢幾好食,然後環境有幾工廠feel,坐得都幾舒服。今次黎見到佢換咗個新餐單,可能未太掌握到,所以啲嘢食麻麻。嗌咗個北海道全蜆忌廉意粉,比較淡口,就算額外落咗芝士粉啲味都唔太出。仲嗌咗個海膽海鮮炒飯,依個同上面個意粉簡直係一個對比,都幾濃味下,而且好多三文魚。小食拼盤有雞鎚,魷魚圈,薯條同餅。雞鎚幾大份, 味道都普普。龍蝦湯有細細粒蝦仁係入邊。唔錯。嘢飲方面都優秀既,朱古力同紫薯紅豆latte都好飲,好快飲完。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-04-09
收工二人世界👫今次黎到旺角搵食。因為想休閒輕鬆下,就搵左間cafe。我地黎到因為無位,被安排左係吧枱度坐,但意外地個景都幾開揚,睇埋彌敦道個街景。後尾有位比我地都唔調喇咁健康人生,餐餐食草係基本。我地點左個三文魚沙律,啲沙律菜都幾新鮮,三文魚好正,仲有我最愛既沙律醋。不過如果啲醋可以少啲啲就好喇但都好味既然後我地叫左個北京填鴨pizza。都好少地方有呢款。佢份量唔算好大,不過兩個人share都開始飽,男朋友好鍾意佢既填鴨,最後我飽到訓左係度佢都要食埋最後個粒填鴨佢🤣再然後又叫左個安格斯牛肉漢堡。成個包好大個,我地一人一半都覺得好大份,佢用左芥末醬,食落感覺偏向美式,個牛排都好厚切,juicy我覺得食漢堡,薯條先係靈魂啊最後點左個洋甘菊花茶share,好大壼,可以飲好多杯,順便解下啲大魚大肉後既油膩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)