7-min walk from Exit A2, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (109)
Level1 2025-01-18
比錢食飯我心甘情願;但比人撳住搶就no way! 我地三人食飯、又話一份三寶唔做、又話一隻燒乳鴿唔做。如果唔想做細擡、可以唔接受預約、點解比我book 擡?感覺俾人撳住搶😠😠😠 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-10-04
有啲菜色要預訂,可以whatsapp 問不過要早少少。我早一晚八點whatsapp 有一半預訂菜式(主要是海鮮類)已經訂唔切。我奇怪酸菜魚點解要訂,不過都訂咗。有好多嘢想食但同行嘅唔食煎炸野。前菜:有青瓜同豬手,幾清新,唔油膩。酸菜魚:一食先知魚係新鮮,滑得嚟有質感,係魚塊(小心有骨)。唔係雪藏魚片加一包醬開成嘅湯。好味。炒鮮奶:正常。下面可唔可唔好放果啲炸米粉,吸咗水氣口感好差。蝦子柚皮:應該都係自己整,少少甘苦。之前有人寫柚子扣肉但其實冇?住家豉油雞:醬汁偏甜但好味。雞煮得很滑。位置唔難搵。場地唔大,五六張枱左右。服務很好。整體不錯👍🏻想再來☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-06-05
Restaurant is a favorite amongst the SPCC gang, as the owner is an alumni. This time I decided to tag along for dinner. Here’s what we had. Appetizer: 豬手and plate of pickled carrots.First to come: trio of deep fried dishes (which went very well with the champagne):琵琶豆腐 (went really well with their secret sauce)蝦多士炸蟹鉗冬瓜盅- very 足料咕嚕肉順德煎釀鯪魚- normally not a fan of 鯪魚 but this was good: crispy on the outside and meaty inside.鵝掌柚皮- unfortunately too salty for me.蟹肉炒良奶- exceptionally good. Very light and fluffy. 瑤柱桂花炒魚肚- interesting. Unfortunately had turned cold by the time I got to it. 豉油雞- loved it. The sauce was excellent. Server indicated they used 冰鮮清遠雞. I can prob get a takeaway one day. 豉油王大蝦- loved this too. Very fragrant.豉汁聖子皇煎米粉- very crispy. Was a teeny bit too spicy for me tho. Dessert: 西米蓮蓉焗布甸. Not too sweet. Went very well with the Sauternes.In summary: ate well indeed, and at $680 per head, good value for money. Excellent choice for big group wine dinners. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2020-06-14
好幾次想訂食得好的的私房菜晚餐均滿座,難得這次我行八人,臨時訂都有位,滿懷高興先訂盤龍膳,冬瓜盅,金錢雞,蟹蟹士,西米布甸等。原本的菜單上已沒有焗魚腸,但師傅破例給我們預訂。很不幸,多項菜式均不及格。金錢雞一點都不熱。盤龍膳充滿著泥味,焗魚腸中心部份一點都不熱。早訂了的蟹多士很脆,很好。冬瓜盅很難不好吃。另叫的咕嚕肉很不錯,酸甜味適中,炸肉很脆。薑汁芥蘭卻很重腥味,焗西米布甸一點都不熱。還好的侍應的服務態度很好,但試過便算了。不會再來。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
早幾日已經電話預訂點心放題,天后站走約10分鐘,易搵但又幾隱蔽,有種獨立一方的感覺!好平好平只要$118全包任食兩小時(12:00-2:00)店鋪細細樓低好高,沒有好侷促的感覺!全場只有4張枱2台客,連埋我同🤴🏻都只係6位客人!😆😆睇睇張點餐紙只有一面22款點心,另每位送2粒蝦餃皇,全部共有23款所以價錢先咁平?🧐唔緊要食物好食都已經值回票價!我心中點心最基本要有蝦餃、燒賣、腸粉!送的蝦餃皇蝦大大隻重蝦味👍🏻👍🏻燒賣有三款,蟹子、鵪鶉蛋、 豬膶!特別講下豬膶燒賣係早年酒樓先有點心,都係第一次見,眼見豬肉上面放塊豬膶,食落有d酸豬膶又硬一d都唔好食🤮。咁佢其他例如腸粉、雞腳、馬拉糕都屬於中上!另外全程只有一位伯伯侍應服務三台客,沒冇過多服務,不溫不火適時上菜添茶,反而帶出酒樓一盅兩件歎返杯靚茶的悠閒😋😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)