5-min walk from Exit E, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
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Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
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Review (81)
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥🔥坐落於銅鑼灣購物區旁邊的一個隱世角落,有不少具有特色的食肆。這間是主打西班牙菜式,菜式的選擇非常多元化,而且還有不少不同款式的酒精飲品供應,加上座位及餐廳的設計十分舒適,事與朋友談天及消閒的好去處。Located in a hidden corner adjacent to the shopping district of Causeway Bay, there are numerous distinctive dining options. This establishment specializes in Spanish cuisine, offering a diverse array of dishes and a variety of alcoholic beverages. The seating arrangement and the restaurant's design provide a comfortable atmosphere, making it an ideal place to converse and relax with friends.芝士醬墨西哥玉米脆片($128)Classic Nachos 這個玉米脆片炸得十分香脆,而且充滿了粟米的香味,玉米片上的蕃茄,橄欖及小香蔥,增加了整到菜式的清新感覺,不過芝士醬卻不算太多,所以位於底層的玉米片就比較淡,可以配上旁邊的牛油果醬及他他醬一同食用,口感更佳The tortilla chips are fried to a perfect crispness, exuding a delightful corn aroma. The addition of tomatoes, olives, and scallions enhances the freshness of the dish. However, the cheese sauce is somewhat sparse, leading to a milder flavor for the underlying chips. They can be complemented with the nearby guacamole and salsa for an improved tasting experience.Tapas四重奏($178)Tapas Cuatro 雖然說是二人份量,但三人亦足夠食用。香炸魷魚圈的脆粉不算太厚,魷魚亦充滿了鮮味。芝士紅腰豆辣肉醬焗薯皮,辣肉醬及芝士的味道不算太過豐富,所以整個菜式就只有薯仔的味道。脆炸辣肉腸芝士粟米球,粟米球炸得非常香脆,不過像是有點熱過火,幸好不算太油膩,粟米的味道比較突出辣肉腸的味道比較欠奉。楓糖烤西班牙辣肉腸這個是四款之中最失色的,除了楓糖味欠奉之外,辣肉腸亦非常硬。Though intended for two, the portion is sufficient for three. The fried calamari rings feature a light batter, and the squid is full of flavor. The baked potato skins with cheese and spicy meat sauce offer a rather subdued taste, dominated primarily by the potato itself. The crispy fried spicy sausage and cheese corn balls are aromatic and crunchy, though they might be slightly overcooked. Fortunately, they are not overly greasy, with the corn flavor standing out more than the spicy sausage. The maple syrup baked Spanish chorizo was the least impressive of the quartet, lacking both maple flavor and had a somewhat tough texture.炸西班牙黑毛豬火腿忌廉餅($75)Classic Iberico Ham Croquette 這個廚師炸得恰到好處,吃下去非常香脆之餘,內裏的忌廉要十分軟滑,而且充滿了黑毛豬火腿的鹹香味道The chef has achieved the ideal frying level, resulting in a beautifully crunchy exterior, while the creamy filling is soft and enriched with the savory flavor of Iberico ham.西班牙辣肉腸慢煮流心蛋卡邦尼意粉 ($138)Our Signature Carbonara流心蛋的生熟程度做得剛剛好,令到意粉的汁液更加濃郁,而且令意粉充滿了鮮味,至於西班牙辣肉腸又不會太辣,增加了整個意粉的味道層次,意粉的軟硬程度亦煮得非常適中,不過略嫌意粉的醬汁比較少The doneness of the soft-centered egg is perfectly executed, intensifying the sauce's richness and imparting a fresh flavor to the pasta. The Spanish chorizo adds a gentle spice that enhances the overall complexity of the dish. The pasta itself is cooked to an excellent firmness, though the sauce could be a tad more generous.西班牙水果酒 ($210)Sangria (Red)選擇了紅酒作為主調,配上各色的水果,令到整個酒非常香甜,而且這個酒的濃度不算太高,比較容易入口This drink features red wine as the primary component, infused with various fruits, resulting in a sweet and aromatic beverage. The alcohol content is moderate, making it quite approachable.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments:   🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥✅食物的選擇非常多元化,而且質素亦算中上The selection of food is highly diverse, with quality rated as above average.  ❌蔬菜選擇比較少,所以未必適合素食人士Vegetable options are somewhat limited, potentially making it less suitable for vegetarians.🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅裝修以西式作主調,而且座位要座位之間非常寬敞The decor leans towards a Western style, and the spacious arrangement between seats enhances comfort.❌無NIL💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥✅侍應生非常親善有禮,上菜的速度亦十分快速The service staff is notably friendly and courteous, with prompt food delivery.❌是次選擇了Auto Reserve 系統訂位,但是這個系統不算太過可靠,所以待應生未能找到訂坐的紀錄For this visit, we utilized the Auto Reserve booking system; however, the system proved unreliable as the staff could not locate our reservation record.💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥✅以菜式的份量對比價錢,定價算是十分合理Considering the portion sizes in relation to pricing, the pricing is quite reasonable.❌晚上未有套餐提供,所以單點菜式會比較貴No set menus are offered in the evening, making à la carte options relatively pricier. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-01-14
星期日的下午,同朋友係銅鑼灣行到攰攰地,係fashion walk附近發現一間環境舒適和寧靜的西班牙餐廳,入內選了二份簡單的下午茶餐。1) 西班牙油炸鬼($88) churro 炸得好亁身,外脆內軟,一點油膩的感覺都沒有,雖然同西班牙本土出品的仍有一些距離,但已做得好好👍🏻,朱古力醬的甜度啱啱好,配搭一起食,真心不錯😋😋,值得一食😄😄2)EL waffle ($98),簡簡單單的waffle,沒有再加任何雪糕或生菓,只配上糖槳和cream,食到淡淡的蛋香,味道不過不失😋,如果waffle 再做得脆口啲,相信味道和口感會係另一種感覺😆下午茶附送茶或咖啡,㗎啡香濃,適合喜歡帶酸和濃的㗎啡愛好者❤️❤️❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
係名店坊搵嘢食,見到呢到lunch set 唔貴, $118 up,就入去試下。🤔油封鴨肉牛肝菌西班牙飯來到嘅時候覺得咁細碟嘅,份量好細。飯粒比較硬,多汁濕潤。牛肝菌味道唔突出,亦都冇咩鴨香味。味道唔算差,但係唔係預期種嘅味道,係淡淡嘅醬汁味道。就咁食味道頗單一,一定要加少少檸檬汁,先提升到個層次同風味。❌香蕉拖肥可頌鬆餅 其實就係窩夫。味道可以,但質感唔得。唔脆又唔軟,又唔香。失望。本來見佢lunch 唔貴,覺得可以下次試下其他菜式。但overall 都唔係出色,唯一係鋪頭幾好坐幾好hea 咁。環境:★★★☆☆ 食物:★★★☆☆ 性價比:★★★☆☆ 推介度: ★★★☆☆ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🦛西班牙脆皮乳豬脾 配 青蘋果 $328 即叫即焗所以要等25分鐘雖然分量唔大 但係都好滿足🤩充分體現咗外脆內軟🥲 皮好脆好香😍 啲肉超冧一切好似溶開咗咁😭🫶🏻 青蘋果浸滿哂豬油 酸酸地解膩之餘真係好香😿所以係連伴碟都清哂👾。🦛烤慢煮伊比利亞豬腩肉,小虎蝦西班牙飯$338 又係即叫即焗所以等咗20分鐘左右 但一切嘅等待係值得架!😻😻 豬腩肉夠厚夠香,蝦就有啲薄但都唔會柴😋 個飯都幾薄所以焗出黎都有好香嘅飯焦味,調味好香口 因為份量唔多,全枱一致認為可以一人一碟都食得哂! 😍。🦛燒牛肉墨西哥餅 呢個就有啲太生 夾餅都不錯,不過就普通啲🤨。。結論係一定會再番去食個豬手同西班牙飯!!!超推薦!!!😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-12
星期五晚放工後,想搵一個地方食飯輕鬆下,同朋友去咗位於食街嘅西班牙餐廳el Born。小店設有露天位置,頗適合朋友傾偈聚會。我哋兩個人試咗餐廳一啲較有西班牙特色嘅菜式。乳豬蘋果沙律 $168 沙律除了油封脆皮乳豬肉外,亦有多種配料,包括蘋果、青瓜、小蕃茄、橄欖、脆香蔥、蒜蓉多士等。作為前菜很開胃,不過乳豬肉不多,價錢亦較貴。Tapas四重奏 (二人份)$188一次過可以試晒四種唔同款式,每人一件,包括香炸魷魚圈、芝士紅腰豆辣肉腸焗薯皮、脆炸粟米-西班牙辣肉腸-芝士球、楓糖烤西班牙辣肉腸。個人最喜愛脆炸粟米,十分香口。焗薯皮惹味,但如果少少脆邊會更好。 其他兩款就較一般和大路,味道亦偏鹹。Sangria Virgin $58 per glass / $140 per pitcher 由於食物味道整體比較濃味,Sangria Virgin 配合雜果後感覺份外清甜和解渴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)