Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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66049083 (WhatsApp)
The shop name means “destiny” in Japanese. The modern Japanese-style interior design is comfortable, and it separates a teppanyaki and a casual theme of a la carte area. It specialises in a Japanese head chef’s family menu, such as the Pork Sauce Kamameshi.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:15
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:15
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 14:15
Public Holiday
12:00 - 14:15
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 14:15
18:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
My second visit was super disappointed than my first time. We tried the more expensive tasting menu for 2nd visit. The menu was actually the same as the cheaper one except having abalone instead of prawn as main dish. Upon every dish arrived, the manager would come over to introduce “there are ingredients A, B, C, D, E in this dish” haha thanks for such “detailed” introduction while we haven’t covered our eyes during the dinner.We entitled to have a pot of rice for the menu, since we were full and decided not to refill. When we settled the bill and ask to take away the rice. The manager said they had already handled the leftover. We felt unbelievable as we were not asked at all and it’s a wasted to just trash. We did double checked again if it’s thrown away or what. The manager went back to kitchen and said they had already “handled” it once we did not need refill. Very awkward not sure if it was served to other customers or staff meal but I did allow to take away the left rice on my first visit. The manager then asked if he can do anything to compensate; we asked maybe a discount(whatever 5% or just a free drink), then he said “I am sorry” and that’s the end. What’s the point of asking if you did not plan to do anything. Yeah you succeed in turn down us for not coming again. No appropriate reason and no compensation at all. That’s how they treated customers.
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EnishiAnother one commended by the Incredibly Judgmental Food Critic. To be honest, going forward I will read his critic with a pinch of salt. All I can say is fair execution. Nothing particularly memorable. The only dish that D praised was the firefly squid and watercress dumplings, which I agree was something that slightly stood out that evening. Items that should have been the star of the evening (like the awabi and the A5 Wagyu Tenderloin) were bland. Given the price point, I would only revisit it if it is absolutely necessary.
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上星期,同大家姐撐枱腳,食佢最鍾意嘅日本菜!好掛住日本嘅我地,揀左由日本人主理嘅鐵板燒ENISHI🥳🥳.日文menu,我地估估下咁,揀左一個$888嘅京都lunch set,大廚煮之前同我地介紹返:原來全部食材都真係黎自京都架🥳🥳🥳.前菜:日式煮蘿蔔、菇菌和蔬菜,賣相好精緻、味道好清新🤣.刺身:油甘魚刺身(my favorite🫶🏻)好鮮美,配京都韭蔥及酸酸甜甜嘅秘製醬汁,但平時沾醬油Wasabi食油甘魚,完全係兩碼子的事,勁正😍😍.主菜:以Shabu Shabu稍稍灼熟嘅和牛西冷薄片,鮮嫩到不得了!仲有脆口嘅一口豆腐,配上帶有咸香嘅醬,口感、味道嘅配搭啱啱好,好豐富好有層次👍🏻👍🏻.主菜:甘鯛立鱗燒~魚皮香煎到脆卜卜,魚肉仍然係嫩滑juicy,配埋一個好清新嘅湯汁,清清地,但又好有特色!.主菜:我最期待嘅畫面終於出現啦!和牛里脊肉配炸蒜片,好。好。味。呀!五成熟嘅和牛,牛味香濃,入口即溶!配埋炸蒜片、再沾少少鹽,ichiban🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻.仲有和牛粒蒜香炒飯、麵豉湯、漬物,飽晒!.甜品:自家嘅嘅甜品,一層一層咁,打咭勁靚!有芒果雪糕、日本蜜柑及椰汁奶凍,面層帶酸、下層甜而不膩,食甜品嗰個胃表示:大滿足🤣🤣🤣.好精緻、好好味、好有日式風味嘅一餐!下次我想食隔離枱個大蟹蓋(唔係係咪甲羅燒呢?!😅)
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.⋯♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯⋯⋯ ♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯ENISHI推出全新京都県限定菜單,嘅係餐廳由日本人主理,菜單亦融合日中西料理,每次去都感到驚喜,另外亦都係另外一間出名丄餐廳CENSU 姊妹店!KYOTO SPECIAL LUNCH SETHKD888 per personSAKIZUKE有煮好既大根,青椒仔,菇類,都係比較清爽開胃既前菜SASHIMIWITH KYOTO KUJO LEEK油甘魚加上蔥同秘製味噌醬特別鮮甜可口HIME SIRLOIN SHABU SHABUWITH KYOTO ATSUAGE京都牛肉shabu shabu配搭日本炸豆腐牛肉鮮味十足,非常之鮮嫩!兩片真係唔夠食😂AMADAI UROKOYAKIWITH KYOTO MIZUNA金目雕麟燒配搭京都水菜,清甜之中,帶有鮮味HIME TENDERLOINWITH KYOTO KOMATSUNA同樣選用咗頂級嘅京都牛肉,恰當油脂味同配搭脆蒜等,牛肉非常之嫩滑可口多汁!WAGYU GARLIC FRIED RICEMISO SOUP AND PICKLES炒飯方面亦都非常之出色粒粒分明,亦都有擭氣 !加上味噌湯同埋醃製清物,食完已經覺得好飽DESSERT甜品真係非常之獨特有特色因為佢係用自家做嘅雪糕下面係椰子布丁,在夾雜日本橘好提之餘真係好好食COMPLIMENTARY 1 DRINK酸酸甜甜嘅橙味飲品,非常適用於解膩#enishihk #京都 #kyoto #京都フェア開催中 #京都名物 #kyotofood #hkdining #hkfood@enishi_hk @tsunagupro @foodieyanyannn如果唔想錯過其他好介紹,記得follow我呀😘多謝大家!!!你嘅支持就係我嘅動力!記得點讚❤️ ⋯♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯⋯⋯ ♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯ENISHI (上環)上環文咸東街49號地舖 ⋯♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯⋯⋯ ♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯
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上環ENISHI最近主打「京都Special」🎎👩🏻決定去一嚐日式師傅👨🏻🍳主理的廚師發辦鐵板燒ENISHI是中環CENSU的姊妹店同樣的日本風🏮同樣高質的餐單🍴前菜是日式煮蘿蔔、菇菌🍄和蔬菜🥒清新宜人刺身是油甘魚🐟配京都韭蔥還有酸甜有層次的秘製醬汁提升刺身新鮮度🆙和牛西冷薄片以Shabu Shabu形式輕灼至粉紅色🩷配以脆炸京都厚豆腐和牛味道濃郁😋炸豆腐清香不油膩兩者配合得恰到好處👍🏻甘鯛立鱗燒,是鐵板燒店常見菜式之一帶鱗魚皮口感香脆魚肉嫩滑鮮甜汁料是用京都水菜做,鮮味又清新🆒和牛里脊肉🥩配炸蒜片🧄和牛烤的火候很準確,嫩紅不帶血配菜是京都小松菜中和了燒物的鹹度和油膩感🤩最後還有和牛粒蒜香炒飯🍚、麵豉湯和漬物完美,飽肚🥰甜品最為吸睛😍上層是芒果雪糕🥭中層是原片日式蜜柑🍊下層是椰汁奶凍🥥全都是ENISHI自家製不甜不膩,口感豐富跟整個京都Special餐單一樣動人💖
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