All Branches (8)
The restaurant setting is elegant and decorated with logs. The restaurant has a bar and offers a variety of cocktail. It specializes in Belgian cuisines, including Steak Tartare and other ribs, Beer and Bones. It also provides different tastes of mussels’ pot, with tomato, white wine or lasha, etc. The Mussels pot with Light Cream is their signature dish. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:15 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:15 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
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Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
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10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Live Sports Broadcast
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (117)
Level1 2024-10-24
FRITES 已試過很多次,lunch去中環店已是慣性每月全team人一次的team lunch. 到訪灣仔店也不少,另外大角嘴嘅也有兩、三次. 但若要吃豬手,真係觀塘店做得最好. 皮脆肉香,下面蔬菜吸收了肉汁,非常美味😋 今趟還初試Apple Crumble Pie. 上菜儀式一絕,侍應姐姐做得非常好👍🏻 很多人都說去FRITES要食mussels, 不了….. 真的太貴. 況且本人的功力也可煮出美味的青口,到街外吃,就吃一些我煮不到的美食吧 😜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我們這次除了點了Hoegaarden煮青口,燒豬肋骨配蕃薯條,也叫了兩個brunch。分別是紅莓waffle 和steak。雖不太覺得有Hoegaarden的味道,青口不會煮過火,還是很好食,薯條香脆也很好吃!燒豬肋骨配蕃薯條,豬肋骨煮得骨肉分離,比牛扒還軟嫩的,蕃薯條稍硬,整道菜也很可口。brunch的steak配有薯角,自問是薯仔fans但吃了一塊就不想吃了,超級鹹說。牛扒也鞋口。紅莓waffle,waffle其實不錯吃,但本人不愛吃cream, 所以感覺普普通通。p.s.風和日麗的星期天,散步到澳南海邊,然後再吃個午餐,聽起來是一件很寫意的事。但我們人到達了超過10分鐘,員工還在忙著做開店準備,連門都沒有打開給人進去。如果真正的開店時間是11點半的話,何必開放11點15分的時段給預訂還確認訂位呢?讓人在外乾等的行徑真的讓人傻眼。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
慶祝家姐生日,食西餐,諗起係灣仔食過Frities質素唔錯,今次選擇黎海濱滙分店試吓,星期日下午黎,人流唔多,坐位寛寬敞,好適合傾計,服務員仲貼心分兩round 上菜,免食物凍,影響口感味道,呢樣值得加分👍🏼4人點咗pizza Margherita,1/2kg house mussels,brunch steak with eggs,roast chicken salad,prawn and crab ball,Almighty chicken Parma,4 drinks,$1670。連炸薯條,焗薯都食晒,除左蟹球比較弱之外,所有食物都做得出色,家姐對食物讚口不絕,推介比朋友並且再黎機會好大。不過要留意。切餅費係$150。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-18
今日搬到新office 處,午餐時間四處找好吃的。最後到咗海港滙尋找,很多價錢中等或平價的輪人數實在太多了,最後到了場中價錢最高而沒那麼多人等位的Frites Belgium on Tap進餐。在Set Lunch之中選擇了Steak & Frites這個餐。頭盤選了沙律,口味相當不俗。因第一次嘗試所以只選中等熟而沒有選三成熟的安格斯牛扒。牛扒味道適中足夠牛味、牛扒肉質較美式連鎖餐廳的牛扒好了30到50%左右算是相對較值得了、唯一係牛扒上的類似薑蔥蓉的配料略為重味、廚師在薯條上似乎落多了鹽分所以味道過咸。餐後試了餐的甜品Lemon Crème Brûlée 味道十分清新而不太酸。 總體值得推薦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-19
今日同屋企人慶祝生日,去左海濱匯嘅 FRITES Belgium on Tap食晚飯。我地叫左兩份Surf and Turf(星期二嘅優惠)、地中海同原味青口、意大利飯同其他野食。Surf and Turf非常高質素,牛扒外脆內嫩,味道很好。龍蝦鮮味十足,肉不會霉。兩種青口味道不錯,地中海青口有些少辣,好惹味。整間餐廳燈光不多,氣氛十分好,適合慶祝生日。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)