4-min walk from Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
The shop and plate design of the cafe are inspired by different famous people in a fun and creative style. You can enjoy international dishes under a colorful environment which is IG-abel. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay
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Online Reservation
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (1087)
Level4 2024-03-17
-ˋˏ 今次帶朋友試下我一直都非常鐘意既𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅𝑫𝒂𝒚 𝑩𝒂𝒅𝑫𝒂𝒚 𝑴𝒂𝒎𝒂𝑫𝒂𝒚 ⸝⸝𓅸 夏日熱辣辣降溫椰子沙冰超適合打卡既Tiffany blue藍色其實係海鹽雪糕 帶住清甜椰子味 沙冰顆粒適中 𓅸 豆腐豆腐豆腐咖啡呢個都係我極力推介 豆腐味雪糕好濃郁 配上咖啡香味完全係分別將兩樣野同時昇華 兩款飲品都唔會額外加糖 所以甜度好低 飲到天然嘅味道 𓃟 古法烤黑毛豬配沙律厚切黑毛豬扒用上特製甜甜既醬料 感覺有少少似中式叉燒 肉質煮到剛好 juicy又多汁𓆝 西班牙海鮮飯二人份量 有大蝦 魷魚 青口 海鮮類明顯好新鮮 爽口彈牙飯粒分明有少許香料氣味 整個配搭豐富亦出色𔒴 薯條 小食點左小份原味薯條炸到香脆唔油膩 一口接一口୫ 一間餐廳要做到好食唔難 個人觀感係要保持水準先難 不同時間都分別去過mamaday 既幾間分店 佢地食物味道同擺盤都一直keep到 重點都想特別讚下尖沙咀分店既其中一位粉紅色頭髮女店員 佢超級細心 一直觀察 了解客人需要 欣賞 .ᐟ.ᐟ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-06
This is a specialty restaurant and had the pleasure of trying a variety of delicious dishes. Here are my thoughts on these foods. 👨‍🍳First up is the Roasted Black Pig. This dish was absolutely stunning. The black pig was roasted to perfection, with a crispy skin and tender, juicy meat that was full of delightful pork flavors. 🐷🐷The Squid Ink Salmon pizza is another standout dish. The fresh and tender salmon was coated in squid ink, creating a unique and delicious combination of flavors and textures. 🍕🍕🍕The Coconut Frappe is a refreshing drink that combines the fragrant taste of coconut with a cool, icy texture, offering a truly delightful experience. 🤞🏼🏆The Banana Chocolate Milkshake is a rich and creamy beverage that combines the flavors of banana and chocolate in a smooth and indulgent blend. 🤓💕Lastly, the Mango sorbet is a classic summer treat, with the sweetness of mango and the refreshing taste of ice, creating a delightful combination that will leave you wanting more.😘♥️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-29
玩味十足嘅Mamaday餐廳,食物有番咁上下水準🥰一D 都唔係麻麻地ga😉✨🍗期望愈大,失望愈大…雞翼$69每次都必點蜜糖芥末味!呢款單骨炸雞翼,外層香脆,入面又夠juicy, 有質素保證😍✨🍕 點解個個都叫軟殼蟹比薩㗎(仲要有菠蘿) $145大大隻炸軟殼蟹放喺Pizza 中間,非常吸睛!Pizza餅底薄脆,上面仲有我中意嘅菠蘿🍍, 具創意之餘又幾好味☺️✨🍟 薯薯薯薯薯條$482-3人的話叫Small size 已經好夠食😉 明太子醬真係夠晒佛心😍熱辣辣嘅香脆薯條上面有明太子醬之餘, 仲額外跟咗成兜明太子醬!✨🍝有蟹Go又有蟹肉的蟹蟹蟹意大利扁麵 $145滿滿嘅蟹膏同蟹肉, 蟹膏味幾出☺️ 意大利扁麵口感彈牙,仲幾掛汁tim❗️✨🍹你今日飲咗益力多柚子沙冰未呀? $56係我嘅最愛😍 柚子蜜益力多沙味道酸甜,而且仲唔會太甜☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-26
無論Goodday 定Badday 都係要食架啦🫢一於食咗先講🤪ღ 今日咩心情比薩🍕每次都唔同🙂‍↔️今日呢個係千島醬磯燒鮑魚比薩🍕個醬又幾夾磯燒鮑魚喎😎鮑魚切成一片片放上🍕面食落好有咬口ღ有蟹Go又有蟹肉蟹蟹扁麵Wow 🤩爆多蟹膏蟹肉 味道鮮甜每啖意粉都充滿蟹味再加上脆卜卜蟹籽層次感豐富ღ 蠔梗係要炸 $88蠔🦪新鮮炸得香脆食落唔油膩ღ甜品-今日咩心情連甜品都有得揀今日係咩心情😆係抹茶芝士蛋糕🍰蛋糕表面鋪滿濃厚嘅抹茶粉上層芝士食落軟綿細膩底層係香濃嘅抹茶蛋糕滋味滿滿ღ宇治抹茶澀澀地 $46ღ都係香芋鮮奶好味啲 $56 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-26
今日又去咗mamaday食嘢,而家期間限定有芝士火鍋,當然要試吓!海上芝士火鍋,裡面有波士頓龍蝦尾、特大軟殼蟹同埋魷魚圈,芝士底,好香濃,波士頓龍蝦尾,真係好鮮美!肉質鮮嫩,真係令人欲罷不能。同埋特大軟殼蟹,個蟹殼脆身肉嫩,炸到金黃酥脆,好好味!魷魚圈韌度啱啱好,令佢保持咗鮮嫩嘅口感。同埋佢同芝士味好夾,真係好正!黃金軟殼蟹忌廉意粉,蟹身肥美,裡面嘅忌廉意粉濃郁滑順,好香好濃味。每一口都係滋味十足,令人回味無窮。73.5%嘅朱古力好濃郁,有濃濃嘅朱古力香味,令人陶醉其中。味道唔會太甜,啱晒朱古力控! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)