3-min walk from Exit C, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
A bar restaurants with wide selection, including craft beer from the United States, Germany and other places, snacks, All Day Breakfast, steak, spaghetti are also available. continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (173)
Level3 2019-05-19
Overall verdict: Tasty dishes with many lighter optionsWhat we ordered:1. Clams2. Beef salad3. Half roasted spring chickenThe atmosphere of the restaurant was homely and the staff were attentive. The clams were amazing! The broth was super buttery and had just the right amount of garlic taste. Dipping the bread into the left over broth made for a very tasty pairing. This dish really stood out for me.The beef was cooked just right, not overcooked but not too rare, and the accompanying salad was fresh. This is a good option for diners that prefer low carb. The spring chicken was cooked very well and remained tender on the inside. I find that at many places, the roast chicken tends to run dry. This was not the case - it was great!Overall the food was great. My only comment would be that because the restaurant is quite enclosed, the acoustics of the room tends to echo. You tend to hear the conversation of the other tables quite clearly. There was a dog on the other side of the room and I would get a jump scare every time she barked because of the loud echo. That being said, I'm not sure there is much that can be done about the acoustics. I really like that they allow pets to sit inside - I think more restaurants should do this.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
食物、環境、服務唔錯  |  Lunch $120價位一到就有位,侍應好efficient 同helpful 叫我地睇牆上既lunch menu上菜速度幾快,因為starter既salad同埋soup食住等main course,野食會計好客人進食速度,咁上下時間先下一份,就算Lunch hour 得一個鐘都岩岩夠時間Salad & Soup > (點跟餐飲品) > main course > 小dessert Salad細份左少少,不過個soup 好出色!開胃我main course 點左burger 配fries. 味道唔錯,份量好多(對女仔黎講),最後都食唔哂 甜品有一份細細既芝士蛋糕(真係好細份),過下口隱 😬Lunch 唔錯既一個選擇,而且高街仲有好多選擇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
環境餐廳距離西營盤地鐵站5至10分鐘路程,唔算難搵。餐廳鋪面唔算大,座位可能會有少少迫。 食物1)鮮蕃茄忌廉三文魚意粉 $158(評分:7/10)依個意粉都好食,三文魚份量正常,但蕃茄味唔算好重,意粉食落都好滑口。本來以為係煙三文魚,不過原來三文魚係熟的,但都味道可以。2)Salami  Milano  and  cheese  pizza  $148(評分:5/10)依個pizza真係偏咸,食左一塊已經開始覺得咸。本來諗住有salami應該好好食,但點知越食越咸,搞到其他味都好似出唔到咁。3)Granville pizza $178(評分:8/10)依個Pizza有雞肉、煙肉、芝士,同basil。食落去比想像中清新,同salami pizza比較,Granville pizza實在好太多,上面的basil中和左下面材料嘅重味,令到芝士味都唔會太流口,配搭真心唔錯 服務服務麻麻地。我同朋友book左五人,四個人去左先,店員冇問就安排左我地去四人枱,同佢講番係五人後,佢竟然話未必有枱喎⋯ 仲要去到問我地一個鐘後交枱得唔得⋯ 但明明我地係事先book左果個時間五人枱,唔係應該有位先比book架咩?之後店員都有加番張枱比我地。不過坐定後,店員黎左幾次問我地落得單未,黎左野食後一見到我地岩岩夾晒就黎收野,睇黎都好趕人走 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
以前係西環返學,幾乎每日都會去高街水街同蘇豪食野。高街近年通左港鐵之後多左好多有質素既餐廳,大部分以小清新同西餐為主。今次就試左係高街既Granville Island,朋友一個星期前訂左位,當時見到價錢尚可,食物種類都多,而且環境幾好,可以同埋朋友慶生,所以即管一試。餐廳用開放式門口,好多人坐外面Bar台。一入到去即刻有職員serve我地,好好笑容,同埋可能因為人不太多,比我地揀位坐。餐廳整體裝修還可以,叫做寬敞,坐得幾舒服。食物方面,我地3個人一共叫左5樣野加3杯飲品,食物分量偏大。炸魷魚圈有洋蔥同魷魚,炸粉都夠薄,配埋沙律醬好好味。但因為我唔食洋蔥,所以略嫌過多,朋友就覺得Ok,值得一試。BBQ rips呢個真係好失望。無記錯價錢係$348半份,全份要大約500。肉質好鞋,好乾,咬擦子膠咁,近骨位好啲,但都係唔多Juicy,唔係特別鐘意食Ribs既可以唔叫。5星係比黑松露意粉,手撕豬肉薯條啲豬肉太酸,同埋咸到食左應該會有腎病,男士想食要三思。黑松露意粉非常好味,好香菇菌味,意粉不會太淋,sauce都好多,啱曬鐘意食汁既人!我地仲另外叫左個牛扒,好juicy 好好味,連我麻麻地食牛既都忍不住食左幾件,絕對要試!飲品方面冰咖啡一般水平,無酸味,但我不小心落太多糖水,令佢甜過我生日既朋友。另一杯朋友話超級好飲,應該係菠蘿特飲,有乳酪奶味,不過我嫌太creamy,鐘意奶味濃既可以一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-06-21
今天想吃西餐,因為時間尚早的關係,好多食店尚未營業,只好四圍行,看看有沒有其他選擇。最後因爲天氣太熱,已經不想再行了,所以便選擇這間試試!本來老闆說已經full booking,但他仍然讓我們入座,沒有拒人於千里之外呢蘑菇湯很好渴,有蘑菇碎粒,好足料!沙律菜十分新鮮,還有一小塊蒜蓉多士呢~經典牛扒蛋早餐 $148牛扒好大塊,這個價錢在外面吃不到這種質素呢!白汁黑松露意粉 $158好入味,意粉好煙韌,而且好大碟,細食既真係會食唔晒,不過因為好好味所以最後都有食晒呀!見到其他客人點的食物,真心覺得吸引,怪不得要預訂,而且還full booking,下次一定會再來呢不過提提大家,因為即叫即整的關係,等待上菜的時間會比較耐,不過能夠食到美味的食物,是值得的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)