It features waffles of different flavors, including Fresh Mango and Strawberry waffles, Waffles with Chocolate Ice Cream, and Fried Chicken Leg and Waffles. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday Eve
08:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Eco-Friendly Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (438)
Level4 2022-12-27
Green waffle diner⚠️Cannot miss this restaurant if you’re Canadian!! Totally satisfied my Canadian food craving 🥲❤️Gotta order their mac and cheese with bacon bits if you’re a CHEESEEE lover!! It was sooo cheesy. Like 80% cheese and 20% macaroni 😂😂 recommend order the small portion for 2!Would recommend ordering The skillet in big Cus small wouldn’t be enough for 2! I found out the best way to eat this is to add HP sauce!! So delishhhh, reminds me of poutine ☺️☺️ #ifykyk ! ✨MUST✨order item is their waffle!! You will not believe how moist their waffles are!! 🥺🥺 I ordered their most popular flavour- pandan flavour and it totally blew me away!! I created my own waffle and chose honey and blueberries to go with it. It was a GREAT combination. The blueberries were so fresh and sweet🥹 def ordering this combination again! Not to mention their avo with almond milk smoothie. This combo totally stole my heart!!!🥹❤️ it goes so well tgt way better than milk! The best part about this is if you spend over $680 in one meal you can become their member and all members can receive 10% off their meals!! They also give you small gift! WHAT A STEALL! Oh they even have kids menu so great for families ☺️ and dinner set for those who can’t choose from the menu! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-09-05
芝士肉醬意粉意粉用鑊仔上,可以保溫又可以打卡,表面有勁多芝士,肉醬都係比左勁多😂仲多過意粉,意粉條條分明,偏硬有咬口,醬汁都出色,有少少蕃茄鮮味,勁奸惡又好好味 7.7/10DRAGON MOOD BOSTER $98SMOOTHIES: WHITE AND RED DRAGON FRUIT , MANGO,BANANATOPPINGS: DRIED GRAGON FRUIT, COCONUT FLAKES, BANANA CHIA SEEDS第一次試SMOOTHIES BOWL,簡左杏仁奶做基底,感覺好健康,好清新,當小甜品都吾錯 7.5/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-07-25
🤍呢間店有好多唔同口味嘅窩夫 ,但係我哋最後都係揀咗原味嘅窩夫拼啲香蕉~♡(◉Θ◉)♡🤍個人覺得中環區嘅食物一向都偏貴,而呢一間店喺中環區嚟講就算係適中嘅價錢。🤍店入面嘅人流唔係好多,所以我哋都唔使排隊就即刻有位。٩۹(๑•̀ω•́ ๑)۶🤍就算就咁嗌餐都會有半份waffle,所以我就覺得我就咁買全份嘅份量有啲細啦(。•́︿•̀。)🤍老闆同員工嘅服務態度都好好,佢哋會走嚟問我有咩需要,最後走嘅時候雖然唔知點解鼓勵我地要俾cash,但係都送咗幾個口罩畀我哋,仲要係有窩夫圖案架!好cute(灬°ω°灬) 。🤍因為少去中環,所以都未必有機會再幫襯,但係整體嚟講都推薦大家去食嘅!⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀ ᗨ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-05-14
好耐無約朋友外出食中午飯 今次約左朋友去嘉咸街食窩夫🧇餐廳環境好舒服 😌 真係可以嘆著杯咖啡坐一個下午 我地叫左2個午餐一齊食 第一個是牛面肉蕃薯蓉 肉就比較un 一般 反而個蕃薯蓉 又香又甜👍 第二個是水牛雞翼併薯條 水牛雞翼 酸酸甜甜 皮又脆脆地 幾香 幾野味 但薯條更出色 新鮮炸 又脆又熱 加埋佢既既調味料 不停咁食😋但講到最正 一定係佢個窩夫🧇 外脆內軟 甜咪味適中 口感一流 如果配埋雪糕仲正😋😋😋唯一要改善是個牛尾湯好咸 好多茄醬咁😵 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
週末早上想食美式早餐,就久違嚟Green Waffle啦☀️以前去過元朗YOHO店,環境寬敞明亮得多~今次中環店係斜坡上,店外有好多小攤賣菜,餐廳內都聽到好多喧鬧聲🤫如果想有悠閒氣氛,可能去返其他分店好啲啦🔸 Sunshine breakfast (HK$98)呢份breakfast set好豐盛啊,有分一份/半份。我地2個人叫半份份量都夠呢,有多士、蛋(可揀炒蛋/太陽蛋)、煙三文魚(另可揀腸仔/煙肉)、人氣窩夫、脆薯粒。窩夫上枱溫熱,唔會凍冰冰咁,可以沾埋蘋果醬更好食啊😋脆薯粒都好多人食,不過就略嫌鹹左啲啦🧐🔸 Butterfly Pea Smoothies Bowl (HK$98)之前已經食過Smoothies Bowl,今次再encall😎共4款口味選擇,呢款碟豆花主題,smoothies分別以香蕉、芒果、紅火龍果、雲呢拿、碟豆花mix成。而toppings就有椰子片、士多啤梨、香蕉、朱古力粒、百香果同有機奇亞籽。食落凍冰冰好fresh,加埋啲topping更有口感。兩個人share都足夠,而且健康感十足,下次試埋其他味先😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)