1-min walk from Exit E1, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*Lunch Last Order: 14:15 Dinner Last Order: 20:30
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (57)
📍 HAKU📍 中環 𝗖𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗹 • 國際金融中心商場 (IFC) 4樓4011號舖〔 Follow me on instagram @sikbaobaola ! ^^ 〕-Simply enjoyed our dinner here. The tasting menu was well designed and well executed, with top grade ingredients sourced from all over the world as well as Hong Kong local farmers. Especially enjoyed sitting at the chef counter and looking at a team of chefs collaborating and preparing food for us under the  supervision of Executive Chef, Rob Drennan, with mesmerizing views over the Victoria Harbour as backdrop.-HAKU's menu is curated by Chef Rob Drennan in a way that combines Western and Japanese cooking techniques. Chef Rob Drennan, with experience at a three-Michelin-starred restaurant in Norway, designs dishes that are rich in complexity and flavor as well as the perfect sauce to pair.The bread course, the Parker House rolls, in particular, was worth a thousand wow-s. It was toasted with black garlic butter and served with homemade whipped brown butter with shaved Australian black winter truffle on top. Super unforgettable. The [ otoro tart ] appetizer and the [ purple sweet potato ice cream (made with locally grown produce!) ] were also two of my personal favs.-(𝗦𝗲𝗲 𝗽𝗶𝗰𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄! ☟☟)=維港景色、美味fine dining、優質服務 - 絕倫的享受~這天晚上,就在位於IFC的《HAKU》享受了這麼完美的一頓晚餐而且還享用了半價優惠😍(詳情請留意文章最後部分)-《HAKU》位於IFC四樓空中花園,設有chef's counter 開放式廚房還有落地玻璃窗,讓食客欣賞廚師們烹調美食的同時,也可以飽覽維港景色另外還設有一般餐桌還有私人包廂-廚師團隊由行政總廚Rob Drennan帶領 - 他在挪威米芝蓮三星餐廳的經驗絕對是信心保證菜單融合了西日料理和食材,配上互相襯托的時令食材、醬汁配搭,還有超有心思的擺盤,每一道菜都有滿滿視覺跟味覺驚喜這晚吃的嚐味菜單共有12道菜,承惠每人$1,680;二人同行,更有一人免費!-每一道菜都令人印象深刻,尤其是混合黑蒜牛油製成的Parker House roll,味道超級香!!另外也有wine pairing ($780/五杯)或zero pairing ($380/五杯)的選擇,也太划算!-Otoro tart首先以兩道前菜打開味蕾Otoro大拖羅以紫菜撻皮盛載一口咬下,先是撻皮的香脆,再來是拖羅的油潤佐以鹹鮮的ama soy jelly和微辛的芥末油層次相當豐富同行友人對這道念念不忘呢•Zabuton tartare另一道是和牛他他多士配上smoked pike roe牛肉用上沙巴當多士牛油香氣濃郁,好好吃•Clisson Muscadet Sevre et Maine 2020- Melon de Bourgogne•Kanpachi鱆紅魚刺身配上薑、乾蔥、coconut spicy vinegar然後表面蓋上一塊椰子啫喱;最後倒入炭味忌廉這麼多元素加起來,卻沒有蓋過鱆紅魚本身的魚鮮味鱆紅魚切成小塊,肉質爽口吃上去,薑味滿突出,反而椰子感覺不濃烈•Hokkaido scallop北海道帆立貝刺身非常新鮮,肉厚、肉質細嫩配上萵筍,加上青檸汁、青檸果皮、青瓜啫喱最後加入三杯酢 (Sanbaizu sauce) (白醋、醬油、味醂混合而成的醋)跟roasted garlic oil•Firefly squid餐牌的firefly squid指螢光魷魚;師傅上菜時則介紹其為槍魷魚品種名字都是其次,主要是味道賣相都好好!看上去彷彿看見幾條蛇 哈哈🐍魷魚經過低溫慢煮30分鐘,能保持其鮮味跟彈牙肉質配上數款特調醬汁 — 炭香tare sauce (醬油)、焦化洋蔥、甜醋啫喱另外還有紫蘇葉 •Chawanmushi茶碗蒸表面放上了北海道三文魚子、北海道馬糞海膽海膽以山椒粉調味;另外還加入了山椒葉,加點辛味質感滑滑溜溜,味道不算有驚喜,但心思滿滿•Parker House超!級!好!吃!是我吃過最好吃的餐包之一啊...餐廳自家製黑蒜麵包,在食客進食前一刻才新鮮出爐、熱烘烘的上桌外層薄脆、內層鬆軟,口感一流!用上黑蒜牛油製作,牛油是非一般的香😍配上餐廳自家製的whipped brown butter,上面切上海量松露(採用澳洲冬季黑松露),香氣四溢令人印象深刻的bread & butter~•Sablefish來自日本的銀鱈魚~配上由燒魚骨、松露油、清酒等混合而成的醬汁肉質嫩滑、啖啖肉,輕輕調味,帶出魚香上面放上好多Oscietra caviar 魚子醬;另外還有帶有生蠔味道的oyster leaf,滿滿的海洋感覺~•Signature King Crab (+$330)挪威皇帝蟹~厚肉、鮮甜🦀表面掃上tare sauce一同焗製,加上fingerlime caviar 手指檸檬再配搭加入了由龍蝦湯、忌廉、蟹油混合而成的醬汁,鮮味十足!•Pigeon乳鴿以牛油煎香,配上黑喇叭菇purée、紅菜頭purée、四川花椒醬最後倒上以乳鴿骨、紅桑子醋混合而成的醬汁•Short rib(可以升級為A4和牛)來自美國的牛仔骨,先用蘋果木煙燻,再用上36小時慢煮肉質軟腍、肉汁豐富,配上牛味香濃的醬汁,令味道更上一層樓!配醬同樣多樣 — 柚子胡椒、洋蔥、roasted garlic、黑蒜洋蔥purée最後倒入以大量牛筋、牛骨熬製,最後加入sherry vinegar調味的醬汁•Cherry鹹食吃畢,先來一道pre-dessert清清舌頭車厘子青檸雪葩酸酸甜甜,輕輕緩解吃完主食的飽膩感,更多的是啟動「甜品胃」🤣表面有車厘子葉油、青檸果皮,再加入食用乾花和液態氮賣相一流,還提高冰涼感🧊•Purple sweet potato超級喜歡這道雪糕!紫薯味道超香超濃,是採用了香港本地有機農場種植的紫薯呢💜加入了日本3.6牛乳製成雪糕,入口順滑雪糕上插上脆脆的紫薯蛋白餅、碗邊鋪滿紫薯粉,每一口都是香香的紫薯味道呢💜紫薯迷肯定愛!下面還有sherry toffee,個人覺得可有可無啦😝•Sweets最後的最後,再來一點甜~首先是我最愛的瑪德蓮蛋糕!加入了日本味噌,吃起來也帶微微的鹹味;表面也裹上了一點味噌糖,味道滿特別黑色一條的是焙茶威化餅,比普通威化條薄,只有一兩層,口感很脆裡面擠上了帶酸的calamansi cream芒果啫喱糖採用泰國芒果製成,配上混合了辣椒粉跟糖的粉末來慶祝特別日子,還有一個彩虹糖蛋糕呢❤️看樣子應該大概能估計味道了🤣,超級甜🤣另外也給我們拍了一張即影即有,謝謝餐廳的招待💕=是次用到了滙豐信用卡的優惠~他們的Premier Mastercard跟不少餐廳合作,提供優惠如指定套餐買一送一、折扣優惠等,HAKU就是其中一家!會太划算嗎!強力推薦大家查閱優惠詳情,可能也會找到寶藏喔! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-13
Carrying on with their contemporary Japanese concept, Haku has reopened at IFC in an even more elevated style. It’s essentially set up as a chef’s table with an open kitchen and an unbeatable harbour view as backdrop, their signature dinner menu is very refined. Impressed already at the two bite-sized starters - the toro tart with a sesame shell and a soy jelly, such ingenious modern take on a gunkan sushi (軍艦壽司), absolutely delicious; the zabuton tartare with smoked pike roe is beautifully seasoned. Next is an Asian crossover, featuring Japanese kanpachi finely diced, covered by a fine coconut gel like a facial mask. It’s a dish with very complex conflicting flavors - longan sweet, a bit tangy and spicy in the sauce, savory and umami from fish. The squid course is essentially a showcase of excellent saucery - onion, charcoal, shiso sauce and a sweet vinegar gel, dispersed delicately on the plate but meant to be together and sing harmoniously, we almost want to lick the plate. Their house brioche is super soft and light, with a hint of black garlic aroma and crispy top. Served with truffle butter, it can’t get better than this. Sablefish with caviar may possibly be my favorite dish, absolutely tender and smooth fish, full of flavor on its own, but tops with oyster leaf and caviar, brings a sensational ocean umami. The two main courses were comparatively less memorable but still of high quality, the wild pigeon is perfectly cooked to medium rare, and paired with beetroot and raspberry sauces. The 36-hr slow cooked short rib melts in the mouth, served with a dark sauce made with beef bone, tendon and sherry vinegar. Pre-dessert is delightful, a cold pressed cherry sorbet tops with frozen edible flowers and herbs, tasted very refreshing, perfect palate cleanser. Then the main dessert showcased beautiful local grown purple sweet potato, made into a ice cream and meringue, with sherry toffee that is not overly sweet, in contrast, the dark toffee sweetness is so complementary to the purple potato. Dinner ends with delicious petit four - hojicha wafer roll, cold pressed mango jelly delight and miso madeleine. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-04-25
今日与几位好朋友相约来到HAKU试一下他的Dinner Tasting Menu,总体来说不管是服务,环境还是菜式都是满意的,美中不足的是黑毛猪略咸已经非常肥腻(本人那份几乎有50%是纯肥膏),但是总体还是好评的,下回来可能会选和牛吧。选餐的时候由于几个姐妹都不是很大食,于是选了晚餐的short menu。其中鱼肉upgrade到了皇帝蟹,我自己看小红书评价猪好过牛便没有upgrade(败笔)。我自己还配了它的Wine Paring一起。第一二道开胃菜是一起上来的,分别是Uni Toast以及 OTORO。其中海胆下的TOAST黑松露味与海胆本身很夹,两道菜都好吃。配酒是香槟,这杯是我觉得今晚的酒里面相对差一些的。第二道是Squid,也即荧光鱿鱼,最近当造吧,到处也吃到他。法式的调味,鱿鱼鲜甜,也是好吃的一道菜。配酒换了勃艮第白,大区酒也不贵,但是喝下去对得住他的价钱,作为餐酒不错的。之后上的是CHAWAMUSHI。炖蛋里面配料丰富,有虾,鱿鱼等等。不会出错的一道。再然后是Parker House,面包新鲜热辣,配的白松露奶油蘸酱尤为经验,什么卡路里早就抛之脑后了。然后便是今天第一道主菜,我们都upgrade到了King Crab,皇帝蟹煮到半生熟,又怎会不好吃。这里的配酒换了一支纯米大吟酿,属于偏清甜的口感,有花香,好喝。之后便是今天让人失望的KAGOSHIMA PORK,虽然预计到黑毛猪偏肥,但选材到大半都是纯肥油属实有些过分了,跟CHEF反馈后,得到的也仅仅是黑毛猪就是肥的这样的反馈,这点还是需要改进。配酒是美国的一支Pinot Noir,也是好喝的餐酒。最后的几个甜品也是没让人失望。配的甜酒也是OK的。总体来说,今天还是比较满意,黑毛猪的部分则是大扣分,女生来记得千万换成和牛吧 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-03-27
眼前一亮的中環夜景,配上超級有氣氛的日式料理(有💙的,都是我比較喜歡的菜式)💙△UNI TOAST with Yuzu & truffle竹炭海膽吐司 △OTORO with noriO 拖羅前菜💙△SQUID with shiso紫蘇魷魚,經過牛油慢煮,再加上備長炭烤過。喜歡配搭忌廉紫蘇油醬汁,香而淡。△CHAWANMUSHI with langoustine茶碗蒸海螯蝦△PARKER HOUSE with whipped brown butter 超級鬆軟包伴松露牛油💙△SABLEFISH with sake完美出色的銀鱈魚,超級滑嫩,肉實伴魚骨高湯味噌。出色一流。💙△KAGOSHIMA PORK with violet mustard鹿兒島豬腩肉配紫羅蘭芥末偏肥的20小時慢煮豬肉,外脆而入口即溶,醬汁一流,而且超級入味,幸好份量不算太大,否則有點too much💙△GOLD ZABUTON with yuzu kosho極黑和牛肩里背肉,這個牛比豬肉好吃,牛嫩誘惑,同時帶有熏香酸甜△Desserts with coffee and PETIT FOURS△ HKD1,380 Per head continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-03-21
食過二次後,餐廳主動send email 叫我再visit, 原本以為是好的服務,但有一次book了後餐廳堅決不再比我改booking 而沒收訂金。不要假惺惺扮和客人熟了。一位支持過2次的客人,你對他就係咁了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)