2-min walk from Exit A2, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (8)
Opening Hours
07:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (73)
Level4 2024-08-11
#好彩海鮮酒家this place stand here hk over 30years. i dunno how long as it last . from my age tell, its over 30 years. lucky it survived the economy downside, in 1997, 2003, 2008,2020. but in 2024 the new wave of economic downturn is coming. this wave is even more scary i can tell. thank the out pika chiu president of hk, and our china king mr. xi. the launching of the 23 law further enhance our nation security and making our economy strong again then ever..the truth is the housing price already drops 20% from 2021 high side. thousand of ppl is going out countries to immigrate to avoid the security laws. with crazy trump trading law with china and banned of hk tourism make us more worse. i cant see the hope of rebound of the economy.good luck restaurant. will come back.ig:hkfoodpoet#food #hkfood #hongkongfood #台灣美食 #ukfood #ausfood #馬保國 #香港美食 #深圳美食 #hkfoodpoet #閃電五連鞭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今晚行到西環,天意安排我去「好彩海鮮酒家」試下晚餐,唔係搵茶,係搵食的。一入去環境夠曬grand,地方又企理,唔使等位就食到。我哋第一時間點咗個嚟個脆皮燒肉,啖啖肉咁樣比較細粒,但一入口,外皮啪啦啦又脆又香,啱哂食勁。蜜汁叉燒腸賣相夠晒吸引,一放入口,果糖香同肉香層層交替,正!👍鮮竹牛肉球嘅肉質真系嫩滑得黎又彈牙,一邊嚼一邊出汁,好滿足啊。豉汁蒸鳳爪呢個就算係精選,幾滑幾入味,食得我停唔到口。至於我嘅大驚喜,就係鮮竹煎薄餅嚟啦!😲煎得出面脆脆,入面嘅鯪魚肉同韮菜味道濃郁,邊個諗得出,咁創新咁好食?每一啖都好似帶我去咗食物嘅樂土,樂開咗花!真系下次仲要再嚟幫襯,食返嗰份記憶中嘅好味道。好彩嘅晚餐,不只係食物質素,仲有佢哋的服務態度,由頭到尾都咁有禮有節,令人食得安心,放心。今晚呢一場味蕾嘅旅行,真系值得一試,期待下次再嚟!🍽️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-07
今日去完游水就同班朋友過對面去左上環好彩酒樓食晚餐!今次我地一行12人又大人又小朋友,所以一圍枱比較方便傾計。今次我地嗌左好多餸,我覺得都幾好食,其中有咖喱牛筋腩煲 $82唔係辣嘅咖哩,牛筋腩幾淋,都有啲薯仔之類嘅配菜。雪耳百合炒勝瓜 $75簡單清淡嘅蔬菜,簡單又好食。黃金鳳尾蝦 $72*呢個蝦6隻比較少,不過外脆,好好食。 江瑤柱海味雜菜煲 $88另一清清地餸,種類多,好食鳳梨咕嚕肉小朋友要求點嘅食物,水準正常。乳鴿3隻入味又好食!楊州炒飯 $82正常炒飯呢度夠方便,又唔洗等位,仲可以Book位,喺去完中山公園最好嘅選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-08
之前一直都有同長輩嚟呢間茶樓飲茶,一直都覺得呢度呢食物水準吾錯,通常見到多數都係老街坊們幫襯。時隔一年多再嚟食Lunch,點心款式無乜點變,但多左手機落單,茶價有9折😂我地叫左北菰棉花雞(大)$32香芋鴨腦扎(特) $36鮮蝦燒賣皇(大)$32畔塘馬蹄糕(中)$28特及鮮蝦腸(頂) $40咸魚雞粒炒飯 $56整體嚟講,除左燒賣皇同鮮蝦腸之外,其他食物質素都好似下降左,希望下次再嚟食嘅時候,可以keep返以前嘅水準啦!👍💪 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
晚膳時當拉動椅子時,手指被卡住在椅子坐墊和鐵架中間,要大力拉扯才能將手指拉出而引致手指受傷,而酒家亦怠慢救治,當場是有酒家管理人員正在吃飯,因見到女侍應生不停匯報情況給那枱坐著的管理人員,但酒樓管理人員沒有行過黎和我了解傷勢,連我要求見管理人員,佢地都還是不理不睬,漠視客人傷勢!而我在當時無助下亦立刻報警和call救護車,警察到現場亦發現原來椅子是破爛的,螺絲甩脫和橫鐵支架亦破爛,我亦當時跟十字車去了醫院治傷亦有醫生證明是手指受傷。除了椅子造成危險,酒樓負責人的管理和處事態度以至侍應生的無知無禮無質素也是很大問題,都係垃圾酒樓⋯⋯椅子底部鏍絲不見了 和兩條鐵枝亦破爛需要去醫院治理 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)