Restaurant: | Ippudo HK (Lab Concept) |
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To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
Adhering to its founders’ motto “to continuously innovate to remain true”, IPPUDO stands out with its unique homemade pork broth freshly made with the finest ingredients every day to “maintain the richness and flavors of pork bones”. Apart from the signature ultra-thin noodles “Maruha Mensen #24” from Hakata, IPPUDO has also been delighting fans with innovative broths paired with noodles of various thicknesses. Our dedicated team continuously refine the noodle formulae based on the daily temperature and humidity to maximise the flavors and provide customers with the most authentic and premium ramen experience.
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:30
*Last Order: 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
一風堂♨️人氣麻辣豚骨拉麵 🍜🌶今日去完金鐘睇完聖誕展之後, 在金鐘廊揀咗一間來自福岡「一風堂」拉麵叫左2定食🍜🍜🔹️麻辣豚骨拉麵 🍜🌶望到湯底好紅和好多香辣材料 🌶️,湯底越食越開胃,辣度可接受😋這個也是人氣拉麵,加入咗多種特製辛辣香料,例如辛肉味噌同麻辣香油等,再加上特製混合唐辛子,所以多層次辣味。配菜有炙燒卷腩叉燒、經典鹽味半熟玉子🥚,好啱冬天吃完好暖胃😋♨️🔹️特製赤丸新味+慢煮豬柳叉燒定食🍜拉麵比傳統嘅豬骨湯更加濃郁層次感,香油和赤味噌融合在一碗拉麵裡。慢煮豬柳叉燒入味易入口,配菜也有經典鹽味半熟玉子🥚胡麻Q青瓜🥒青瓜好靚😍一排上碟,好香胡麻和麻油味,上面有芝麻,青瓜好爽口,開胃小食好味😋👍吉列廣島蠔(2件)蠔新鮮, 吉列炸到脆度剛剛好👍Total : $238員工效率好快上菜也很快, 座位寬敞🤩📍金鐘金鐘道93號1樓Lab ConceptF04-F06舖金鐘廊
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平时很少来金钟这边。同事介绍 今天中午去试下。 果然好吃 汤味浓郁,面条劲道。一个字。 在商场里面,环境没的说。下午茶时间去的,不用排队很快就可以吃到啦。料很足,价格在中环这种地方 算性价比很高的了。推荐来吃
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晏晝食乜好?即刻打開OpenRice睇吓附近有乜舖頭啱心水。見到一風堂,又好耐冇食拉麵,一於去一風堂食晏啦。白丸配玉子、轉慢煮豬柳叉燒2片($68):豚骨湯底(Tonkotsu Broth)係碗拉麵嘅靈魂,濃味適中,穩打穩扎之選,冇得輸!感覺卷腩叉燒(Maki Bara BBQ Pork)比較肥,所以轉咗慢煮豬柳叉燒(Slow-cooked Rosu BBQ Pork)。之後再叫職員比免費辣芽菜:辣芽菜,本身撈咗好多芝麻粒,加埋落拉麵,提升香味。一啖拉麵、一啖叉燒 再加啖 辣芽菜,oishii. 唐揚雞(5件)($35):加啲檸檬汁減低肥膩感,其實食到最尾都幾腬吓。
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