5-min walk from Exit D1, To Kwa Wan Station continue reading
The design of this upper floor restaurant is elegant. It uses seasonal Asian ingredients, especially in Japan to serve Western-Japanese fusion dishes. Besides, you can ask for the wine steward and sake sommelier to recommend the best pairing. continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus JCB Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (249)
朋友推介這間日西fusion餐廳, 係前米之蓮法國廚師團隊😍😍,趁着放假,就過咗嚟食午餐,果然冇令人失望,食物品質高,店長仲同我哋傾偈,好細心介紹每樣菜式🫶🏻🌟澳洲殺物飼料和牛牛肉漢堡配薯條澳洲殺物飼料和牛牛肉優質上成,牛味濃郁,漢堡表面煎得金香,內裡則帶著多汁的牛肉,彈牙不韌口👍🏻搭配炸得酥脆薯條,非常滿足🫶🏻🌟海膽三文魚籽扁意粉賣相非常吸引,海膽新鮮,濃郁香滑,入口即化☺️三文魚籽鹹香得宜,為意粉帶來了豐富的海鮮風味✨意粉煮得剛好彈牙,配上醬汁,讓人一口接一口,回味無窮💗🌟藜麥沙律沙律菜新鮮爽口,配上藜麥和沙律醬汁,口感綿密,營養豐富,清爽又開胃✨🌟南瓜湯南瓜湯香甜又濃郁,加上忌廉,香氣更加突出,口感更加順滑,非常好飲🫶🏻🌟自家烘焙軟包軟包非常鬆軟,散發著麵包香氣。咬下去,可以品味到麵包的細膩感和微微奶香味,配上自製的香草牛油,感覺更加細滑💗🌟牛油果香蕉、蘋果、smoothie這款smoothie以新鮮牛油果、香蕉和蘋果為主要成分,口感順滑,口味清新又濃郁,好足料,有飽腹感,不錯的健康之選🫶🏻🌟蘋果氣泡水蘋果氣泡水係用新鮮的蘋果製作而成,清爽宜人,帶著淡淡的蘋果香氣🫧氣泡水的口感清新,令人感到有開胃又消膩💗🌟粟米芝士蛋糕淡淡的粟米芝士香,蛋糕細膩而香滑,入口即化,為整個午餐畫上完美的句號🫶🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-29
KAKU's lunch: a must-try delight! Sea Uni and Salmon Roe Linguine, Roasted Iberico Pork, and sparkling teas await – seize your midday flavour escape! Lunch menu-Daily Soup 是日餐湯/ Salad沙律+ Bread麵包+ Drink飲品Mains:-Sea Uni Linguine, Salmon Roe 海膽三文魚籽扁意粉 $188The linguine is creamy, with a balanced firmness. It has a rich and fragrant egg flavour, and the salmon portion is generous. 意粉整體口感creamy,軟硬適中,扁意粉蛋香味香濃,三文魚份量十足。-Roasted Iberico Pork Rack with Apple Sauce 烤伊比利亞豬胺配蘋果醬 $268The pork rack is rich in fat and the meat is tender. Paired with apple sauce, it's not greasy and very refreshing. The side dishes are also quite good. 豬胺油脂豐富,肉質鮮嫩。配上蘋果醬唔會膩,好清新。配菜方面亦都相當不錯。Sparkling tea:-Yuzu Genmaicha 柚子氣泡玄米茶 (+$28)Made with real yuzu juice and genmaicha from Japan 嚴選日本柚子汁及玄米茶Refresh and tangy 清香爽口 酸甜適中-Pear lime cinnamon tea 梨青檸氣泡玉桂茶 (+$28)Made with real French pears 嚴選香甜法國梨Refresh 清新果香•微酸KAKU (土瓜灣)土瓜灣馬頭圍道63號啟岸1樓11號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-22
《Kaku》啟岸西日fusion餐廳🥢🥢🥢🥢🥢 ▪︎Dinner Tasting Menu▪︎。Daily Soup。Bread。Starter。Main。Dessert↪️香濃椰菜花蓉餐湯配上熱辣辣homemade軟熟芝士餐包滋味滿滿。前菜分別點了金槍魚紅蝦他他和日本和歌山蕃茄蟹肉米餅。金槍魚紅蝦他他鮮甜美味,可配上西米脆餅一起食用。日本和歌山蕃茄蟹肉米餅用了甜度較高的蕃茄,與鮮甜的蟹肉雙得溢彰。主菜點了特盛海鮮釜飯和龍蝦烏冬。特盛海鮮釜飯份量十足,飯粒吸滿龍蟹湯,上面仲有爽口大蝦、嫩滑魷魚和帶子等。其中一個甜品好特別,係焙茶芝士蛋糕,估唔到焙茶同芝士又幾夾。 另外點了香港製造的有氣茶,分別係梨青檸氣泡玉桂茶和玫瑰氣泡蝶豆花茶,不單賣相靚,味道又夾,入口又順,而且唔會好甜,整體好balance,超推介。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
在openrice見到這間有很多like,裝修也很好,便訂了枱食晚飯試一下。晚餐有熱辣辣的小餐包,唔係揸流灘既蕃茄湯,好有特色既前菜,好好食既主菜,和唔會太甜既甜品。兩個前菜分別係海膽小飯糰,同蟹肉波波球,裝住蟹肉既波波球係脆既。主菜叫左白鱈魚同和牛扒,白鱈魚好滑,味道剛剛好。和牛好有肉汁,脂肪量剛剛好,配埋個牛肉汁更好食。廚師有料到,食材配撘好到位。甜品都好讚,唔係平時啲普通跟餐甜品咁簡單。最多,店內的服務非常好!可以再嚟。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-19
正當諗緊去邊度食結婚週年飯之際,就發現呢間位於土瓜灣既餐廳,一入到餐廳就有一位非常貼心既職員介紹餐廳食物,推介當日精選。從食物既質素感受到廚師用心既製作,唯獨地址有點交通不便。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)