Exit D, Kwai Fong MTR Station, Exit E, Kwai Fong MTR Station continue reading
有「日本第一天丼」美譽的日本過江龍天婦羅丼飯專門店,連續7屆榮獲日本全國天丼金賞。食材、醬汁等均是日本進口的。店舖主打江戶前天丼,提供鳳尾蝦、帆立貝、魷魚天婦羅餅等各種配菜。 continue reading
Opening Hours
*Last Order: 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Accessible Environment Details
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (407)
Level4 2023-05-30
I'm an office worker in Kwai Fong and I always visit this resto during my lunch time. I usually order the Matsuba Crab Rice bowl - it's truly a standout dish that's packed with flavor and satisfying ingredients.The Matsuba Crab Rice bowl is a real treat. The matsuba crab is the star of the show, with a sweet and delicate flavor that's perfectly complemented by the other ingredients in the dish. The shrimp, mixed seafood fritter, snow peas, and seaweed all add their own unique flavors and textures, creating a complex and satisfying taste experience. And of course, the soft boiled egg adds a nice creaminess to the dish that ties everything together. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-05-11
今次同男友點左兩個餐,係海老天丼及及迷你天丼配稻庭烏冬。海老天丼是一道非常受歡迎的日式料理,它是由新鮮的蝦子裹上麵糊,炸至金黃色後,再配上白飯和醬汁,味道非常美味。蝦子的鮮甜與酥脆的外皮形成很好的對比,讓人一試難忘。迷你天丼是由各種食材如魚肉、蝦子、蔬菜等,裹上麵糊炸至金黃色,再配上白飯和醬汁。每一種食材都有不同的口感和味道,一口咬下來,讓人感受到豐富的層次感。稻庭烏冬麵口感細膩,輕盈可口,入口即化。搭配上清淡的湯頭和鮮美的配料,讓人感受到簡單而又美味的滋味。下次都一定會再次幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-05-05
今日先生約左朋友入屯門釣魚入去之前響葵芳等埋食個快飯先入等車場之前經過已經比呢間野吸引左朋友話平時好多人食要排隊好好睇去到唔洗排隊 可能已經過左食飯時間一入到去每人會有一隻杯杯入面有粒黑豆要自己加熱茶落去變成黑豆茶本身個人好鐘意飲茶 所以覺得ok黑豆味唔太濃既 但味道都幾特別既佢食物既款式唔太多因為個人比較鐘意食凍烏冬 所以只有一款揀因為佢其他都唔可以轉烏冬江戶前天丼佢有一個小小既前菜 係醃羅白同酸薑平時唔多食酸薑既我都覺得幾好食佢飯set有一個面鼓湯 味道正正常常 冇咩特別天婦羅真心出色👍🏻未食過咁好食既天婦羅佢炸醬唔厚 咬落去好鬆脆個人推介穴子真係好好食雖然佢炸到咁 但係都有魚味 同埋好嫰滑仲有魷魚都係超級推介 初時食到有d淋淋地 又有少少彈牙但飯既份量真係唔太多 因為佢個碗個底係平既有少少唔抵食既迷你天丼&稻庭冷烏冬如果要食烏冬既佢只有呢set可以揀但呢個set有一個細既飯加個烏冬(個人認為雖然佢叫迷你丼 但佢既份量應該同普通丼差唔多 因為佢呢個係正常既碗)呢個天丼基本除左冇魚之外都同便當一樣烏冬係真係彈牙既 但略嫌個冷烏冬汁有少少淡不過個人比較鐘意烏冬汁重Wasabi先夠味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-05-03
路過無位入左去食。幾好坐既,同朋友傾下計都系一個唔錯選擇。先系比杯入面有兩粒黑豆既茶你,一開始以為有污糟野🤣,幾特別既米茶,解油膩唔錯。叫左個咩都有D既個醃蘿蔔超好食,我勁喜歡會比盒配料自己選,我當然都有夾曬啦唔錯既食個晚食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
本身唔係好鍾意食天婦羅/炸嘢嘅人,但係朋友好想食,咁就破例試下啦,估唔到好驚喜,原來天婦羅係可以咁好食,佢唔係普通平時粉漿炸出嚟好重油膩感果啲,呢間好酥脆,似係麵包糠嗰啲(唔係好識),唔會好乾,唔係一口爆油果種,呢個係好酥脆同比較清新嘅,好邪惡,好食👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)