All Branches (5)
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16:00 - 04:00
Mon - Sun
16:00 - 04:00
Public Holiday
16:00 - 04:00
Public Holiday Eve
16:00 - 04:00
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10% Service Charge
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雞泡魚乾 燒新鮮馬友魚 燒新鮮鮑魚 川味羊肉串 燒美國珍寶蠔
Review (107)
收工最期待 Happy hour 約埋知己好友聚一聚輕輕鬆鬆飲吓野、傾下計沙田區高質居酒屋 katachi餐廳環境寬敞開揚坐位闊落有空間感桌球枱、飛鏢機、酒桌上遊戲等三五知己歡聚好地方獨家代理貴州漢台酒業全新精品醬酒 - 《漢台珍藏》推出三款精品醬酒Cocktail 酒香清醇易入喉蝶戀花 (配 鐵板牛舌+免治雞肉棒+雞翼串燒)漢台白酒有著濃郁的香氣和果香,口感醇美清甜漢茶 (配 雞軟骨+豬頸肉+豬腩肉串燒)以香港本土特色嘅凍檸茶作膽,綴以醬香味濃的漢台白酒,帶有荔枝清新甜美果香粉漢泡泡 (配 一口芝士+清酒煮蜆+翠玉瓜串燒)中國白酒作基調,配以以士多啤梨、焦糖、咖啡、牛奶及希臘乳酪口感豐富creamy 幼滑食物方面好有驚喜!食材新鮮再加上燒物火喉剛剛好,焦香惹味又唔會燒得太乾保留肉汁好juicy用嚟作佐酒小食一流推介珍寶燒蠔size 有手板咁大新鮮肥美飽滿配以香蒜鮮味惹味好滋味原條燒茄子都份量十足燒得外焦肉嫩鎖住肉汁同水份配上醬汁、木魚碎和孜然粉忍不住一口接一口仲有最愛嘅燒菠蘿作結焦香表面香甜味美大滿足沙田Katachi 新界沙田大涌橋路34-36號麗豪酒店地下7號鋪@barpacifichkofficial@katachihongkong#太平洋酒吧 # barpacifichkofficial #Katachi #香港酒吧  #香港品牌 #Happyhour  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-29
放工仲要上course,落堂梗係要去鬆一鬆啦!!橫掂響沙田,就過去麗豪酒店飲返杯!麗豪酒店樓下都有幾間食肆,呢間串燒店之前響將軍澳食過,質素都唔錯!沙田舖仲更加大,一樣有齊波枱、鏢機仲有酒game玩~不過我得兩條友,都係食同飲緊要啲!!坐低先叫兩杯moctail……Cranberry Sangria :有cranberry, Orange juice同7-up,甜甜地有少少果汁味~幾清新~仲大大杯,好解渴!!🥰😂Strawberry ginger lemonade :一入口就係ginger ale嘅辣味,好刺激!再嚟就飲到strawberry嘅香甜,佢仲有啲新鮮嘅strawberry肉,有咬口又有嘢飲,好味!嚟得串燒吧就梗係要食串燒!肉就一定要嗌上次食過嘅燒白鱔同埋鹽燒雞翼~燒得外脆內嫩好juicy,調味又啱啱好,配嘢飲一流!仲叫咗墨魚丸同台灣腸~菜部有秋葵、脆肉瓜同雞髀菇,全部都交咗少少牛油去燒所以好香亦都好juicy!串燒一定唔少得嘅就梗係燒茄子啦!佢個茄子燒得啱啱好,蒜蓉份量足夠,好惹味!!我仲嗌咗個鐵板黑椒牛舌心,估唔到佢非常軟滑,加咗黑椒好惹味!!唔想全部食熱氣嘢~就嗌咗個清酒煮蜆。份量都比想像中多,而且個清酒調味得好好,蜆亦都好飽滿,啖啖肉!!放工落嚟chill一chill~想食飽啲可以加個炒烏冬,三五知己,傾下偈~嗒返杯~人生一樂也!🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
「酒吧X🔥串燒店 ⁉️」今日同朋友去食飯輕鬆吓,揾到呢間位於萬豪酒店🏨樓下嘅特色串燒酒吧,地方都好寬敞,有齊飛鏢🎯機、桌球🎱•••適合一班friend過嚟飲酒gathering,但估唔到食物都有驚喜:🐃鐵板燒牛舌 $68鐵板上熱辣辣,牛舌非常之厚切,入面加咗大量黑椒,仲加咗大量炸蒜同埋炒菜,配菜得吸收了黑椒味道,屬於惹味之選❕🍶清酒煮蜆 $78首先蜆肉份量都好多,每一粒蜆肉質都飽滿,入口就感受到好強勁嘅清酒味同蜆肉嘅鮮甜味,味道唔錯,好快食晒!🔥🤍燒白鱔 $58白鱔勁厚肉,外皮燒得好香脆,一路食一路啲油滴出嚟,肉質就偏爽口,正!🍆原條燒茄子 $68我見過最豪華嘅茄子:茄子原條燒好大條,茄子肉煮到勁腍,上面仲有少少辣粉同埋蔥花,仲加咗好多蒜蓉,好惹味,如果減少酸味就更好食!🐔🍗燒雞翼 $32呢款雞翼加咗椒鹽一齊燒,外皮微脆入面又唔會燒到乾淨淨,入口雞肉同雞骨即刻分離,雞肉嫩滑,超美味!🐓雞軟骨 $28軟骨都幾大粒,入面仲食到雞肉唔係剩係得骨!🐓免治雞肉棒配蛋🥚$42雞肉🍗棒入面有粒粒雞軟骨,充滿口感,肉質都算嫩滑,配蛋汁食幾滋味!🤍墨魚丸 $28彈牙墨丸加咗少少燒汁,燒得幾香!🥬🫑蔬菜類別🥒翠玉瓜 $22唔會燒到完全乾身,仲食到有少少牛油味,所以燒得好比香,入面仲juicy!🌽粟米 $22同樣保留咗粟米嘅甜味,唔會燒到太乾,調味方面亦都啱啱好,yummy!🍺食串燒一定要叫啤酒 🍻Bar Pacific 太平洋海神手工啤 $68 手工啤甜感重啲帶點花香味,順滑容易入口,飲多多都OK!💚🍸Virgin mojito $58經典配搭,青檸嘅香氣配搭薄荷葉感覺清新!✨🔥串燒有驚喜,特別燒白鱔同燒雞翼都好好食,如果一班朋友過嚟玩食嘢都唔錯!σ`∀´)σ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-06
🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️收工後約埋班friend去沙田一間日式酒吧食吓串燒掟飛鏢吹吓水先😛酒吧位於酒店地下,交通方便🙆🏻‍♂️酒吧內嘅環境舒服寬敞 有唔少嘅遊戲比人任玩💃🏻🕺🏼有掟飛鏢🎯、桌球篤波🎱、仲有掟波波 🤹🏼‍♀️同朋友叫咗幾款串燒、主菜同飲品吹吓水😚😗聽住歌傾吓偈 🍻都係一個唔錯嘅體驗😝😬餐廳主要以串燒為主 分了肉類、魚類、菜類亦有部分主菜 食物方面整體唔錯 幾好味😋係一個岩一班fd 落吧 性價比高嘅地方😬🍢串燒🍢金菇肥牛卷、燒韭菜、燒雞翼、燒鱔魚、雞軟骨串 串燒燒得好香 🔥火候剛好 不會太乾身👍🏻調味較重 幾惹味 餸酒一流 🍻🔥鐵板牛舌🐮呢款菜式有驚喜🤩🤩火候控制得剛好 牛舌肉質厚身😍 而且軟腍入味 👍🏻🔥酥炸魷魚鬚🦑呢個真係餸酒 必點嘅食物🦑炸得香脆之餘 味道剛剛好 再點埋沙律醬 正😍🔥牛肉炒飯🍚食埋啲飯就飽晒肚啦😚炒飯粒粒分明 味道啱啱好 Cucumber Spiz青瓜味較重 但飲落又幾清新🍃 有七喜甜甜地 幾好飲😋 Special drink 飲到少少檸檬柚子,酸酸甜甜的味道 😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🇭🇰 Sha Tin 沙田|Katachi Bar & KushiyakiLooking for a place for happy Friday 🥳 while watching some Olympic Games? 🤺 Katachi Bar & Kushiyaki maybe is the perfect place you are looking for! 😋 Not only they have great booze 🍸 and skewers, 🍢 they also have a lot of fun arcade to play with! They have several stores around Hong Kong, there may be one just near you! 🎱 😆 Here are some of my favourites: 🐔 Minced chicken skewer with egg 🥚 First, I gotta say their presentation was awesome! 🤩 Break the egg and ta da! Thats the perfect sauce for the minced chicken (and other skewers 👀)! 🥩 Sizzling beef tongue 👅 The beef tongue was so soft to texture! On top of that, the sauce it was grilled in was so flavourful! Loved to have a bite of the beef tongue and then green onions. ♨️ Fried tofu ♨️The tofu is soaked with sauce and as you bite into it, they flood 🌊 your mouth with the favourable taste! 🤤 The texture was first crispy followed by the soft texture inside the tofu! Paradise! ✨🐟 White eel 🐟The white eel is perfectly grilled so that the skin is crispy 😚 but not burnt! I love the fish so much! 😍🍓 Strawberry-ginger Lemonade & Virgin Colada 🍍As for drinks, the former tastes sparkly 🫧 with a sweet taste of strawberry 🍓 while the latter taste refreshing with the pineapple juice! 🧃 So, the next time you are looking for a place for a game of pool, 🎱 or throw some darts, 🎯 or just for some good drinks 🍷 and food for a happy hour, give this place a try! 😄 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)