Opening Hours
16:00 - 04:00
Mon - Sun
16:00 - 04:00
Public Holiday
16:00 - 04:00
Public Holiday Eve
16:00 - 04:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♂️收工後約埋班friend去沙田一間日式酒吧食吓串燒掟飛鏢吹吓水先😛酒吧位於酒店地下,交通方便🙆🏻♂️酒吧內嘅環境舒服寬敞 有唔少嘅遊戲比人任玩💃🏻🕺🏼有掟飛鏢🎯、桌球篤波🎱、仲有掟波波 🤹🏼♀️同朋友叫咗幾款串燒、主菜同飲品吹吓水😚😗聽住歌傾吓偈 🍻都係一個唔錯嘅體驗😝😬餐廳主要以串燒為主 分了肉類、魚類、菜類亦有部分主菜 食物方面整體唔錯 幾好味😋係一個岩一班fd 落吧 性價比高嘅地方😬🍢串燒🍢金菇肥牛卷、燒韭菜、燒雞翼、燒鱔魚、雞軟骨串 串燒燒得好香 🔥火候剛好 不會太乾身👍🏻調味較重 幾惹味 餸酒一流 🍻🔥鐵板牛舌🐮呢款菜式有驚喜🤩🤩火候控制得剛好 牛舌肉質厚身😍 而且軟腍入味 👍🏻🔥酥炸魷魚鬚🦑呢個真係餸酒 必點嘅食物🦑炸得香脆之餘 味道剛剛好 再點埋沙律醬 正😍🔥牛肉炒飯🍚食埋啲飯就飽晒肚啦😚炒飯粒粒分明 味道啱啱好 Cucumber Spiz青瓜味較重 但飲落又幾清新🍃 有七喜甜甜地 幾好飲😋 Special drink 飲到少少檸檬柚子,酸酸甜甜的味道 😋
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🇭🇰 Sha Tin 沙田|Katachi Bar & KushiyakiLooking for a place for happy Friday 🥳 while watching some Olympic Games? 🤺 Katachi Bar & Kushiyaki maybe is the perfect place you are looking for! 😋 Not only they have great booze 🍸 and skewers, 🍢 they also have a lot of fun arcade to play with! They have several stores around Hong Kong, there may be one just near you! 🎱 😆 Here are some of my favourites: 🐔 Minced chicken skewer with egg 🥚 First, I gotta say their presentation was awesome! 🤩 Break the egg and ta da! Thats the perfect sauce for the minced chicken (and other skewers 👀)! 🥩 Sizzling beef tongue 👅 The beef tongue was so soft to texture! On top of that, the sauce it was grilled in was so flavourful! Loved to have a bite of the beef tongue and then green onions. ♨️ Fried tofu ♨️The tofu is soaked with sauce and as you bite into it, they flood 🌊 your mouth with the favourable taste! 🤤 The texture was first crispy followed by the soft texture inside the tofu! Paradise! ✨🐟 White eel 🐟The white eel is perfectly grilled so that the skin is crispy 😚 but not burnt! I love the fish so much! 😍🍓 Strawberry-ginger Lemonade & Virgin Colada 🍍As for drinks, the former tastes sparkly 🫧 with a sweet taste of strawberry 🍓 while the latter taste refreshing with the pineapple juice! 🧃 So, the next time you are looking for a place for a game of pool, 🎱 or throw some darts, 🎯 or just for some good drinks 🍷 and food for a happy hour, give this place a try! 😄
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傍晚時分我與家人到沙田公園和大涌橋路一帶散步,最後來到麗豪酒店地下「形」餐廳,吃串燒晚餐。餐廳主打燒烤、串燒和川菜,也是酒吧,我們沒喝酒,點選果汁代美酒!柚子汁、鳳梨汁、紅莓汁~冰凍清甜,解暑之餘,吃串燒又解膩開胃。奉送蝦條小食~豬五花腩~串燒的五花腩,表面香酥、肉質非常爽滑。燒雞翼~皮脆肉滑,吃燒及串燒怎麼可能沒有燒雞翼!免治豬肉棒配蛋~免治豬肉棒肉質十分軟滑,蘸醬汁和蛋黃吃,很特別的配搭,味道挺不錯。鐵板燒牛舌~ 今次選用牛舌的前端部分部位,這個部位肉質最嫩滑細膩,是我的最愛。燒白鱔 ~燒白鱔的特點是肉質鮮嫩酥脆,,口感鹹鮮帶微甜,它是四川民間筵席上不可或缺的經典菜品。酥炸魷魚鬚~口感香脆可口,也是一道非常美味的川菜。和風牛肉湯烏冬~這道和風牛肉湯烏冬,湯頭鮮美濃郁,牛肉軟嫩,搭配彈牙的烏冬麵,非常美味可口。豚肉炒烏冬~ 很有風味的炒烏冬,有椰菜、洋蔥伴炒,而且又不油膩,是營養均衡的家常便當菜。
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同朋友都係沙田附近住,今日搵左間日式酒吧同朋友相聚。呢到地方都幾大,有好多game,現場都見到有人掟飛鏢,另外仲有桌球等等,一定唔怕悶。食物方面係串燒類同埋日式類為主,選擇都幾多。串燒類 ~ 雞翼: 分開左D骨,所以好易去食,都係鹽味為主要調味。雞軟骨 : 好脆口,有少少鹽味為調味,岩岩好。豬頸肉 : 上面個汁我幾鐘意,個汁好似平時食到叉燒既蜜汁咁! 鐵板燒牛舌好惹味,黑椒味好重,牛舌份量好多,唔會韌,配菜都吸曬味,所以好好食。蒜蓉炒雜菜既調味好夠,但唔會偏咸,好香口。牛肉炒飯係粒粒分明,牛肉份量足夠,整體似鐵板燒食到既炒飯! 明太子玉子燒,玉子好甜,加埋面上既明太子醬,帶有少少辣味,呢個組合可以encore。Mocktails 有好多款,我地飲左Strawberry ginger lemonade,佢唔係藥水味,薑味都幾突出~ Grapefruit juice 偏酸,唔會太甜,感覺清新D,個人幾鐘意。
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上個月Halloween既時候同朋友去左依間酒吧玩🎃有別一般酒吧 依間除左飲酒 仲有特色串燒小食 居酒屋一般出色🍢仲有得玩beer pong, 掟鏢同督波 有得食有得飲有得玩😆✿ 鐵板燒牛舌 $68 ✿ 依個好有驚喜 牛舌厚身好彈牙👅✿ 酥炸魷魚鬚 $58 ✿ 非常香脆惹味 送酒一流🦑✿ 黑松露炸薯條 $58 ✿ 份量好多 好岩share食🥔✿ 厚燒玉子 $28 ✿ 甜甜地 我個人就好喜歡喇~✿ 豚肉荔枝卷 $36 ✿ 豚肉燒到迫晒d油份出黎 超甜既荔枝完美中和✿ 雞泡魚干 $68 ✿ 十分推介 燒得好香 送酒必食!至於酒方面 直接由bartender發板 兩杯都係酸酸甜甜 酒既比例好多好佛心😗
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