Exit C1/ D1, Kowloon MTR Station/ Exit B5, Austin MTR Station continue reading
A French style bakery and cafe, Le Salon De Thé de Joël Robuchon serves world class desserts and freshly baked breads. After 3:00pm, they also serve afternoon tea which is extremely popular. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best French Restaurant (2016)
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (111)
Level3 2022-06-25
之前放假去咗歎呢個好有名氣既下午茶😉我哋四個人所以叫咗兩個tea set 🥂 甜點同咸點質素平均 個人特別覺得個scone好好食 好重牛油味🧈唔會漿口 如果再熱啲會更加好食😋牛角包🥐就唔脆口 淋身 其他甜品都好精緻又唔會太甜😎飲品方面我點左杯特色熱朱古力(法芙娜66%)係十分香濃 甜度適中👍🏻Tea Tower仲會不定期轉款 環境又坐得舒服 港女打卡之選💋🙊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-02-27
前年5月中的時候攜同朋友來過此分店吃晚飯過後,便對其質素念念不忘,因而是日又攜同朋友再次光顧。餐廳是由法國廚師開業營運的,於香港和澳門共擁有五間分店。入內可率先看見其誘人的甜品、曲奇櫃,而內部裝潢則從牆壁、以至椅子、植物、碟子等裝飾均用上紅色作為主要元素,再配襯以潔白波浪紋設計的天花板,整體是甚有格調。煙燻三文魚配刁草三文治雖然三文魚口感是柔軟即化,但味道卻有少許變質的腥臭氣味,著實是不夠新鮮,而底層的麵包則是香脆正常。香煎鴨肝配焦糖蘋果給無花果醬香煎鴨肝份量細小,與其價格甚不相符。入口雖然即化,但卻沒有細嫩綿密的應有口感,而味道上雖有鴨肝原來的獨特氣味,但亦同時夾雜著一股怪味。芝士火腿黑松露通心粉通心粉亦是有所退步,雖然其芝士可以達到拉絲效果,但品嚐時卻有一股咸臭氣味,而且通心粉也是製作得過於軟腍。香烤肉眼牛扒配馬鈴薯蓉肉眼牛扒表面灑上大量黑椒點綴,令賣相甚為吸引,但與上次比較則亦是退步許多。雖然黑椒汁製作濃郁,牛扒亦有煙韌口感,但卻是毫無牛味香氣。馬鈴薯蓉相較以往也是欠缺了香濃牛油氣味。新鮮焗製瑪德蓮貝殼蛋糕貝殼蛋糕是整頓飯中比較滿意的,外層香酥爽脆,內裏鬆軟綿密,但仍然略為遜色,未夠香甜味道,而且有新鮮濃郁的檸檬清香亦甚為淡身。花式泡芙泡芙入口缺乏了應有的香脆口感,而且變得鬆散腍身,並且其內餡的吉士醬亦是毫無味道。JING 伯爵茶使用茶包炮製的伯爵茶飲用時獨特清新,帶有茶味,但此品牌是比較清淡的。總結而言,餐廳裝潢高雅大氣,環境舒適放鬆,菜餚賣相精緻,但味道質素和用料上皆大有退步,需要為此作出改善調整。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-02-03
疫情前去過東京六本木店,令人念念不忘。無得去日本,年初一去幫襯香港店啦。午餐時段入座率大約4-5成,待應禮貌帶入座。我地四人order 了4個set lunch , $4xx for 3-course or 4-course lunch set. 但如要牛柳或羊扒另要加$1xx , 好似比平日貴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-01-23
✨La gaufre à la mangue et sorbet mandarine窩夫 薄身 只係微脆 但食落都幾香 芒果香甜 忌廉厚身有奶香柑橘雪葩 味道酸甜 密度高 冰感重窩夫係敗筆位 如果可以脆啲就更好✨ La mangue芒果新地份量都幾多 幾大杯芒果雪糕香甜軟滑 柑橘雪葩酸甜清香熱情果啫喱清香彈牙 芒果慕斯香滑仲有一層脆餅碎 配埋芒果醬同開心果碎層次口感都好豐富 味道清新✨Café Latte咖啡香濃 奶泡厚身密度高溫度夠熱 唔錯食物唔錯 環境正常 擺枱都算幾密 客人多嘅時候都幾嘈 但坐得尚算舒服服務正常稱不上好以呢個價位黎講有好大進步空間價錢可以 以品牌同地點黎計係合理但以食物環境服務黎講 唔算好值呢個價 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
It was a weekday during my annual leave and I went for afternoon tea alone. The afternoon tea for 1 person usually is much more expensive compared to 2 person set(almost $50 more expensive per head). However, here the price is only costs only an extra $9 per head so I decided to come here. I really love their rose strawberry jam here. It was fragrant without being artificial. The croissant despite being mini size still maintained a flaky consistency. The scones were just a tad cooler than I hoped for but still good overall.The desserts were all great and I loved how there is a different combination of flavors in the whole afternoon tea set so it won't become too flat by the last desert.However, I was really surprised by their savories. The shrimp despite being so small still had a very spring texture. The small slice of honey dew melon was really juicy and combined well with the flavor of the turkey.The tomato gazpacho was definitely my favorite. The gazpacho and its flavors burst and filled your mouth with the tomatoes' tarty and refreshing flavors. Who would have thought such a small piece would have such a punch?The price overall is a bit more expensive than your usual "high tea" but definitely worth the price. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)