Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Diners enjoy savouring an evening cocktail at the Lobster Bar and Grill, which showcases an innovative dining menu and a vibrant social ambience. The bar features live performances six nights a week. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 00:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 00:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 01:00
11:45 - 15:30
18:30 - 00:00
*Live Music: Tue - Sat: 20:30-00:15 Sun: 12:30-15:15
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Country Terrine
Pickled Sardine
Signature Dishes
Lobster and Seafood Platter Lobster Bisque Boston Lobster Beef Wellington for two
Review (159)
Level4 2024-12-21
如果問大家星期一至日,最喜歡那一日?苗子會答星期日,感覺特別悠閒,尤其能在日光充沛的時候,一邊享受陽光,一邊吃著美味的食物,實在非常寫意。Lobster Bar and Grill就是其中一間苗子非常愛到的餐廳,環境舒適,光線充足之外,食物水準都非常好,加上還有現場表演,綜合以上種種,就是苗子心目中的理想地。 就在上個月,突然心血來潮下,隨即相約友人去吃逢週日才供應的Sunday Roast Menu,目的就是吃那份美味的Roast Beef。Menu上雖然只是三道菜,但實際上頭盤已可幻化成七款之多,分別有Cocktail Prawn、Country Terrine、Tomato Salad、Beetroot Salad、Mini Lobster Bisque、Pickled Sardine及Raw Oyster,全部都以Family Sharing 形式來分享。每款頭盤都做得各有特式,當中有令人驚艷回味的Country Terrine及Beetroot Salad,也有必試的龍蝦濃湯,份量都是小小一件或一杯,否則就真的吃不下主菜了。 頭盤的份量確實不少,但也要記著留下位置去吃美味的主菜。主菜有幾款可選,除了Roast Beef外,還有招牌的原隻波士頓龍蝦、時令烤魚、香烤豬扒及羊架等等,但此行是為了吃Roast Beef,所以也不作他選。 然而,Roast Beef的份量的確驚人,足有吋半之厚,估計有12-14安士之多,配藥還附有Yorkshire Pudding、Duck Fat Roasted Potatoes、Honey-Glazed Carrots及Cauliflower Cheese等。味道方面,Roast Beef外側滿佈香草兼略帶焦香,甚為香口,內裡則是柔軟嫩紅的肉質,吃起來肉味香濃又富含豐富肉汁。尤其是吃到近脂肪的部位,更是香口不膩,連上肉汁及約克郡布甸一起吃,真是非常美味。 吃罷主菜,肚子也差點被撐破,誰不知還有共三件分別是Banoffee Pie、Triple Chocolate Mud Pie及Yuzu Pie的甜品,雖然每件看上去都很美味,但也只能吃上少許,始終胃口有限,否則自己一定獨享那件喜愛的香蕉奶油批。 這個Brunch還可追加Free Flow Package,可按喜好在VC、Ruinart及Krug之中選擇,當然價錢有別。若然享用香檳Package的話,還可享用其他餐酒及指定雞尾酒。可是,苗子後來才發現有Sparkling Tea供應,即時點來暢飲,開心又興奮。 不知是否對Lobster Bar and Grill有種情意結,每次來到都感到非常滿意,而且也是百吃不厭的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-19
這天午餐相約上好友密密斟!地點當然要選舒適又不趕客的餐廳,所以酒店絕對是我們的最佳選擇。港島工作的好友選了Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong內的Lobster Bar,我們選了酒吧區用膳環境非常Chill可以慢慢傾和吃非常舒服。餐廳四道菜的精選午市套餐收費為$698/位!當中包括了頭盤、湯、主菜及甜品非常豐富,頭盤前侍應先送來熱騰騰的麵包籃,塗上厚厚的香軟牛油真的非常迷人。頭盤我選了烤焗紅菜頭配蘿蔔!清甜的紅菜頭和蘿蔔吃下感覺實在健康,再加上黑莓、水芥菜和辣根忌廉襯托成件事清爽無負擔。是日湯品呈獻冰涼的西班牙番茄凍湯,但我被餐廳名物法式龍蝦湯(另加$108)勾引著!端來時由靚仔侍應席前才淋上熱騰騰的龍蝦湯好養眼呢。橙紅色的龍蝦湯賣相和香味也俱佳,呷一口湯質地順滑味道濃而不俗,配上啖啖鮮嫩龍蝦肉真的銷魂,質素份量也非常好這百多元絕對值得付出。主菜我選了充滿Omega-3的香煎三文魚,魚皮煎得如薯片般脆口鹹香惹味粉紅色的魚肉嫰滑多汁,伴菜有炒馬鈴薯、青口、蘿蔔、豌豆及蠶豆飽肚感十足,超喜歡充滿香草味的羅勒白汁跟三文魚特別相夾。甜品選了法式布丁蛋糕配西梅及新鮮忌廉,這個結合蛋糕和布丁質感的蛋糕好可口,再配襯酸香的西梅餡再伴上香滑忌廉,這個組合真的邪惡到流淚啊。最後還送上精緻的小蛋糕,加一杯靚茶或咖啡享用最美妙。Lobster Bar的四道菜的午餐質素挺高,尤其喜歡那美味的龍蝦湯,相信我絕對會為了它再來捧場。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-14
很美味,特別要推介藍龍蝦(鮮味十足)、蟹餅(啖啖蟹肉)同Cote De Beef(雖然二人份量,但三人食都可以,牛肉嫩滑、軟身、味道一流,要大讚)。要讚一讚侍應們,介紹的紅酒、白酒都好啱口味,夠專業。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-05
Booked 12:15…. Only 4 tables booked til 2pm… so we all enjoyed a relaxed fine dining experience! Staffs are nice! Food ok … not outstanding ….吞拿魚非常鮮甜 推介 !提前要求西冷不要太硬 所以選了3-4 成熟 嫩口 !魯是多配酥皮湯 非常吸晴 甜品都好味 但以高級食府來說 沒有特別驚喜 普通西式甜品款式 味道不錯 Appetizers: Tuna ceviche, grapefruitSpring salad ,,fennel , asparagus , green peaMain Beef sirloin cap -cabbage, Brussels sprout, , Juslberian pork tenderloin- corn, chicharron, Justoothfish - Puff, fennel, bouillabaisseDesserts Strawberry Eton MessRhubarb Panna Cotta Chocolate molten Cake continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-26
Cocktail at Lobster BarIt’s my first time here and I ordered a cocktail with a spirit base that I haven’t tried before, which is rum. Rum, not Rhum, as it is made of molasses and not freshly pressed sugarcane juice. I intially thought it was just another British and American English spelling variation, lol.El Presidente is composed of Havana Club 3 years as its spirit base, with Mancino Secco Vermouth, Liquor N4, homemade grenadine syrup and essentia lime, which is sprayed into the drink.For a novice drinker like me, it was pretty strong and fragrant, as it is laced with liquor and liqueur. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to order another one, so if I don’t, I’m coming back here for the another drink. Lobster Bar is a nice after-work bar, which is great, because I just got off work and headed straight here. The ambience is quite relaxing and I was able to enjoy my drink at peace. Its layout is elongated and narrow, compared to that of Argo and St. Regis Bar. It deserves to be on the Top 10 Bars here in HK and I’m definitely be coming back here for another drink. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)